Case transfered in MIAMI !!!

amerikanka ...

Hei amerikanka !!!
How are you doing ???
Did you made any improvements with the docs you need it ???
I wish you the best at the interview , and keep in touch !!!

Also can you tell me what is your PD date ??? Mine is 10/18/01 , and i hope that probably it will be up on the next August Visa Buletin !!!

I'll wait to hear from you !!!
Hey ghebauer!

I'm doing fine, trying to stay calm before my interview on Thursday.. My PD is 06/18/01, exactly 4 months before yours, it looks like. As for supporting docs, after looking again and again at my appointment letter, I saw that only the last item is typed in bold, so it looks like, all they want me to bring is state ID. Of course, I am bringing a lot more, everything I have - quite a big binder after all these years, just in case. But I decided not to worry about bringing financial documents for my new employer. I have employment letter and recent paystubs from them, and I do not think their financial docs should be an issue, as it is a major university. I still do not think I can get this info easily anyways. Well, wish me luck.. I'll share my experience with you, when I come back to my senses after this interview.. :) Hope all is well and we both get our greencards soon! We surely waited long enough for them! Talk later,

Amerikanka - ALL THE BEST WISHES !!!

Dear amerikanka ,
I just want to wish you GOOD LUCK at your interviu , and i'll pray for you to pass with good news after your interviu !!! GOD will be with you allways , so be strong , calm and smile because your time is coming to pass this long waiting step , for your dreams to become reality !!! KEEP FAITH and your wishes will be coming on your way soon !!!
I'll pray to GOD for you , for me , and for everybody else into same situation like ours !!!
GOD it's UP there and is watching over all of us !!!
Hi Ghebauer,

Thank you for your kind words! I wish you the same, all the dreams to come true very soon!..

Well, I went for my interview today in Miami Office. Everybody was very curtious and polite. My appointment was at 11:00AM, I arrived around 9:30AM and it was too early. The officer at the door told me (very nicely) that they let people in approximately 30 min before the interview. We were prepared for that (we left the car at the parking meter across the street). My fiance came with me for support and we did not know if he'll be able to get in the building. I think they might have thought he was my husband and has to come in for the interview with me, for they did not mind at all. We went for a short drive, walked on the beach and came back at about 10:15am. We parked behind the building at $10.00 all day flat rate parking lot. We went in no problem. By the way, you can't bring any kind of camera, not even in your cell phone. We knew that and left our phone with the camera in the car. We saw couple people in front of us had to go back to their car. We took the elevator to the 8th floor, there was already about 15 people waiting. There is not that many chairs, so couple of people were standing. I put my interview notice in the bin at the window, some lady picked it up in few minutes. I waited for about an hour before they called me in. The whole interview was a mere formality it seemed like. I was out in ten minutes. The officer asked me to raise my right hand and to swear to say only truth. Then he asked for my employment letter. I handed it to him, saying I recently changed the jobs. He looked at it and read it, but he didn't seem to have a problem. He asked for my paystubs, I handed them to him (last 3 months). He asked my date and place of birth, name of my mother, if I was ever arrested. He said he wanted to take my fingerprints, took my signature. I thought at that moment that my green card is probably going to be approved today. I asked him if he wanted my new photographs (I had them with me). He said it would be great. Then he said that my namecheck is still pending and it is the only reason he can't issue my greencard at the moment. I asked if it means my case is basically approved, he said, everything looks good except for missing security check. He asked me again if I was ever arrested. He said, he'll inquire about my namecheck within next couple of days and once he gets result, I should be getting my green card in the mail. I told him my employment authorisation is expiring in October, should I file for renewal. He said, yes. He also gave me his direct phone number to call in about a month and check on my case. I was surprised at that. This is my story. All in all, not sure how to feel about it. There is still waiting, no green card for me yet. I was glad, they did not ask me any serious questions, it all seemed just like a formality. Now I just have to hope, I'll get my namecheck done and green card in the mail before visas become unavailable. Anyways, I'll let you know if I hear anything else. I wish you good luck and hear from them soon! Take care,


Having been there myself, I can only tell you that your situation is kind of bad, but not that bad. It would have been nice if you would have gotten your approval. But here is the GREAT NEWS about your case. Your officer was kind enough to give you his direct number. That's the greatest silver-lining in your case, that many people including me didn't get at the time of our interviews. Despite asking for a direct number, my officer refused to give the same.

So, cheer-up. You are all set. Don't frustrate the officer by calling frequently. But call after 1 month. After that, try calling him once again after a fortnight and so on and so-forth.

Good luck.
amerikanka said:
Hi Ghebauer,

Thank you for your kind words! I wish you the same, all the dreams to come true very soon!..

