can my wife revoke my green card?


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this is an long story but let me make it short. i get my 10 year green card about 1 year ago. and i went back to my country on jan,2009 and back in fed 2009 find out that my wife was cheting on me so i want to divorce with her, now she is acting up and call me yeatday that she has call the lawer and will let the USCIS know that she will cancal my green card? can she do this?

by the way, she also will let the police officer , court and USCIS know that i was threaten to her ( we were having brannigan so we were threaten to each other ).
P.S we been marry for about 4 year and we have one 4 years old boy.
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You got your conditions removed, there's absolutely nothing she can do to take away your GC.
no, when i got the green card it was an 10 year green card.
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no, when i got the green card i was an 10 year green card.

That's probably because you were married for two years or more when you filed for your green card. Either way, don't feel intimidated by her empty threats. If you're still feeling paranoid, then go and preemptively hire yourself a lawyer.
Theoretically she can do something that may prompt USCIS to take the OP's GC away, but she too will be in trouble. She can admit that she took part in a sham marriage for money.

You got your conditions removed, there's absolutely nothing she can do to take away your GC.
Married 4 years and you have a 4 year old child!!?? I think you have nothing to worry about. Sham marriages do not usually produce children nor do they last this long. I think any officer can look at this and realize that she's doing this out of spite and throw that case out. Since she cheated on you, try to gather some evidence of that, should she actually carry through with her threats. But again, if I were you, I wouldn't even stress.
this is an long story but let me make it short. i get my 10 year green card about 1 year ago. and i went back to my country on jan,2009 and back in fed 2009 find out that my wife was cheting on me so i want to divorce with her, now she is acting up and call me yeatday that she has call the lawer and will let the USCIS know that she will cancal my green card? can she do this?

by the way, she also will let the police officer , court and USCIS know that i was threaten to her ( we were having brannigan so we were threaten to each other ).
P.S we been marry for about 4 year and we have one 4 years old boy.

If you have a 10 year green card, with or without any kid, then there is nothing your wife could do to cancel/revoke it. Period. Of course, she could attempt to do it, but she won't be succeed unless your marriage is a sham and she has some convincing proofs to prove it like something in writing from you or on the tape about you saying that you married her just to obtain a green card. If she doesn't have these kinds of proofs, then she can make as much noises as she wants, but nobody is going to listen to her, trust me. Millions of US citizens have tried this once their marriage failed but no-one was able to be succeed without those kinds of convincing proofs. Her words or something from her friends/family cannot use to prove an immigration fraud....afterall USCIS would need to prove their case in immigration court when they will try to revoke and deport an alien.

I'm more than sure that she (and even her attorney, friends, or family) will try to scare you and will tell you this and that but they don't even know themselves that INS will not listen to them and won't act at all without a convincing proof. Like I say, they don't even know this. So obviously, they will tell you all the nine yards to keep an upper hand but the truth is they cannot make your green card to be revoked. Period.

So, don't worry at all about your wife to have making empty threats in respect to revoking your green card. However, I must advise you to completely cut all the connection with your wife like no phone call no matter how important it would be for you to talk with her, no seeing her and move out the marital house as soon as possible. Why? Because if you don't do what I say here then I'm sure she will call police and/or get a restraining order on you...sooner or later. Every court across the US always gives a restraining order to a woman...99.99% of times even if there won't be any finding of domestic violence crime/allegations. If she ever gets to court to ask for a restraining order against you then it's a done-deal that she would get the restraining order. Trust me on that. And once she gets a restraining order then you will ALWAYS be on her mercy to not to deported. Why? She can always make a false claim that you violated the restraining order which I'm sure she will do just that given she has already been threatenning you for revoking your green card and other stuffs. Besides, people always do whatever they could when they are angry or scorned.

Once you are found in violation of restraining order then you are done. Meaning, not only your green card would get revoked and you will be deported but also you can never be allowed back to the US in any category except refugee/asylum case. Again, violation of a restraining order is done-deal deportatable crime under INA sec. 237

Thus, it's very important for you not to communicate with her so that she could not claim anything to get a restraining order; otherwise you will be responsible for your own mistakes...

Good luck...
she also will let the police officer , court and USCIS know that i was threaten to her ( we were having brannigan so we were threaten to each other ).

is this an crime?
she also will let the police officer , court and USCIS know that i was threaten to her ( we were having brannigan so we were threaten to each other ).

is this an crime?

Making a threat to hurt/injure someone is a crime. Thereby, if you did make a threat to her life then you could most probably be convicted in a criminal court if she chooses to file a charge against you (and not just talking about it) and if she could be able to prove it or if you admit to making a threat to her. However, she can definately be able to get a restraining order (which is also known as Protective Order) even if she will be unable to prove it and you deny making any threat to her. This restraining order could be the biggest problem and a sure way to get you deported for lifetime. Though having a restaining order in itself is not a problem but a violation of a restaining order will indeed be a done-deal deportation for you (and for any legal permanent resident). And as I said earlier that I'm sure that your wife will use the restraining order (if she gets that one) to deport you by making a false complaint that you have violated the restraining order given the fact what she is doing to you so far.

We (immigration attorneys) always advice our clients to completely cut off all the ties with their spouse whenever US Citizen-spouse (most probably wife) threats to do something because having a continuing contact of any kind with the US citizen-spouse in that situation will give the opportunity to US citizen-spouse to file a complaint for a Restraining Order on false allegations which could cause a big trouble for legal permanent residents and also a possible deportation. Also, having a restraining order will also cause difficulties in obtaining jobs and rental, it will come up during the naturalization time under background check. Thus, your main priority should be not allowing her any opportunity to have a restraining order against you; otherwise risk will always be there for you.

Good luck...
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Making a threat to hurt/injure someone is a crime. Thereby, if you did make a threat to her life then you could most probably be convicted in a criminal court if she chooses to file a charge against you (and not just talking about it) and if she could be able to prove it or if you admit to making a threat to her. However, she can definately be able to get a restraining order (which is also known as Protective Order) even if she will be unable to prove it and you deny making any threat to her. This restraining order could be the biggest problem and a sure way to get you deported for lifetime. Though having a restaining order in itself is not a problem but a violation of a restaining order will indeed be a done-deal deportation for you (and for any legal permanent resident). And as I said earlier that I'm sure that your wife will use the restraining order (if she gets that one) to deport you by making a false complaint that you have violated the restraining order given the fact what she is doing to you so far.

We (immigration attorneys) always advice our clients to completely cut off all the ties with their spouse whenever US Citizen-spouse (most probably wife) threats to do something because having a continuing contact of any kind with the US citizen-spouse in that situation will give the opportunity to US citizen-spouse to file a complaint for a Restraining Order on false allegations which could cause a big trouble for legal permanent residents and also a possible deportation. Also, having a restraining order will also cause difficulties in obtaining jobs and rental, it will come up during the naturalization time under background check. Thus, your main priority should be not allowing her any opportunity to have a restraining order against you; otherwise risk will always be there for you.

Good luck...

Johny cash---
I have read several of ur post please clearify how the order of protection will come up during the naturalization and background check...r u meaning if the order is violated or the order itself will be seen in the background check?