California SESA Tracker

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Labor certification delays

Only way out seems to be Canada, but lets assure everybody that we won't let go without fight. Its mere exploitation. They are trying to test our patience. I still can't believe they will implement PERM joke without eliminating
existing files. On top of that we have Visa number retrogression. And last but not least (and most important) they will process RIR and regular application in same queue.
Its satirical that no lawyer has any idea about whole of these new initiatives by DOL (BEC, NPC, PERM...).

Don't think that somebody will speak about it and everything will be fixed/solved. Nobody cares about you, its you who fights for yourself. If eventually we have to leave then why not let DOL/USCIS realize (do they ever ?) that we were important part of the society in every way.Please show your support here:

thread for "action against labor certifcate delays"

Reality check here, many of us here are "Raj"
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Hi Emil,

Thanks for the update. Good that you know where your application
has gone for processing. Your SWA sent out date was in sept right ?
Mine was 2-2 1/2 months after that (nov 30) who knows where it is now

I guess just wait and see...


hbcsc153 said:
Hi inqsit!

The lawyers received the letter from BEC January 3rd. It was from the Dallas center. The lawyers have not responded to it yet, but that is them being slow.


Emil (hbcsc153)
Hi inqsit!

No my LC was filed with the CA SWA on Dec. 12th 2003.



inqsit said:
Hi Emil,

Thanks for the update. Good that you know where your application
has gone for processing. Your SWA sent out date was in sept right ?
Mine was 2-2 1/2 months after that (nov 30) who knows where it is now

I guess just wait and see...

Thanks Emil !

What I meant was sept 2004 was the month when your application was forwarded by CA SWA to the next stage in the process after review


hbcsc153 said:
Hi inqsit!

No my LC was filed with the CA SWA on Dec. 12th 2003.


Hi inqsit!

Correct. It was sent around the 28th of Sep, but we never received a letter from DOL, only from the BEC.


inqsit said:
Thanks Emil !

What I meant was sept 2004 was the month when your application was forwarded by CA SWA to the next stage in the process after review

Whats gonna happen - Second try

My case had 2 quries at the state level, after we replied for the second query we have not heard back from the state agency. I am wondering how the agency is going to treat labor applications pending at the state level with quries, do we get moved to the BEC or the case is going to be processed at the current SWA.

Any answers greatly appreciated.

Hi! My case is very simillar with you.
Do you know what's new with your case ?

BEC or SWA , Opened or Unopened ?
Any updates?

Eternal_Pending said:
Does anyone have a Phone number at CA SESA to check the status pending since June 2001?


Do you know whether the cases filed during the period May 2001 to Aug 2001, which are now sitting at CA SWA (RIR remand to state as NON-RIR), are moved to the Backlog Reduction Centers?

Any updates on those cases?

Anyone in a similar situation received 45 days letter?

Master Tracker

Hello all,

I am trying to create a master tracker that will help all of us determine where we all fall in the BEC queue.

My goal is to consolidate into a single tracker all pending labor certifications from all STATES and all DOLs.

This will help us in the long run to better understand how BECs will be processing our cases.

I have attached an empty tracker. I will return next Friday, February 11 to “pick it up”.

At that time I will merge all sub-trackers into a single one and post it in the DOL forums section.

I hope you find value in doing this and participate. If your forum has a tracker already, it would be great if someone volunteers and populates the tracker I have posted.

Since it will be hard for me to check all forums next week, if you have any questions, please send me a Private Message.

Thank you for your help



I made a minor change to the “Guide”, PD definition now reads:

PD: Date your labor certification was RECEIVED at STATE SWA
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Where are CA SESA pending cases now?

devar said:
PD 08/2001
RD 07/2002
Remanded 6/2003

Hi, my case is almost the same as yours:
PD 06/2001
RD 02/2002
Remanded 7/2003
Never heard anything ever since.

I read from immigration-law that ONLY DOL pending cases are sent to BRC in Dallys and Philly. Is it true that all SESA pending cases are remained in the state? What's happening to the cases?

Updated my info for the tracker

JustWatching said:
Hello all,

I am trying to create a master tracker that will help all of us determine where we all fall in the BEC queue.

My goal is to consolidate into a single tracker all pending labor certifications from all STATES and all DOLs.

This will help us in the long run to better understand how BECs will be processing our cases.

I have attached an empty tracker. I will return next Friday, February 11 to “pick it up”.