Well, I went for my interview today in Miami Office. Everybody was very curtious and polite. My appointment was at 11:00AM, I arrived around 9:30AM and it was too early. The officer at the door told me (very nicely) that they let people in approximately 30 min before the interview. We were prepared for that (we left the car at the parking meter across the street). My fiance came with me for support and we did not know if he'll be able to get in the building. I think they might have thought he was my husband and has to come in for the interview with me, for they did not mind at all. We went for a short drive, walked on the beach and came back at about 10:15am. We parked behind the building at $10.00 all day flat rate parking lot. We went in no problem. By the way, you can't bring any kind of camera, not even in your cell phone. We knew that and left our phone with the camera in the car. We saw couple people in front of us had to go back to their car. We took the elevator to the 8th floor, there was already about 15 people waiting. There is not that many chairs, so couple of people were standing. I put my interview notice in the bin at the window, some lady picked it up in few minutes. I waited for about an hour before they called me in. The whole interview was a mere formality it seemed like. I was out in ten minutes. The officer asked me to raise my right hand and to swear to say only truth. Then he asked for my employment letter. I handed it to him, saying I recently changed the jobs. He looked at it and read it, but he didn't seem to have a problem. He asked for my paystubs, I handed them to him (last 3 months). He asked my date and place of birth, name of my mother, if I was ever arrested. He said he wanted to take my fingerprints, took my signature. I thought at that moment that my green card is probably going to be approved today. I asked him if he wanted my new photographs (I had them with me). He said it would be great. Then he said that my namecheck is still pending and it is the only reason he can't issue my greencard at the moment. I asked if it means my case is basically approved, he said, everything looks good except for missing security check. He asked me again if I was ever arrested. He said, he'll inquire about my namecheck within next couple of days and once he gets result, I should be getting my green card in the mail. I told him my employment authorisation is expiring in October, should I file for renewal. He said, yes. He also gave me his direct phone number to call in about a month and check on my case. I was surprised at that. This is my story. All in all, not sure how to feel about it. There is still waiting, no green card for me yet. I was glad, they did not ask me any serious questions, it all seemed just like a formality. Now I just have to hope, I'll get my namecheck done and green card in the mail before visas become unavailable. Anyways, I'll let you know if I hear anything else. I wish you good luck and hear from them soon! Take care,


Hi amerikanka ,

I'm happy to hear that everything was going well for you , and i think that your case is like aproved allready !!!
Just do what the officer said , and wait , maibe you'll get your card soon , before the month expire !!! Maibe the name check is the only reason why they didn't aproved it right away , but you did the fingerprints , signature , pictures , and if their inquiry for your record comes OK , i do not see any problems on your case !!! I think that you'll see an aproval e-mail soon from them !!!
Just stay put , think positive , and you'll see that all will be OK for you !!!
Thanks again for the info you gave me , and i hope that they will call me soon too !!!
I'll continue to keep in touch with you about my status too , if something comes along !!!
CONGRATULATIONS and prepare a big party , i think that you desire that , after this long wait !!!
ALL THE BEST WISHES and HAPPY FREEDOM , wich will come soon !!!

Hi amerikanka ,

Just wondering , did you had any FP code 3 taken before the interviu (i think that must trigger the name check status too) ???
Mine are expired , long time ago , and i had no answer from Miami's Office since the case was transfered to them !!! When i've called USCIS, they told me that they are still waiting for the name check status , and also that Miami Office will send me an appointment by the end of May , wich never apearred !!! Anyway , at the begining of next month i'm gonna take an infopass , to see what the heck they are doing there !!!
Maibe in your case now , the USCIS will ask for this name check status , and will hear from them soon !!! I hope so , for your help in this final step , because its the time for you to get over this !!!

Good luck again and keep in touch !!!

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Hi there Ghebauer,

I did in fact had to do fingerprints - I got a fingerprints letter together with my appointment letter (about 3 weeks I think before the interview). I went for fingerprints the very next day. I am not sure what code they were. I knew that fingerprints expire after 18 months, but is this the same for the name check? I do not have clear understanding of this name check process. Anyways, I will wait and call the officer in about a month. Hopefully, there will be some results by then. I will keep in touch. I wish you to get your letter soon as well and get a green card at the time of the interview! Please keep me posted too and share your experiences. Take care and best of luck to you!

amerikanka said:
Hi there Ghebauer,

I did in fact had to do fingerprints - I got a fingerprints letter together with my appointment letter (about 3 weeks I think before the interview). I went for fingerprints the very next day. I am not sure what code they were. I knew that fingerprints expire after 18 months, but is this the same for the name check? I do not have clear understanding of this name check process. Anyways, I will wait and call the officer in about a month. Hopefully, there will be some results by then. I will keep in touch. I wish you to get your letter soon as well and get a green card at the time of the interview! Please keep me posted too and share your experiences. Take care and best of luck to you!


