ysolong said:
Police state? No thanks. Laws enforced? Yes.
Millions earn a little bit of money? Millions cost us a little bit of money. Each child in the LA unified school system costs the tax payer +/- 7000 per year. This includes undocumented children as well.
You know that INS is deporting children on a daily basis? Is this wrong. Again, I don't think so. Break the law -- your family, even your children must pay the price.
I wonder if you would be willing to do all the crappy, low-paying jobs that these undocumented workers perform for the upkeep of your living conveniences.
Do you know how many small businesses would fail if they can't hire illegal immigrants to do low-pay/low-reward jobs?
Do you know that this would break the backbone of the economy and deprive you of all the luxuries you so shamelessly covet in this country?
Like JoeF mentioned, these illegal immigrants contribute more than you do to the chugging along of the economy in this country.
Which is why lawmakers often turn a blind eye to these undocumented workers, since they help maintain the status quo.
And yes, some of them do mow the lawns of jack*#&$ like you for a pittance. How would you like to pay someone $100 to mow your lawn?
And then, they turn around and inject their meagre earnings back into the economy (you do know that consumer spending is the very foundation of economic growth).
Your narrow-minded arguments are not worthy of debate. Not everything is black or white. Frankly, no one can win this debate. For the most part, illegal immigrants contribute to the upkeep of society as much as any legal immigrant.
Does that mean that the U.S. should open its borders to immigrants without any restrictions? Of course not! And no one is saying that.
But you have latched onto one negative and blown it out of proportion. Do kids of illegals cost the school system in L.A.? Sure! But their parents contribute equally.
I'm sure you'd want to deport the kids and keep their parents around to do the crappy jobs no one wants. You are a racist, not against one particular ethnic group, but against humanity in general. Which leads me to my final logical conclusion, that you can't be human. But you can type, so maybe, just maybe, you are one step lower on the food chain.
Hello, monkey boy!!!