At that time I will merge all sub-trackers into a single one and post it in the DOL forums section.

I hope you find value in doing this and participate. If your forum has a tracker already, it would be great if someone volunteers and populates the tracker I have posted.

Since it will be hard for me to check all forums next week, if you have any questions, please send me a Private Message.

Thank you for your help



I made a minor change to the “Guide”, PD definition now reads:

PD: Date your labor certification was RECEIVED at STATE SWA

Thanks for doing this JustWatching. I just updated my info.

California SWA PD: Aug 2002 (08/2002)
And waiting..... Spoke to the lady at the Sacramento SWA and she says the cases are expected to be shipped out by Mar 5th 2005.
Question to Kalifornia_Resi

kalifornia_resi said:
Thanks for doing this JustWatching. I just updated my info.

California SWA PD: Aug 2002 (08/2002)
And waiting..... Spoke to the lady at the Sacramento SWA and she says the cases are expected to be shipped out by Mar 5th 2005.

Kalifornia_Resi, the lady at Sacramento SWA said THE CASES were expected to be shipped out by March 5th. Do you know what she meant by 'THE CASES'? All pending cases at SWA? Only unopened cases? Any idea about those remanded cases from DOL?
BTW, what's the number you used to call Sacramento SWA?
Update CA SWA

cice said:
Kalifornia_Resi, the lady at Sacramento SWA said THE CASES were expected to be shipped out by March 5th. Do you know what she meant by 'THE CASES'? All pending cases at SWA? Only unopened cases? Any idea about those remanded cases from DOL?
BTW, what's the number you used to call Sacramento SWA?
Although she was not wiling to go into details, I managed to get this tid bit of information.
Yes, all cases not 'opened' by the SWA, basically all backlogged cases.
Not sure if the cases remanded from DOL actually were physically sent back to CA SWA. If they were, I would think they will part of the SWA shipment. CA SWA will close and clear EVERYTHING by Mar 31st. All the employees will be moved to a different CA state department.
Even though CA SWA was supposed send out a part of the cases by Dec 31st 2004, it wasnt due to the large number. The bundled package will be shipped out by Mar 5th (ALL unopened).
Here is the CA SWA contact number, BTW you can talk to a live person before noon only. (916) 653-5100.

From reading different posts I beleive that any pending(opened) cased will have to be wrapped up by Mar 31st 2005.


If our case was physically sent to SWA then it would be considered unopened. Thats what I think. But it does not matter now cos all pending applications from CA SWA will be forwarded to Dallas BEC before Mar31

bayareagc said:
Do u know if our cases are considered as "Opened" OR "Unopened" cases?
Master Tracker

Hi all,

I "picked up" the tracker today. I will be posting the consolidated tracker at the end of the week.

I will come back to let you know where it is.

If you did not add yourself to the tracker please wait until the consolidated tracker is posted and add yourself there.

Thanks again


PD: 06/01
Status:Remanded to state

I got some info from the State Workforce Agency.

However, as you already know, your case was remanded back to this office by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). It now resides in our regular permanent case queue. The cases in this queue are worked according to their priority date. We were working cases with priority dates on or before 4/27/2001 before we stopped working cases altogether. We are now shipping our entire case inventory (over 60,000 applications) to DOL's new Backlog Reduction Center in Dallas, Texas. Your case will be processed there, not by our office. We have already shipped approximately 24,000 cases to that location. Those 24,000 cases all had priority dates on or before April 30, 2001. We plan to ship another 14,000 before February 24th (your case should be in this shipment). The remaining 22,500 applications will be shipped prior to March 31, 2005. Applications from other states are being shipped there as well. They will, per their regulations, be processing cases by priority date.

The State Workforce Agencies will no longer be involved in the processing of permanent labor certification applications after March 31, 2005. This being the case, I cannot possibly make a prediction about when your case might be completed. Hopefully, DOL's new Backlog Reduction Center will be able to reduce the amount of time it will take to process your application

Consolidated BEC Tracker

Hi all,

Please take a look at the tracker that we have posted here.

This includes information from all regions and states and it will help you get a GLOBAL idea of where you stand in the overall BEC queue.

I would like to suggest everyone use that tracker.

Hope you agree, it took a lot of work to bring all info together.




I have a P.D of 6/14/04 (EB2 RIR) at CA SESA. My case is still in some box. It did not reach Dallas. I sent a mail to the bec at Dallas and they could not find my case.
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