carrying g.card

It appears that he did present facts, however, the politically correct lobby killed the bill. Congrats!

How would you deal with the problem of illegal immigration? Please don't tell me it's not a problem.
ysolong said:
It appears that he did present facts, however, the politically correct lobby killed the bill. Congrats!

It Appears??? Strong rebuttal ysolong. Way to go!!! Your debating skills have been elevated to an all-time high.

By your same logic and evidence-gathering skills, IT APPEARS to me that you are a bona-fide nutcase who should be institutionalized as soon as possible.

You cannot win an argument by saying IT APPEARS!!!

Why don't you list these so-called apparent facts that your beloved congressman so adequately presented?

IT APPEARS that you have shed all traces of logic and reasoning.
Your posts are uninformed. Your language skills are poor. We need to ignore your posts and give you some time to hone your language skills and improve your knowledge.
Correct yourselves.....
Illegals are "TAKEN" to hosiptal eventually
Supremecy and prosperity brought by "Illegal Immigrants", brains and skills of illegals utilized and materilized voice raised.
Check history, only ship-travel tickets were legal documents.
who pays for the health costs

The state or county pays for health costs only of US citizens and eligible legal immigrants (in MN) (5 years from getting green card). New immigrants over 65 can't even buy medicare coverage until they have lived here for 5 years. Regarding unpaid hospital bills, the tab is picked up by the hospitals, the doctors and other service providers. It is not common to have 10% of a specialists income/dues written off (ie debt is sold for 2 to 5 cents in the dollar to debt collection agencies) as unrecoverable. This talk of tax payers footing the bill is BS. The real issue is the increasing number of people without health coverage. This problem will continue to grow until health insurance is affordable. Radio talk show hosts continue to grind on this myth of illegals draining funds and a lot of suckers buy this line.

Regarding illegal immigration - I think overall it has benefited the US farm industry and provided for affordable home help for a lot of families. 9/11 has clouded the issue. In the long term the only thing that will stop it is improved living standards in the countries from where people come illegally - be it Canada or Mexico. Incidentally UK was one of the largest sources of illegal immigration in Australia, but Radio talk show hosts generally picked up on Indonesians and Chinese for reasons similar to Ysolongs :)
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You don't need to carry the GC card all the time.

uscis says:

Permanent Resident Card

"... The card must be in your possession at all times. While that does not require that you have on your person at all times, it does require that you have a currently valid card and that you know where it is and can show it to an immigration officer, if requested. ...."

See lot of misleading posts here about this issue.
schandrag, are you the old english grammar queen? my english is pretty good. you, however, strike me as somewhat provincial.

i agree with your analysis of the reasons for illegal immigration. however, illegal immigration it's breaking the law. your view is skewed if you belief otherwise.

news flash.......
the u.s. immigration service is currently cracking down on illegal immigrats and their employers in the greater l.a. area. guys, when you see the green bus, you better run.............

are you splitting hairs over terminology. Or did you go to the library and research in the "critical thinking" section. Dude, don't split hairs over the word "appears"

The point was, a member of congress introduced a legitimate bill that was shot down by liberal clowns like you.

Oh can't even vote. I forgot.
ysolong said:

are you splitting hairs over terminology. Or did you go to the library and research in the "critical thinking" section. Dude, don't split hairs over the word "appears"

The point was, a member of congress introduced a legitimate bill that was shot down by liberal clowns like you.

Oh can't even vote. I forgot.

So, he introduced a legitimate bill as opposed to an illegitimate bill?
Dude, I don't need to go to the library to shoot down your so called rebuttals. Even a 10 yr old could point out the fallicy in your arguments without batting an eye....

How do you know whether or not I can vote? And even if I couldn't, it doesn't mean I lack the judgement (or right) to see right from wrong.

You chose the legal immigration route because, and here's the key phrase here, you had the luxury to do so.... If it was a choice between struggling for your every meal in your native country (moron-ville) or becoming an illegal immigrant here and not having to fight for your basic needs, I can GUARANTEE you would choose the latter. And that's what a lot of illegal immigrants do.

None of them want to leave their familiies and move here illegally, but it is the only way they can SURVIVE.

Like someone else mentioned here, are you willing to give up some of your wealth to help this illegal immigrant survive in his/her home country? And if so, think back on how many times you have actually donated your wealth to do so.... Actually, don't answer this question, because a worthless fool like yourself can never do good for anyone besides himself.

I don't need to go to the library to research *critical thinking*. Its something I acquired through my human upbringing and years of education and social living. I guess you missed attaining all three in moron-ville.

I go back to my old observation about you. You are a racist, not against one particular race, but against all of humanity. Your counter-points are shallow, misguided and idiotic at best, and evil at worst. Your solipsistic and narcissistic philosophy will be your undoing.

How's that for ***splitting hair*** monkey boy???
gb111, you old camel doctor......

None of you "super humanitarians" who acquired your skewed "critical thinking" skills through "human upbringing, has answered the most basic questions:

1. Is illegal immigration breaking the law?

2. Is it America's right to clamp down on undocumented aliens?

3. Is poverty a waiver to break the law?

Have a great weekend in your humanitarian dream world.
p.s. Are you going to have your LEXUS washed and scrubbed by some illegal this weekend?