Hi amerikanka ,

Thanks again for your response and for this info !!!
I think that you'll be OK , and you'll get a response soon , before the month is done , so you do not have to call them anymore !!!
Did your LUD change during this time ??? Probably you'll see this change soon , and you'll get your aproval letter or magic email too !!!
Just keep hope , you'll be all right !!!

Best Wishes !!!

Hi amerikanka ,

Thanks again for your response and for this info !!!
I think that you'll be OK , and you'll get a response soon , before the month is done , so you do not have to call them anymore !!!
Did your LUD change during this time ??? Probably you'll see this change soon , and you'll get your aproval letter or magic email too !!!
Just keep hope , you'll be all right !!!

Best Wishes !!!


Hi ghebauer,

My last I-485 LUD status change was in Dec 2004 - when my AOS application was transfered to Miami office. I don't think they update it once it's in local office. At least I did not have any updates. The only emails I got since then, are emails confirming change of expired password ..

Best regards,
amerikanka said:
Hi ghebauer,

My last I-485 LUD status change was in Dec 2004 - when my AOS application was transfered to Miami office. I don't think they update it once it's in local office. At least I did not have any updates. The only emails I got since then, are emails confirming change of expired password ..

Best regards,

Hi amerikanka ,

Thanks again , my messages are the same since was transfered too !!!
Also i did change my passport wich was expired , but i want you to tell me on thing : we have to notify them for this passport change , or is not necessary ???
I don't know nothing about this matter !!!

Best Wishes ,
I don't think they care if you changed the passport.. My passport is actually expired and I was not going to renew it yet as I am not planning travelling at the time. They did not even care much that I changed jobs and didn't notify them (my new position is almost the same as the old one though)... They just read the employment letter and verified the pay (I think with the labor certification). Anyways, don't worry and good luck with your interview soon!

amerikanka said:
I don't think they care if you changed the passport.. My passport is actually expired and I was not going to renew it yet as I am not planning travelling at the time. They did not even care much that I changed jobs and didn't notify them (my new position is almost the same as the old one though)... They just read the employment letter and verified the pay (I think with the labor certification). Anyways, don't worry and good luck with your interview soon!


Hi amerikanka,

Thanks again for your info , and i'll try to prepare my case with all the papers as you said that you did , and hopefully everything will be OK at the interviu !!! I'm gonna wait to receive the letters from them , and i'll let you know if i have any news !!!
Thanks again for everything , and we'll keep in touch !!!


Its been 3 weeks since your interview. Have you given the officer a call to see whats up?

Your description of your interview reminded me of my interview in 11/2004. That waiting room really is small, and lacking in the number of chairs. Memories....

Hopefully your name check will come through soon.
Hi amerikanka ,

How you doin' ??? Did you received any news ???
Just hang in there , is comming soon !!!
I wish you all the best , and keep in touch !!!
We all are with you in these moments of waiting , and i hope that you'll get your answer soon !!!

Best Wishes and regards ,

Hey amerikanka ,

How are you doing ??? Still hanging in there ???
Did you call the oficer ??? Did you got any answer from them ???

Keep in touch , and BEST WISHES !!!

Hi there guys,

Nope, there is nothing new. I called and the answer is still the same - namecheck is pending, have to wait till it's done. The officer confirmed it was started in 2004, although did not tell me exact date. He said, they did send another request to FBI after the interview, of course, I have no proof it is true. As I thought, looks like this phone number thing is useless. All I can do is wait. Unless, I want to go to the court, which I am not inclined to do now. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

Hello guys. good news.

I just came from my interview. I could not get approval because of the visa bulletin. for some reason it went a couple of years behind. but well, the lady told me that everything was correct and all i have to do is wait. this was in miami, the first appointment that i had was canceled because my files werent at that office so they game me a new appointmetn for today.. I am so happy right now.

this was a family case, my mother was the petitioner.
amerikanka said:
Hi there guys,

Nope, there is nothing new. I called and the answer is still the same - namecheck is pending, have to wait till it's done. The officer confirmed it was started in 2004, although did not tell me exact date. He said, they did send another request to FBI after the interview, of course, I have no proof it is true. As I thought, looks like this phone number thing is useless. All I can do is wait. Unless, I want to go to the court, which I am not inclined to do now. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.


Hi amerikanka ,

Hang in there , do not loose hope !!! Will come soon !!! I'm with you on this !!!

Good luck and i hope that you'll get over this very soon !!!

Regards ,
