carrying g.card

You also call Latinos who support Mr. Rohrabacher's bill racist. Nobody has blamed those who take advantage of what is given to them. Ironically, Mr Red Herring, I am certianly not a racist. My closest co-worker is Mexican. He is amused by politically correct clowns like you who don't want to face reality.

I love Latinos and their culture. However, I also love the constituation of this land.

Don't take it personal but you exposed yourself as an ignorant liberal.

"If you are young and not a liberal you have no heart. When you are old and not a conservative -- you don't have a brain."
You sound like a former Canadian politician who likes to deconstruct reality.


Considering you are a "former politician" you do an awful lot of name calling.

Come on over......I am looking for a leagal Canadian to cut my grass this weekend
ysolong said:
You sound like a former Canadian politician who likes to deconstruct reality.


Considering you are a "former politician" you do an awful lot of name calling.

Come on over......I am looking for a leagal Canadian to cut my grass this weekend

WOW! I guess the honeymoon is over between you two, eh? :D

I didn't think this would be possible, but here I am, agreeing with JoeF.

ysolong, from an earlier posting of yours where you claimed (proudly?) to not fit the profile of an immigrant (white, slight/no accent, etc.), you identified yourself as someone who encourages racial profiling.

You sound like a big proponent of legal immigration, but I bet you have subdivisions in that category as well. What's the next step? Make sure no asians/indians/latinos or people of other colors be denied legal immigration avenues just on the basis of their skin color? I bet you'd be a big proponent of that bill....

So one of your closest co-workers is a latino, eh? Kudos to you man.... Do you bestow upon him/her the privileges that you do upon your other white co-workers? The fact that you identify him as a latino in this so-called point you make here shows your true feelings about this.

Let me ask you this, if you want to deny health care to all illegal immigrants, what would you say we do to a sick 2-yr old old who happens to be a child of an illegal immigrant? Make her walk the plank off the Gulf of Mexico? Or maybe be more humanitarian and ship the kid off somewhere where she becomes someone else's problem.

Its not political correctness but humanity, something you apparently lack in spirit and soul.

You think illegal immigrants are to blame for the lack of health care for so many citizens/legals? Or maybe you think our tax dollars are better spent waging a just war in Iraq? <insert sarcastic guffaw here>

So instead of asking someone to apologize to all legal immigrants on this forum, maybe you should apologize to every non-white person you see from now until eternity.

I'm truly sorry that you don't fit the profile of an illegal.
Joe F you are right.
Ysolong. My best frined is soa nd so that was/is the classic defense of closet antizemites " my best friend is a jew" Having a mexican as your best friend does not absolve you of prjudice against the group as a whole.
You guys can all come over and cut my grass. :)

Joe, you called me a racist for supporting a bill that was introduced by a U.S. Congressman. I think laws should be changed to prevent abuse of the system. Sure, the 2 year old should get treatment. However, his undocumented parents should not be here illegally in the first place. Why don't you address this issue?

Secondly, you guys fail to undertand that illegal immigration undermines the legal process and the laws of the land. It undermines the very thing this forum is all about -- legal immigration.

Again, JoeF I caught you at your own game -- name calling. Between you and me -- I think your are a BOZO without a life -- that's why you have posted 4,000 and some messages.......

A couple of weeks ago you let this poor guy have it over nothing.....You were right on the issue but you lack a little humility.

For the rest of the viewers, those who are still open minded, I suggest you start counting the zeros in the 1 Billion that is wasted on medical bills of undocumented aliens.

I appologize to all Canadians that are reading this. They are the real victims :) Fortunately, Canadians have a good sense of humor about themselves -- they can take it. Unlike BozoF the former, European politician who calls people who disagree with him racist.

BozoF I'll be watching your comments. Everytime you get cocky -- I'll be your conscience.

Have a nice weekend.
Dear JoeF

I appears Rohrabacher is honorable citizen who is concerned abuot his legal constituents. Some of which have served in the Armed Forces of this country to protect the constitution and right of its citizens.

Re: the 2 year old in need. I answered to a statement made earlier.

Maybe you should volunteer your services and your ethics to those who bleed and circumnavigate this system.

JoeF, read this carefully: The facts are that 10s of thousands of illegals fill our prisons, educational institutions, hospital emergency rooms nationwide.
Note: I didn't say Latinos -- however ,I'm sure you make an illogical inference.

Don't quote the INA to people -- You are a intellectually dishonest hypocrite disgused as a humanitarian.

I disagree with you because you have a pro-illegal agenda. People with common sense don't waist their time reading pro-illegal arguments because they are falacious through and through. Moreover, they defy the LAW. Yes, your beloved INA.
I'll read the book. Thanks for the recommendation.

