Calling all applicants filed b/f current JIT: time to act! E-Mail Camaign - Ocean #14

CSC maybe revisiting older cases....just a guess, at least I hope so

See this posted fax inquiry reponse:

But better keep finger crossed now, and keep up with the champion, who knows what are they up to, and how much would they do anyway, we don't see any approval lately.

The more attention we got on this issue the better off for everyone!
List of Participants as of 7/1/2004 7pm

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 30

  1. ruxrux
  2. kashmir
  3. greenback
  4. east2west
  5. Who cares
  6. mango_pickle
  7. Hibuddies
  8. KKJ
  9. kadamtal
  10. howlong2000
  11. ruiyu25

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.
List of Participants as of 7/3/2004

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. ruxrux
  2. kashmir
  3. greenback
  4. east2west
  5. Who cares
  6. mango_pickle
  7. Hibuddies
  8. KKJ
  9. kadamtal
  10. howlong2000
  11. ruiyu25
  12. theWarrior

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.
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It might help to keep this issue of messy processing on the mind of people that can m

make a difference, keep emailing them once a week until got approval.

Although we saw some approval of older cases last week, it is far from enough, we still saw newer cases being approved everyday, many of them.

I guess many of us saw some kind of update of their cases, or told to wait another 30-60 days by IIO or fax inquiry, so people got the delusion that the result will come magically one day, soon. While that haven't happened...

If we don't keep up the good work, CSC would think we will take the fate without even put up a fight.

If it is a big issue to me, I believe it is a big issue to every each one of us.
Yes. We should keep trying.

I am joining the campaign right now. I will follow the instructions in this tread.

asdffdsa said:
make a difference, keep emailing them once a week until got approval.

Although we saw some approval of older cases last week, it is far from enough, we still saw newer cases being approved everyday, many of them.

I guess many of us saw some kind of update of their cases, or told to wait another 30-60 days by IIO or fax inquiry, so people got the delusion that the result will come magically one day, soon. While that haven't happened...

If we don't keep up the good work, CSC would think we will take the fate without even put up a fight.

If it is a big issue to me, I believe it is a big issue to every each one of us.
List of Participants as of 7/6/2004

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. asdffdsa
  2. ruxrux
  3. kashmir
  4. greenback
  5. east2west
  6. Who cares
  7. mango_pickle
  8. Hibuddies
  9. KKJ
  10. kadamtal
  11. howlong2000
  12. ruiyu25
  13. theWarrior
  14. pinnacle_man
  15. leeee

10 More Participants to Meet the Target !!

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.
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email to Ombudsman

Some time ago I sent an email to Ombudamn asking why case newer than mine were approved (oops outside and before the Campaign started ! :) )
I got a "non-response" back such as: blah blah...the position of Ombudsman has been created just to address your concern...blah blah...
No direct answer to my question.

Keep trying
List of Participants as of 7/7/2004

Proejct Ocean E-Mail Campaign #14
to CIS Ombudsman Prakash Khatri

Target Number : 25

  1. asdffdsa
  2. ruxrux
  3. kashmir
  4. greenback
  5. east2west
  6. Who cares
  7. mango_pickle
  8. Hibuddies
  9. KKJ
  10. kadamtal
  11. howlong2000
  12. ruiyu25
  13. theWarrior
  14. pinnacle_man
  15. leeee
  16. yuk1200
  17. timesa

8 More Participants to Meet the Target !!

Please post your message here once you sent e-mail.

Also, don't forget Fax/E-Mail Campaign #15.