California SESA Tracker

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devar said:
I called up the CA SWA and spoke to a lady and she said ALL of the cases that are pending in CA SWA will be transferred to Dallas BEC. And the CA SWA will closed permanently by MAR 31 2005. First batch approx 25000 applications will be transferred by DEC 31 2004 and the rest by MAR 31 2005. She also mentioned that this was being planned for the last few years and that it finally did happen.

My case PD 8/2001 was remanded back to state 7/1/2002 and since then I haven't got any updates. So GL to you all. I dont think Dallas BEC is not going to do any different than what it used to be in CA. No hopes AT ALL.

Hi Devar,
Looks like you are in the same boat as my friend.
Please go to the forum :
ImmigrationPortal Forums > USA Immigration Issues > Immigrant Visas (Green Cards) > Labor Certifications -> US DOl Trackers for Labor Certification -> Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking
Hope we find some information there.
Thanks and All the best.

i'm in 7th year of h1b visa, and labor certification
is pending more than a year with state. i've couple
of questions regarding job change:
1. can i change job, from company A that have filed
labor application to another company B?
2. with company B, will i get my yearly h1 visa extension?
or do i have to have a labor application from company
B pending more than a year to get yearly extension?
3. is there a way out? company A is closing down in 3

thanks in advance for answering my questions,
Try posting your question to the other SF DOL thread...(in case you have not
yet done so) I am sure you there are more people there to answer your

bbala2003 said:

i'm in 7th year of h1b visa, and labor certification
is pending more than a year with state. i've couple
of questions regarding job change:
1. can i change job, from company A that have filed
labor application to another company B?
2. with company B, will i get my yearly h1 visa extension?
or do i have to have a labor application from company
B pending more than a year to get yearly extension?
3. is there a way out? company A is closing down in 3

thanks in advance for answering my questions,
Any news from anyone in oct, nov, dec 2004 ?

Just curious if anyone had any luck with their cases getting transferred to the SF Regional in last three months of 2004?

Or is it that everything is just being shipped to the BEC s ?
Does anybody know where the remanded cases are?
Dallas ?

PD Aug 2001, RD May 2002, Remanded June 2003.
Make the code monkeys hang tight.. Backlog Elim in 2 yrs? YA RIGHT

01/07/2005: Prospects for Labor Certification Backlog Removal in Two Years

The DOL is currently working under the backlog reduction plan which targets to remove the entire backlog cases in two years. The backlog cases are estimated to far exceed 300,000. However, one wonders how the goal can be achieved by the two Backlog Processing Centers without a substantial number of those cases being swifted to the other two National Processing Centers. Logistically, unless such swift takes place, the works between the two Backlog Processing Centers (300,000+) and the two National Processing Centers (new PERM applications) may also turn out to be imbalanced with the resultant inefficient and ineffective use and management of available adjudication resources.
It appears that such swift must be achieved in the form of conversion of existing cases to the PERM cases. However, because of the ill-timed launch of the PERM program and extremely high risk embedded in the conversion requirements under the PERM Final Rule, one cannot expect a massive swift of cases from the Backlog Processing Centers to National Processing Centers. Ironically, the DOL is launching the PERM program at a time when the EB-3 visa numbers starts retrogressing. The retrogression of visa numbers places less weight and importance on prompt approval of labor certification applications than preservation of priority dates. Additionally, the FIFO rule of processing of backlog cases induces the oldest filers to hesitate to consider conversion of the pipeline cases to the PERM cases. Accordingly, it is most likely that those who consider the conversion will turn out to be recent filers when it comes to Indians, Chinese, and Philippines nationals.
On top of the ill-timed launch of the PERM program, the dead traps embedded in the conversion in terms of priority dates will lead to hesitation of a large number of backlog cases to file a conversion. In hindsight, the DOL should have liberalized the conversion opportunity which would guarantee preservation of the priority dates. The Final Rule moved towards the other direction.
Under the circumstances, DOL may have to require the National Processing Centers to participate in the backlog reduction works for effective utilization of resources as well as for assistance with the Backlog Processing Centers to manage the reduction of backlogs within certain period of time. The DOL would have achieved the transition and reorganization more smoothly from the two-tier system to the single-tier system, had it planned the timing of the PERM launch program appropriately and provided liberal opportunities for conversion in the Final Rule. Conversion would have allowed the DOL to remove some of those cases from 45 to 60 days, accelerating removal of backlog cases. Participation of the National Processing Center resources in the backlog reduction will involve the same protracted processing procedures which will be governed by the current labor certification rules and may turn out to add just number of resources to the backlog reduction workforces. Considering the fact that "six" Regional Certifying Offices had failed to remove the backlogs and piled up over 300,000 cases, one wonders how participation of the part of workforces of the National Processing Centers in the Backlog Processing Centers' cases would remove the mountain of backlogs in two years. We will watch closely how the operation of reengineering will unfold during the next two years.
Remanded Case

