Calling all applicants filed b/f current JIT: time to act! E-Mail Camaign - Ocean #14

List of Participants as of 7/10/2004

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. asdffdsa
  2. ruxrux
  3. kashmir
  4. greenback
  5. east2west
  6. Who cares
  7. mango_pickle
  8. Hibuddies
  9. KKJ
  10. kadamtal
  11. howlong2000
  12. ruiyu25
  13. theWarrior
  14. pinnacle_man
  15. leeee
  16. yuk1200
  17. timesa
  18. please_be_fair

7 More Participants to Meet the Target !!

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.

Also, don't forget Fax/E-Mail Campaign #15.

kashmir said:
Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. asdffdsa
  2. ruxrux
  3. kashmir
  4. greenback
  5. east2west
  6. Who cares
  7. mango_pickle
  8. Hibuddies
  9. KKJ
  10. kadamtal
  11. howlong2000
  12. ruiyu25
  13. theWarrior
  14. pinnacle_man
  15. leeee
  16. yuk1200
  17. timesa
  18. please_be_fair

7 More Participants to Meet the Target !!

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.

Also, don't forget Fax/E-Mail Campaign #15.
67 WAC04 approvals, even May-2004 cases

According to Project Kashmir 2, the CSC has already approved 67 WAC-04 I-485 cases, including 6 cases filed in May 2004.
The latest one WAC-04-152 was filed on 5/5/2004 (ND) and approved on 7/2/2004.
List of Participants as of 7/11/2004

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. asdffdsa
  2. ruxrux
  3. kashmir
  4. greenback
  5. east2west
  6. Who cares
  7. mango_pickle
  8. Hibuddies
  9. KKJ
  10. kadamtal
  11. howlong2000
  12. ruiyu25
  13. theWarrior
  14. pinnacle_man
  15. leeee
  16. yuk1200
  17. timesa
  18. please_be_fair
  19. koolkat

6 More Participants to Meet the Target !!

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.

Also, don't forget Fax/E-Mail Campaign #15.
kashmir said:
According to Project Kashmir 2, the CSC has already approved 67 WAC-04 I-485 cases, including 6 cases filed in May 2004.
The latest one WAC-04-152 was filed on 5/5/2004 (ND) and approved on 7/2/2004.
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Congratulations !!

I-485 process at the CSC is not an issue any more for most of this forum members.
I am pleased that most of this forum mebers are happy with the current I-485 process at the CSC.
I can cancell all my campaigns about I-485 processing delay at the CSC.
Good luck.
It's not over

kashmir said:
I-485 process at the CSC is not an issue any more for most of this forum members.
I am pleased that most of this forum mebers are happy with the current I-485 process at the CSC.
I can cancell all my campaigns about I-485 processing delay at the CSC.
Good luck.

It's still a problem for people like ruxrux, Mango_pickle and me. I sent my e-mail to Ombudsman Khatri, but did not list my name there (I am a quiet activist). I am nagging UC-citizen friends to send e-mail to Ombudsman, too, although not many have done so.

I have spoken with an official at the CSC, but nobody there seems to think approving WAC03 well before WAC02-0xx cases is unfair or unjust. Beaurocratic brainwash, or simple self-selection of dumb and evil people to work at the CSC.

Anyway, I will keep my own campaign. This process left bitter taste in my mouth about this country. I wonder why they do this for the future generation.

WAC02-12x-5xxxx (EB-2)
PD: May 2001
RD: Feb. 2002
ND: Mar. 2002
1FP: Nov. 2002
2FP: Jul. 2004
two letters to Don Neufeld
1 level-I inquiry, 2 level-2 inquiries
numerous letters/faxes to Congressman/Senators
one e-mail to Ombudsman Khatri

What next?
Sumata said:
It's still a problem for people like ruxrux, Mango_pickle and me. I sent my e-mail to Ombudsman Khatri, but did not list my name there (I am a quiet activist). I am nagging UC-citizen friends to send e-mail to Ombudsman, too, although not many have done so.

I have spoken with an official at the CSC, but nobody there seems to think approving WAC03 well before WAC02-0xx cases is unfair or unjust. Beaurocratic brainwash, or simple self-selection of dumb and evil people to work at the CSC.

Anyway, I will keep my own campaign. This process left bitter taste in my mouth about this country. I wonder why they do this for the future generation.

