Case transfered in MIAMI !!!

Card received

Yesterday, I got the best b-day present in the past years, my card arrived in the mail :D :D . No LUD on my welcome notice (I-181) nor message changed from your card has been ordered or mailed, but it finally arrived!! Now I am keeping my fingerss crossed for my hubbie and all of you guys!! BTW, the card comes from TX, I guess at some point they transfer your file back to the Svc center for wrap-up.

Thanks Ghebauer for all your kind words of encouragement! Please let us know if there is any update in yr. case.

curiousGeorge said:
Any news on the inquiry?

Hi curiousGeorge ,

No news ..... yet !!! There are almost 60 days since my PD became current ( from Visa Buletin info ), and they still do not bother to look at my case !!! My fingerprints expired allready long time ago , allmost 24 months since the last FP were taken !!!! We did a second inquery again , and we plan to do that allmost every week !!! Hopefully they will get tired of these inquieries, and they wake up !!! If i'll get any news soon , i'll keep you posted !!!
Thanks again for your concern and great support on this forum , and i'll continue to pray , for all of the cases remaining here and for all the people on this forum , to get over this ordeal !!!
I'll stay put and soon the response is coming , i'll let everybody know about !!!

Best Regards ,

AJVM said:
Yesterday, I got the best b-day present in the past years, my card arrived in the mail :D :D . No LUD on my welcome notice (I-181) nor message changed from your card has been ordered or mailed, but it finally arrived!! Now I am keeping my fingerss crossed for my hubbie and all of you guys!! BTW, the card comes from TX, I guess at some point they transfer your file back to the Svc center for wrap-up.

Thanks Ghebauer for all your kind words of encouragement! Please let us know if there is any update in yr. case.


Thanks again for your wished , and i'm very glad to see that you passed this long ordeal !! By the way , HAPPY B-DAY ;) and enjoy your freedom and good luck in your future !!! Don't forget to continue to stay with us here and exchange your thoughts and experience !!! I'll continue also to keep posted everybody here , once i have any news on my case !!!

All the best wishes !!!

Ghebauer - any news??


Any news? Did your attorney get any response for the inquiries? Have you thought about an infopass appointment? I am keeping my fingers crossed. :eek:

BTW: Thanks for your B-day wishes :) . I got a late present which was my hubbie welcome notice, we are pretty much done.
Hi AJVM and curiousGeorge ,

I did not received any answer yet from Miami office !!! Last week we did the third inquiery , and we'll wait until the end of the Oct. to see there is any news coming !!! If not , probably we'll file a lawsuit against them !!! The time passed (999 days!!!- as per aplication mentioned) , the fingerprints expired ( >24 months since the last FP) , and these guys just refuse to responde !!!
Hopefully they answer this time , soon , let see !!!
I'll keep you informed about this !!!

All the best wishes to all !!!


Keep the pressure on these guys. They are not doing you a favor by delaying your case. The only way to get them to move is to keep nagging them, faxes, letters to Mrs Bush, congressmen, senators, letters to the Miami district director, the AILA liason, and even visiting repeatedly in person, demand to speak to the supervisor, or someone that can actually do something.

I had a friend that gave them the benefit of the doubt for years. Once he got fed up and finally got a congressman involved, he found out his file was simply "misplaced". Things started to move after that. The lesson here is, don't sit back. Badger them!
Hi AJVM and curiousGeorge ,

I did not received any answer yet from Miami office !!! Last week we did the third inquiery , and we'll wait until the end of the Oct. to see there is any news coming !!! If not , probably we'll file a lawsuit against them !!! The time passed (999 days!!!- as per aplication mentioned) , the fingerprints expired ( >24 months since the last FP) , and these guys just refuse to responde !!!
Hopefully they answer this time , soon , let see !!!
I'll keep you informed about this !!!

All the best wishes to all !!!



Hi there Ghebauer,

I am so sorry, you still haven't heard anything.. I keep checking on you, hoping to hear a good news one day. I understand, it probably won't help much to know, but Miami Office never replied to my inquiries either.. I sent several of them since my case got transfered and never heard a word from them. After I moved to a new address, I actually made an INFOPASS appointment every month to make sure it got corrected and also to inquire about any changes in my case. They never told me anything that made sense. I hear a lot of people getting successful results with law suites, so maybe it's the way to go.. Either way, I wish you to finally get this resolved!!! Hang on there and remember it will be over one day! Take care,

At last NC is cleared after 2.5 yrs

Today I came to know that my NC is cleared after a long time.The infopass lady told me to wait 60 to 180 days to know the out come of my pending application. Can some body explain what will happen next, will the files be transferred back to TSC ???? or does the approval comes from Dallas Dist office ????

NC initiated on APR 15 2004
NC Cleared on SEP 29 2006

Details in signature.
Writ of Mandamus may work


What about writ of mandamus? I read about it somewhere in this forum and apparently it works, since you might be considering suing them, it doesn't hurt to ask your attorney.

