Check it out.

Lazerthegreat said:
Hahahahah! :) I love this forum...

By the WAY: I do have a Girl Friend

Good luck with your endeavors EspressoJoy!!! :)

Hey ExpressoJoy:

Now that Lazer confess he has a girlfriend. Maybe you and me..... :D
EspressoJoy said:
P.S. Samir, I said "from macho cultures"...America is not like that. And you are exaggarating, looking is OK. Nasty comments, abusing your subordinates at work, not getting paid the same - is not. One of the main reasons I like it here,.

Faaar from true my dear lady. When I say 'looking' I mean meaningful looking which means that she should know that I am sending a message ;)

Now the problem is that they don't care about the message unless they are the ones who are transmitters. Got it? We have no chance unless women want it.
ASSYLLEE, let's not get vulgar, please. No need for that.

Samir darling, hate to tell ya, that has been the case EVERYWHERE and ALWAYS. :p

Btw, I can just see this becoming an internet dating forum for desperados like us...who need a shoulder to cry on (this in response to Lazer's question)