WAC02-12x-5xxxx (EB-2)
PD: May 2001
RD: Feb. 2002
ND: Mar. 2002
1FP: Nov. 2002
2FP: Jul. 2004
two letters to Don Neufeld
1 level-I inquiry, 2 level-2 inquiries
numerous letters/faxes to Congressman/Senators
one e-mail to Ombudsman Khatri

What next?
Hi, Sumata,
I totally agree with you.
Unfortunately, most of this forum members have made their decision not to support Project Ocean campaigns, or have not taken any action.

Anyway, if you keep your own campaign, I am pleased to join.
List of Participants as of 7/16/2004

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. asdffdsa
  2. ruxrux
  3. kashmir
  4. greenback
  5. east2west
  6. Who cares
  7. mango_pickle
  8. Hibuddies
  9. KKJ
  10. kadamtal
  11. howlong2000
  12. ruiyu25
  13. theWarrior
  14. pinnacle_man
  15. leeee
  16. yuk1200
  17. timesa
  18. please_be_fair
  19. koolkat
  20. Sumata

5 More Participants to Meet the Target !!

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.

Also, don't forget Fax/E-Mail Campaign #15.
I think it is rather a delimma, not even a reluctant acceptance for most people

I guess most of the people are still mad and angry and frustrated, even though occationally the hope sparked briefly;

the thing is, since we are behind JIT, we are shifting between the modes of talking with IIO, fax inquiry and wait, the situation doesn't seem to give us much room to complain, although we are tortured each time we saw a 03 or 04 case approved, and knowing that CSC is processing in a most unorderly manner that is against USCIS processing guideline.

Say I faxed an inquiry, can't do anything but wait for 3 weeks; then lawyer said I have wait another 30 days for notice to be issued, ok sit another month...... any thoughts?
Has somebody got a reponse from CIS Ombudsman this time ?
asdffdsa said:
I guess most of the people are still mad and angry and frustrated, even though occationally the hope sparked briefly;

the thing is, since we are behind JIT, we are shifting between the modes of talking with IIO, fax inquiry and wait, the situation doesn't seem to give us much room to complain, although we are tortured each time we saw a 03 or 04 case approved, and knowing that CSC is processing in a most unorderly manner that is against USCIS processing guideline.

Say I faxed an inquiry, can't do anything but wait for 3 weeks; then lawyer said I have wait another 30 days for notice to be issued, ok sit another month...... any thoughts?
I will send another letter to him, but before that, I'd like to confirm if somebody has received his reply.
Now getting act together

My partner and I finally got our act together, composed a message, and sent to about 40 US citizen friends last night, asking them to send e-mail to the CSC Ombudsman. By this morning, about eight of them had written to Mr. Khatri. More coming.

A sample of the message is as follows:

I am writing to protest how our government is treating a group of people
patiently waiting in line to receive an employment-based green card. My
specific complaint is against Mr. Don Neufeld, the director of the
California Service Center (CSC) for the USCIS (formerly the INS), whose
blatant inefficiency if not racism has caused deep uncertainty, distress,
emotional turmoil, and severe economic loss among FUTURE American

I know one such applicant, Dr. Sumata, whose application for a green card
(officially, the I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence) was
received in February 2002. Her Receipt Number is WAC0212x5xxxx.

The California Service Center has been processing Dr. Sumata's
application for nearly thirty months (since February 2002). Dr. Sumata,
[my personal information].

Recently, as you know, the CSC started processing RECENT APPLICATIONS
out of sequence, processing and approving cases received this year (2004)
and 2003. And what happens to earlier cases given the tight budget?
Obviously, ignored and forgotten. I understand the post-9/11 world is
different, but for a bureaucracy to use taxpayer dollars to process NEW
folders is outrageous, capricious, and simple proof that Don Neufeld and his
bureaucrats are only interested in "improving his numbers" and not in
equity to applicants.