I'll have my lawn cut by one of them canadians. At least they speak english or french.
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ysolong said:
I'll have my lawn cut by one of them canadians. At least they speak english or french.

There you go again, exposing your RACIST TENDENCIES.
Why is english or french so superior to any other language (say, spanish or german, or urdu, or hindi, or japanese)?

Its interesting you say that poverty does not give someone the right to break the law. Does it give them a right to FREE MEDICAL HELP? What if a poor person broke his leg? Should we not help mend it? Wait, don't answer, you have already spewed your opinions on this topic.

Have you ever skipped a meal in your life? You are a fat, racist pig. Hey, you made assumptions about me (not being able to vote), so I'm going to make an assumption about you: You are a spoilt, racist, fat pig who is more more concerned about protecting his own wealth rather than providing basic human necessities to others who were less fortunate than you....

p.s. I can speak English and French and 3 other languages. Does that qualify me to piss all over your lawn?
ysolong said:
1. Is illegal immigration breaking the law?

2. Is it America's right to clamp down on undocumented aliens?

3. Is poverty a waiver to break the law?

The answers to 1-3 = NO.

According to your posting above, it is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS NOT BREAKING THE LAW AND IT IS NOT America's right to clamp down on undocumented aliens.

See, you just made my own point, since you said that the answers to 1-3 is a categorical NO.

Why don't you read your own questions and your own reply?
Goes to show that pig-headed mules like you can't make a decent argument without contradicting themselves....
gb111, what are you talking about?

FREE medical help is not a right.

See, this is how it works. Doctor gb111 treats undocumented aliens for free. This gives him a great ego boost. Now, to make up for it, he bills his legal customers until they are blue in the face. You hypocrite! Guys like you talk out of both corners of your crooked mouth.

Why don't you go and treat all people for free, you bozo?

Well, buy the way I like Urdu, Farsi, Hebrew, Hindi........ Remember, I am a world citzen who loves America first. :)
ysolong said:
Well, buy the way I like Urdu, Farsi, Hebrew, Hindi........ Remember, I am a world citzen who loves America first. :)

I'll leave that for the other forum members to judge....

Have a good weekend everyone. I'm going to go out and have a couple of drinks and wash off ysolong's racist and fascist BS outta my skin!!!
rg585 said:
What I have done is scanned it and printed it with the exact same size, both back and front, then laminted it so it has all the information. I only carry the original with me when I leave the country, if not, I just carry the laminated copy and so far, no problems.

It's illegal to photocopy any government document in color without govt permission - dollar bills, DL, social security card, green card whatever you can think of. If you scan and print your GC and try to make it like real, I think that falls info "illegal" category too.
For same reason, SSA asks not to laminate social security card, because once you laimnate it, it's difficult to figure out if the card is real or fake.
Thanks Pralay, Was not aware of that rule. All I was doing is trying to protect my original. Have you read this information on some web site? I am aware of not laminating the SSN card.
rg585 said:
Thanks Pralay, Was not aware of that rule. All I was doing is trying to protect my original. Have you read this information on some web site? I am aware of not laminating the SSN card.

I am not sure there is any information in web. Try to search in web. probably there will be some written rule somewhere. It's generally common knowledge that you are not supposed to make color photocopy any govt document that is provided to you. If you go to any photocopy store and ask them to do color photocopy your DL or social secuiry card, they will decline to do that.
If you want to keep a scanned copy of your GC, always keep in black-and-white form.
JoeF said:
That is not quite true. It is illegal if you have the intent of fraud. It is legal to copy even money in color, e.g., for artistic purposes.

That makes more sense. If I am carrying a laminated color copy of my Plastic Card, and I tell them that the original is at home, I do not see any problem as long as I can provide the original if requested.
And yes, I am aware that we need to carry our Permanent Resident Cards with us at all times, but I just dont want to go thru the trouble if I ever lose my wallet. Credit Cards and Driver's License are much easier to replace.
JoeF said:
That is not quite true. It is illegal if you have the intent of fraud. It is legal to copy even money in color, e.g., for artistic purposes.

Well, as far I know you cannot "create" dollar bills exactly in actual size - not even for artistic purpose. If you do photocopy in original size, that falls into same category. That's the reason all the fake dollars you get in gift shops are either visibly larger or visibly smaller in size. However, In Europe I have seen some gift shops selling fake dollar bills in actual size (replacing president's picture with porno picture :) ).

See this site, I got from Google:
pralay said:
Well, as far I know you cannot "create" dollar bills exactly in actual size - not even for artistic purpose. If you do photocopy in original size, that falls into same category. That's the reason all the fake dollars you get in gift shops are either visibly larger or visibly smaller in size. However, In Europe I have seen some gift shops selling fake dollar bills in actual size (replacing president's picture with porno picture :) ).

See this site, I got from Google:

Yes, the relevant US law code is: Title 18, Section 474 U.S.C.