I believe people must go, not should, through the legal system. You defend those who bypass it. I can tell that I am rerking your liberal chain. However, you know that illegals have legally no right to anything -- since they have no responsibilities.

Do I blame them for coming to America. A categorical NO. I would come too.
You obviously will disagree with this: I believe it's time to put the National Guard at the border, seal it, and develop a long term plan for the future of those who are here already.

I am opposed to grandfathering millions into the system. Remember, they broke the law to begin with. You also know what this means for the backlog.

I know what to with those who become public burden (i.e. inmates). One way ticket to their home land. That's no racist, that' justice. Let their tax payer take care of them. How is this racist again? Please explain since we are not singling out one ethnic group.

Instead of calling names you should focus on content. I am looking forward to hearing form you on the following issues -- of course only if you want to respond --:

1. How do you justify millions of undocumented aliens being a burden on this society? ( The majority is Latino)

2. Why is it racist to speak out against those people?
Police state? No thanks. Laws enforced? Yes.

Millions earn a little bit of money? Millions cost us a little bit of money. Each child in the LA unified school system costs the tax payer +/- 7000 per year. This includes undocumented children as well.

You know that INS is deporting children on a daily basis? Is this wrong. Again, I don't think so. Break the law -- your family, even your children must pay the price.
ysolong said:
Police state? No thanks. Laws enforced? Yes.

Millions earn a little bit of money? Millions cost us a little bit of money. Each child in the LA unified school system costs the tax payer +/- 7000 per year. This includes undocumented children as well.

You know that INS is deporting children on a daily basis? Is this wrong. Again, I don't think so. Break the law -- your family, even your children must pay the price.


I wonder if you would be willing to do all the crappy, low-paying jobs that these undocumented workers perform for the upkeep of your living conveniences.

Do you know how many small businesses would fail if they can't hire illegal immigrants to do low-pay/low-reward jobs?

Do you know that this would break the backbone of the economy and deprive you of all the luxuries you so shamelessly covet in this country?

Like JoeF mentioned, these illegal immigrants contribute more than you do to the chugging along of the economy in this country.

Which is why lawmakers often turn a blind eye to these undocumented workers, since they help maintain the status quo.

And yes, some of them do mow the lawns of jack*#&$ like you for a pittance. How would you like to pay someone $100 to mow your lawn?

And then, they turn around and inject their meagre earnings back into the economy (you do know that consumer spending is the very foundation of economic growth).

Your narrow-minded arguments are not worthy of debate. Not everything is black or white. Frankly, no one can win this debate. For the most part, illegal immigrants contribute to the upkeep of society as much as any legal immigrant.

Does that mean that the U.S. should open its borders to immigrants without any restrictions? Of course not! And no one is saying that.

But you have latched onto one negative and blown it out of proportion. Do kids of illegals cost the school system in L.A.? Sure! But their parents contribute equally.

I'm sure you'd want to deport the kids and keep their parents around to do the crappy jobs no one wants. You are a racist, not against one particular ethnic group, but against humanity in general. Which leads me to my final logical conclusion, that you can't be human. But you can type, so maybe, just maybe, you are one step lower on the food chain.

Hello, monkey boy!!!
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Crappy jobs? You are right about the crappy jobs. Legal people, like those coasting generations on welfare, should be made to work those.

I am very familiar with what is going on in LAUSD. Let me tell you that illegal immigration is not helping the situation.

You, humanitarians in disguise, maybe you like a cast system. I don't. I wouldn't mind paying more for the oranges at the market if it feeds U.S. citzens or LPRs.

You like to benefit from the "poor undocumented" cutting your grass. I'd rather pay several dollars more to employ some poor American who also desperatly tries to feed his familia.

Let's have all reservists (all branches) serve 1 week per year at the border to the south. They'd do their country a great fovor. End of story and problem solved.
To the north, we'll just have JoeF and GreenBugger1111 scare them off with their big heads and liberal retoric. :)

People beware, for everyone who disagrees with JoeF "hasn't thought it through..." Your former political opponents in your homecountry are still laughing their heads off when they think of you. Who voted for you????

JoeF, The spin ends here! ;)
ysolong said:
Let's have all reservists (all branches) serve 1 week per year at the border to the south. They'd do their country a great fovor. End of story and problem solved.
To the north, we'll just have JoeF and GreenBugger1111 scare them off with their big heads and liberal retoric. :)
JoeF, The spin ends here! ;)

Oooh! Namecalling. Good stuff, monkey boy!!!

End of story?!!?! Seriously, how naive are you? As for your comment about "lets make the people on welfare do it," you can't legally make people do anything they don't want to do. That's what freedom and democracy is all about. Or didn't you read that in the constitution? You do quote it voraciously in your postings. JoeF was right, you do want a police state.

Send the reservists to the border and make the people on welfare do the crappy jobs while you sit there on your pig-headed rear and make it all happen?!!??! I say you run for governor.....