The congressman letters, as stated by CuriousGeorge, sound like a good idea also, keep pushing them, they have to come up with an answer.

I keep my fingers crossed :)

Have a wonderful day!
Another step ....let's see from now on !!!

Hi guys ,

Thanks again for your replies and info provided here !!!
I just got out of the phone with USCIS , using the POJ trick , because i was worried about the case i have with them !!! As i told you before , no response from Miami office yet , with so many inquieries made !!! For Miami , you don't need any appointments anymore , they tell you there where is the address to go to make the inquieries , when you try do do the infopass (website)!!!
But i decide to call USCIS again today , they took a lot of info from me about my case , no info provided about the name check or security check , and they confirmed that my case it is "out of processing time" , and they provided me a Ref. No. about the inquiery they will send to Miami Office , and i should receive an answer from them within the next 30 days , if not i have to call them back again after the 30 days period !!! Hopefully , now i will find out what's happening with my case !!!
Soon as i get any answers , i will continue to keep in touch with you guys , and hopefully this will provide some info for all the people in the same situation as mine !!!

God Bless !!!

All the best wishes to all of us !!!


I'm not sure if anyone can use the following information, but I suppose in desperation, it may come in handy. Here are some phone numbers for the Miami District office:


Wallis, Robert A., District Director (305) 762-3680
Bulger, John, Deputy District Director (305) 762-3680
Miami District Office FAX No. (305) 536-7978
Waldroup, George, M., Ass. Dist. Dir. Ext. Aff. (305) 762-3680
External Affairs FAX No (305) 536-7978
Spearman, James, Ass. Dist. Dir. Inv. (305) 762-3510
West, William, Deputy Ass. Dir. Inv. (305) 762-3510
Investigation FAX No (305) 536-4275
Garafano, Jack, Assistant District Director, Inspec (305) 762-3464
Inspections FAX No (305) 530-7990
Frederick, Leroy, ADD/Detention & Deportation (305) 762-3622
Vara, Daniel, District Counsel (305) 762-3559
Shackles, Jack M. Jr., Deputy\ADD Adjudications (305) 762-3650
Adjudications FAX No. (305) 536-4157
Endler, Martha, Assistant District Director Management (305) 762-3420
Stubbs, Ed, OIC Krome (305) 552-1845
OIC Krome Fax No (305) 530-7070

Neufeld, Donald, Assistant District Director, Exam (305) 762-3464
Miami Exams FAX No. (305) 536-4157

The other numbers are here:
Hi amerikanka , AJVM and curiousGeorge ,

Thank you all for your suport and info provided here !!! I will use everything what you suggested here , and i'll let you know what's going on with my case , as soon i will receive an answer !!! Thanks again and i'll continue to keep in touch with you all !!! It looks that i'm the last of the mohicans here in this thread , and hopefully they will get to my case too !!!

Best wishes to you all !!!

why they transfer your cases to Miami office? Are you all live near Miami?
I live in Orlando. Will my case be transferred to Miami or Orlando if they decided to do so. Thanks!
forxp said:
why they transfer your cases to Miami office?
Most of our cases were transferred for random checks. The other possible reason is that the adjudicating officer at the service center decided (s)he needed more information, and that this information should be disclosed in person, rather than just an RFE. This often happens if the applicant was a convicted felon that served his time in prison. (with a good lawyer, even this is excusable in some cases) Others were transferred probably because the service center was trying to reduce thier workload and speed up the processing times. (I beleive I was transferred for this last reason)

forxp said:
Are you all live near Miami?

forxp said:
I live in Orlando. Will my case be transferred to Miami or Orlando if they decided to do so. Thanks!
Your case should be transferred to the Orlando Sub Office, not the Miami District Office. It would be an unfortunate mistake if your case was transferred to Miami, and you would have to drive 4 hours just to get an interview.

Keep in mind that very few cases are transferred to the local office. I hope yours will not be transferred.
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Thanks for the info. It seem transfer to local office will mostly likely delay the process. Got to wait for another 60 days for the file's arrival. and then scheduling. Don't know how long I have to wait this time? :confused:

Most likely, for me case, it is because of 3 time fingerprints rejection. I thought police clearance should be sufficient. If not, why don't they just transfer. They just asked me sent the police clearance two months ago. :mad:
forxp said:
Got to wait for another 60 days for the file's arrival.
From reading your other posts, sounds like you already got your card without a transfer to the local office. Congrats.
hi Guys ,

Until today , no answer from these guys ...!!! :confused:
I've did everything posible , contact everybody , congressman , CS , infopass , aplied for the 4th EAD also , and still no response from these guys !!!
What do you think ... i should start WOM now , i'm just dissapointed with these guys !!! ( at infopass they told me that they cannot find my i485 aplication , they are not sure that was transfered - after 2 years since was TX to local office !!!), and 3 years since I485 was received = out of processing time , and FP expired ( last FP on 11/04 )!!!

Please advise , any imput will be apreciated here !!!

Greatfully ,
My case was tranferred to Tampa . The notice mentioned something about this being a standard part of processing.