carrying g.card

Assuming that you just got your GC, did you carry your EAD or H1b with you all the time ? I am not aware of any law which mandates people to carry proof of them being legal immigrants.
Yes, you have to carry your GC as proof of your LPR status all the time.


If you do it or not is your business. If you get caught you are facing a misdemeanor charge.
Isn't it risky to carry it all the time, given the long waiting period for a replacement card if you lose it. ? Would a carrying a copy suffice instead?
I have been carrying only a copy? so far I have not been asked to show my card . Under what circustances would one actually have to produce the card (other than entering the US)
What I have done is scanned it and printed it with the exact same size, both back and front, then laminted it so it has all the information. I only carry the original with me when I leave the country, if not, I just carry the laminated copy and so far, no problems.
JoeF, I agree
If you get caught with something that looks like a FAKE GC you'll go before a judge.

If you're to "scared" to carry your GC simply write down your A # and put it in your wallet.

I only carry my A #. I live in L.A. where I certainly don't fit the profile of an undocumented immigrant, so I am fine with carrying my A#, just in case someone wants know. If a government official should want to see it -- I have it at home. I am comfortable with that.

But again, the law states you should carry the original on you at all times.

There you go............
Canadians eh? I didn't know that. Well, I might just start carrying that GC with me.

Doesn't a valid driver's licence establish some type of legal presence? I know it's not an immigration document, however, in order to obtain a licence you must present legal status docs to the DMV, right?

If someone asks for id, they usually ask for a valid state id. Isn't it unlawful, i.e. LA county sheriff, to ask about ones immigration status. You know, due to issues of racial profiling? I heard they can get in trouble for doing that.

Myth or truth?
A driver’s license does not convey proof of legal status. Someone on an H1 visa could lose his/her job and still have a valid license. However, you are right. When encountering law enforcement authorities chances are you’ll only be asked for a driver’s license. In border states (California, Texas etc.) it’s probably a particularly good idea to carry your PR card at all times.

I wouldn’t be surprised if California prohibits state/local law enforcement authorities from demanding proof of immigration status, but I’m not familiar with the state law there. I live in the state of Washington. Immigration raids are very rare here, and the odds of bumping into a CIS officer is slim to none (we are actually a border state, but the specter of Canadian hordes crossing the border doesn’t seem to rile the locals  ).. I don’t carry my card with me unless I’m going out of state or on an overnight trip. Remember, the law still requires you to do so. Not doing so is still a risk no matter how small.

My point is this. If you speak English without an accent, you don't fit the profile of a undocumented alien, chances are slim to none that anyone will ever ask you for anything. PERIOD.

I know what the law states regarding carrying the GC. Howver, the question pops up again and angain because most people don't want to loose their card, understandable in light of what they went through to get it. Even though you can apply for a replacement. They don't want to take a day off, pay money, wait for the card to be processed (note it takes between 2-8 months).

Anyways, who gives a flying fart in space anyhow.......?
Interesting. Latinos in Southern Cal presumed to be undocumented
There are many latinos in the southwest who have lived on the land for generations, there ancestors were there before their land was incorporated into the US. So much for presumptions
Well, but who makes up most of the undocumented people in this land????
The Irish? No dude, LATINOS. It's not profiling it's a hard fact.
Are you arguing that Latinos are not the majority? You are in denial dude.
Canadians are working the fields outside of Bakersfield, they also occupy much of Los Angeles, Canadians have huge lobby groups pushing for legalization of millions of illegal Canadians.........

I don't care about political correctness. I also live in LA ..... and it ain't Canadians who are killing the public health system in So. Cal.

You're intellectually dishonest. I understand that undocumented aliens suck funding for our LA county hospitals dry. That's a fact.
This has nothing to do with being anti immigration or anti anything. Those are just hard fact.
Your emotional charge, "Unlike you, I know alot of hard working latinos" is nothing but a red herring.

Come on! I know alot of latinos who are professionals who feel the way I do.

Think about this (I know it will hurt) But people like you like to obscure the obvious.

I am anti ILLEGAL immigration. I'd love to discuss it with you......

You, of course, will have the final words of wisdom.
Mr. Rohrabacher (R-CA) from Orange county proposed a bill to slash health benefits to undocumented aliens. It costs Californians about 1 BILLION TAX DOLLARS per year. Of course, it didn't pass the house. But what's a billion $ anyways.......wait maybe we could do something for LEGAL RESIDENTS including U.S. citizens with our hard earned money?????

It's HR.....go and search the record yourself ( and get your facts straight ;)

I must say you are a intellectually dishonest.
Remember, living here without docs. is breaking the law. You lecture people from the INA on a daily basis. You know, that's ironic and intellectually dishonest. Dishonest because you are the "Red Herring King" yourself. If you cant see that your reasoning is falacious -- I question your IQ.

Sleep well.

re: ethical requirements
Why don't people have their ethical requirements met in their home country?

Joef what do you say when somebody asks you:
"Where do I go to hire a bunch of undocumented Canadians to do some yard work for me this weekend?"

JoeF's answer: "They are the second largest group of undocumented aliens in this country -- keep your eyes open -- someday you might spot one!" :)

Keep giving the facts Joe, It's entertaining. :) :) :)
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