I am writing to protest this unequal and unfair treatment of FUTURE
American citizens, and urge you to investigate the CSC, its management
and processes, and work to make how we treat legal immigrants dignified, fair
and efficient. As Ombudsman, you have the responsibility to investigate and
ideally fix problems encountered in basic government services. I would
call your attention to the following:

(1) FUTURE American citizens. That's a major element that the INS
seemingly does not understand: their "public servants" (contractors and
government employees) are dealing with people who overwhelmingly want to
continue to work, live, educate their children, contribute to society and
neighborhoods in the United States. They want to be American citizens.
Sadly the INS/USCIS treats legal immigrants like pariahs, and try their faith in

(2) Random Processing. I agree that each application has a unique history
and hence there will be some differences in adjudicating times for
different applications. But what I am seeing is not just some difference in
timelines for applications filed at the same time, but in most of the cases, the
difference in adjudicating times are just beyond comprehension. I know
several individuals who have filed their applications in 2001 and are
still waiting for adjudication whereas many approvals are given to people who
have filed their applications only in 2003 or even 2004.

(3) Flip-flopping on the Reason for Slow Approval. The CSC is showing the

current processing date for I-485 applications as June 15, 2002. Should
this be the correct processing date and the CSC is working on Sumata's case
that has been received on February 27, 2002 (and the Notice Date of March
6, 2002), she would have no complaint. However, we know that many
officials at the CSC are working on cases received after June 15, 2002.
Furthermore, in March this year, Mr. Neufeld responded to Sumata's
Congressional representative that the CSC had no obligation to process I-485
applications in the order of receipt. This contradicts what she had been told
earlier. Previously when the processing date was before her Notice Date, any
inquiry through Congressional offices got a standard response stating that
Sumata's case was not processed yet as the processing date was before
her Notice Date. Mr. Neufeld changed his story 180 degree to duck his
responsibility of processing I-485 applications in the order of receipt.

(4) CSC's unfairness producing long-lasting consequences. I believe that
this grossly unfair random processing and flip-flopping will have
long-lasting consequences. As I have said, many applicants in this green
card category, including Sumata, will become citizens of this great
country. They currently and will continue to teach America's future
generations. Unless you can right the wrongs that Mr. Neufeld and the CSC
have inflicted, it would be very hard for them to believe in American
values, when the government itself does not respect the principle of

(5) Lack of Customer Service. The INS/USCIS claims to want to hear from
"clients" but the track record for Dr.Sumata tells a drastically
different story. Six letters and faxes (a February 2003 request for
expedited processing, a May 2004 letter to Don Neufeld, and four faxes in
the past three months) all have gone unanswered. The customer service
person at CSC told Dr. Sumata that yes they had replied to her two June
2004 faxes. Dr. Sumata did not receive them. The CSC says they do not
keep copies of correspondence produced.

The CSC website reads: "We strive to provide quality service to our
customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to
know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know
that as well." Frankly, Ombudsman Khatri, what's the purpose in writing given
their horrendous unresponsive, arrogant history?

(6) Insane bureaucratic language. The online site produces some strange
language. Currently, the message for Dr. Sumata's application
reads: "processing is taking from 660 to 660 days..." How can you trust an
agency that allows this type of language in public? Or people who think
"receipted" is a verb?


Of course, I'm so jaded that I don't think this would produce any results, though.
WOW!!! I love this!! I'll make a copy for myself and I'll ask my American friends to write to senators. Excellent job, doctor.
Hi, Sumata,
Your effort is deserving.
Congratulations !!
Sumata said:
My partner and I finally got our act together, composed a message, and sent to about 40 US citizen friends last night, asking them to send e-mail to the CSC Ombudsman. By this morning, about eight of them had written to Mr. Khatri. More coming.

A sample of the message is as follows:

I am writing to protest how our government is treating a group of people
patiently waiting in line to receive an employment-based green card. My
specific complaint is against Mr. Don Neufeld, the director of the
California Service Center (CSC) for the USCIS (formerly the INS), whose
blatant inefficiency if not racism has caused deep uncertainty, distress,
emotional turmoil, and severe economic loss among FUTURE American

I know one such applicant, Dr. Sumata, whose application for a green card
(officially, the I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence) was
received in February 2002. Her Receipt Number is WAC0212x5xxxx.

The California Service Center has been processing Dr. Sumata's
application for nearly thirty months (since February 2002). Dr. Sumata,
[my personal information].