Just like any law, it must first start as a bill. I tell ya, I am highly disappointed that Rohrabachers bill was voted down.

You are right. You can't make welfare people do anything. I am supportive of legislation that would cutt their benefits if they are UNWILLING to work.

Your "police state" terminology sounds like midless liberal chatter. Securing our borders is of utmost importance. We have hunderets of thousand soldiers sitting around in barracks -- they might as well sit at the border and secure it. I am not sure what makes that a police state?

If you'd be willing to share what country you are from? I would be interested to know. You seem to carry some baggage with you. You must not have been very successful in politics with this retoric.

I am willing to discuss this with you in serious manner. I know we will disagree, however, maybe we'll both learn something here.
Europe is certainly better off without you. :)

However, you're a real perk in this forum. Help us, please enlighten us with your wisdom, the fruits of your studies. It's my personal opinion versus yours.
Unfortunately, you are in the business of attacking people personally. Hence, you are a pseudo intellectual who likes to throw our big, fat, red herrings.

I opt to terminate this discussion.

As always, you can have the last word, my humble liberal mentor......

Best regards,


You are definitely a racist - that I could make out from your old posts and 'canadianism' crap. Take a break - spend some time with yourself. Try to find out if you can make any difference in their blood? BTW did you donate blood in name of humanity(or pro-america, if you feel that identification makes your stand better) when 9/11 happened? Have you ever been to a poorer section's dwelling - tried helping them out(I am talking about poor areas in USA). Did you ever try to help drug addicts in any southern state(I saw one of your post about North and South stuff - for me helping someone in NC gives the same feeling as one in NY - even if someone is temporarily part of this society.).

For you I have one more line:

Quitters never win, and winners never quit, but those who never quit and never win are idiots.

Hope your kids will not be ashamed of you and will not remember you as a racist. If you like Beatles - listen to "Imagine" - very nice number.
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Jahrk...and JoeF,

Could it be that you guys are the same person, complimenting yourself. It'd make sense. You guys total 5000 plus, pseudo intellectual posts. Joef and Jahrk the fart are one and the same dude. You and your split personality are the Red Herring Gang.

Go and find Yourself :)

p.s. Joef, was Jahrky one of your "constituents" in your former life????

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! I've got to stop, this is too funny............
ysolong said:
Jahrk...and JoeF,

Could it be that you guys are the same person, complimenting yourself. It'd make sense. You guys total 5000 plus, pseudo intellectual posts. Joef and Jahrk the fart are one and the same dude. You and your split personality are the Red Herring Gang.

Go and find Yourself :)

p.s. Joef, was Jahrky one of your "constituents" in your former life????

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! I've got to stop, this is too funny............

ysolong you have been following me and JoeF in other thread too - I have come out of my own killfile! :D Go and seek help of a psychologist - joker. :D You are a comical character - please post your picture - people who are waiting for GC will have a good laugh. :D

Let me tell you something more - some people have a sense of humor - your sense is humor in itself. :D
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I knew it. JoeF has multiple accounts so that he can compliment himself.
Jahrk and Joef are the same person. Yikes!!!!!!

It's funny that anti-illegal immigration equates to anti-immigrant in mind -- Because you (singular) can't connect the dots it's not worth appealing to your comman sense.

Remember, 1 BILLION dollars in medical fees alone. Quit arguing with that.

Instead, why don't you mentor people on how to circumnavigate the system? (Hint: You can use your intimate knowledge of the INA)

You ought to appologize to the people on this forum. Some have hoped, prayed, and payed thousands of $$$$ for years and years to get through the legal system. THE LEGAL WAY!! You defend those who bypass it and clogg it up.

JoeF, "Rarely go to the hospital?" How do you know that? Mr. Rohrabacher presented the facts. 1 Billion dollars per year.

Jahrk, you compare me to a terrorist. Maybe you should buy a dictionary on allusions. Might me helpful if you want to continue to insult people. Frankly, I don't care
ysolong said:
JoeF, "Rarely go to the hospital?" How do you know that? Mr. Rohrabacher presented the facts. 1 Billion dollars per year.

Jahrk, you compare me to a terrorist. Maybe you should buy a dictionary on allusions. Might me helpful if you want to continue to insult people. Frankly, I don't care
I did not compare. I equated racist of one kind to another kind - parasite of one type to another. I never insulted you - you insulted yourself and your creator/parents/near and dear ones by being racist and you never realised it. If racism is not an insult what could possibly be an insult for you? :D

Feel free to ignore me - I would appreciate your gesture. I think your mentor (whom you respect by calling names) is good enough for you to show what you are!

P.S. If me and JoeF are same and you are convinced - why do you refer us(you read me) separately? :) See for your equated clan - everyone is identical.
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