Recently, as you know, the CSC started processing RECENT APPLICATIONS
out of sequence, processing and approving cases received this year (2004)
and 2003. And what happens to earlier cases given the tight budget?
Obviously, ignored and forgotten. I understand the post-9/11 world is
different, but for a bureaucracy to use taxpayer dollars to process NEW
folders is outrageous, capricious, and simple proof that Don Neufeld and his
bureaucrats are only interested in "improving his numbers" and not in
equity to applicants.

I am writing to protest this unequal and unfair treatment of FUTURE
American citizens, and urge you to investigate the CSC, its management
and processes, and work to make how we treat legal immigrants dignified, fair
and efficient. As Ombudsman, you have the responsibility to investigate and
ideally fix problems encountered in basic government services. I would
call your attention to the following:

(1) FUTURE American citizens. That's a major element that the INS
seemingly does not understand: their "public servants" (contractors and
government employees) are dealing with people who overwhelmingly want to
continue to work, live, educate their children, contribute to society and
neighborhoods in the United States. They want to be American citizens.
Sadly the INS/USCIS treats legal immigrants like pariahs, and try their faith in

(2) Random Processing. I agree that each application has a unique history
and hence there will be some differences in adjudicating times for
different applications. But what I am seeing is not just some difference in
timelines for applications filed at the same time, but in most of the cases, the
difference in adjudicating times are just beyond comprehension. I know
several individuals who have filed their applications in 2001 and are
still waiting for adjudication whereas many approvals are given to people who
have filed their applications only in 2003 or even 2004.

(3) Flip-flopping on the Reason for Slow Approval. The CSC is showing the

current processing date for I-485 applications as June 15, 2002. Should
this be the correct processing date and the CSC is working on Sumata's case
that has been received on February 27, 2002 (and the Notice Date of March
6, 2002), she would have no complaint. However, we know that many
officials at the CSC are working on cases received after June 15, 2002.
Furthermore, in March this year, Mr. Neufeld responded to Sumata's
Congressional representative that the CSC had no obligation to process I-485
applications in the order of receipt. This contradicts what she had been told
earlier. Previously when the processing date was before her Notice Date, any
inquiry through Congressional offices got a standard response stating that
Sumata's case was not processed yet as the processing date was before
her Notice Date. Mr. Neufeld changed his story 180 degree to duck his
responsibility of processing I-485 applications in the order of receipt.

(4) CSC's unfairness producing long-lasting consequences. I believe that
this grossly unfair random processing and flip-flopping will have
long-lasting consequences. As I have said, many applicants in this green
card category, including Sumata, will become citizens of this great
country. They currently and will continue to teach America's future
generations. Unless you can right the wrongs that Mr. Neufeld and the CSC
have inflicted, it would be very hard for them to believe in American
values, when the government itself does not respect the principle of

(5) Lack of Customer Service. The INS/USCIS claims to want to hear from
"clients" but the track record for Dr.Sumata tells a drastically
different story. Six letters and faxes (a February 2003 request for
expedited processing, a May 2004 letter to Don Neufeld, and four faxes in
the past three months) all have gone unanswered. The customer service
person at CSC told Dr. Sumata that yes they had replied to her two June
2004 faxes. Dr. Sumata did not receive them. The CSC says they do not
keep copies of correspondence produced.

The CSC website reads: "We strive to provide quality service to our
customers. If we have not lived up to this commitment, we would like to
know. If we have met or exceeded your expectations, please let us know
that as well." Frankly, Ombudsman Khatri, what's the purpose in writing given
their horrendous unresponsive, arrogant history?

(6) Insane bureaucratic language. The online site produces some strange
language. Currently, the message for Dr. Sumata's application
reads: "processing is taking from 660 to 660 days..." How can you trust an
agency that allows this type of language in public? Or people who think
"receipted" is a verb?


Of course, I'm so jaded that I don't think this would produce any results, though.
Yesterday, my case is transferred to S.F. local office after 31 months pending. I don't know the reason... (Same address, no criminal record)

WAC02084**** (1/9/2002 Receipt date)
Is it working ??

So far I've sent few emails to different people regarding delay in processing times. It might be working .. but certainly its not working for me. In last few months, lot of my friends & coworkers, who applied for I-485 much later than me, got their approval and what I got is a piece of paper from USCIS, saying "it may take longer than normal time to process your case". I'm really frustrated to see people around me getting approval within 3-4 months ( of even filing I-140) while I'm waiting for more than 30 months ( after filing I-485).