I just talked to my lawyer and i got the information that my case is still with EDD(SWA)
and i have been asked to check back after 6 months? What is this crap now?
I thought all the cases will be sent to BEC?
Gurus any insight?

CA SESA PD 08/2001
CA DOL RD 08/2002
Remanded to Regular 06/2003.

almost 4 years still in the first stage... :mad: :mad:
Labor Query !

I have received the case no and PD from lawyer for my case filed in CA but my friends said we also receive a WAC for State Labor. Is this true or just a rumor.I know we receive WAC for H1 but never heard WAC for Labor.Please clarify.

Nope. I think its just a rumor. Got an receipt from CA state EDD with
PD and 6 digit case number (18****),
which I am told changes later on when the application reaches
next stage (SF regional DOL or BEC)

How many digits is your case number ?


inneedofgc said:
I have received the case no and PD from lawyer for my case filed in CA but my friends said we also receive a WAC for State Labor. Is this true or just a rumor.I know we receive WAC for H1 but never heard WAC for Labor.Please clarify.


Thanks for the response. My case is 6 digit(17****).

inqsit said:
Nope. I think its just a rumor. Got an receipt from CA state EDD with
PD and 6 digit case number (18****),
which I am told changes later on when the application reaches
next stage (SF regional DOL or BEC)

How many digits is your case number ?

How Fair Is This?????

So lets say I waltz into the states in April 2005.
I apply for labor through the brand new, shiny, PERM system.
My employer has been running the ads for perm for the last six months. And in 45 days im cleared (luckily me!!)..
I had filed under EB2, and therefore, I can immediately file 140 and 485. And then Im free!!!
Overall, it took me less than 2 months to get a GC thanks to the wonderful PERM system..and the brilliant US expedition of immigration....

but hey guys,

RIR LC between Jan 1, 2005 - March 28, 2005


Applying for labor certification in RIR in a day or two...where one should be sending LC application? Is it to NPC or BEC or state labor department?. Is there any change in RIR case processing rules between Jan 1, 2005 to March 28, 2005? Would like the application to be sent to right place.

Thanks in advance.
My case with CA EDD/Regular

My LC case ( Regular ) filed with CA EDD - PD June 14, 2003.

Based on this I just got my H1b 7th year extension also. So would like to keep this case very much alive.

Any idea what is happening to cases around this date? Anyone close to this date got any info/45-day notice letter? Can you please share if yours went to any BECs?

shocking news. rir and regular cases in same queue in BRCs.

01/21/2005: DOL Backlog Reduction Processing Update

The DOL did not disclose in details a number of issues in the PERM Briefings which the consumers were interested in. It turned out that some of these issues had been discussed with the AILA in telephone conference before the PERM Briefing sessions began. Some of these issues had been answered as follows:
Status of Processing at the Backlog Processing Centers:
The cases which were transferred from the Regional Offices were processed first. For these cases, initial letters have been being sent out. Once the responses come back from the applicants, they will start adjudicating the cases. The current state is as follows:
Dallas, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Regions Cases: Data entry for these cases has been completed and letters have been sent out and the Backlog Centers are awaiting the responses for further processing and adjudication.
Chicago and Atlanta Regions Cases: These cases have been transferred to the Backlog Centers later and currently being data-entried. Once the data entry is completed, letters will be sent out the applicants as it did with the Dallas, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Regions cases.
The cases which were transferred from the SWA (state offices) are at the stage of data entry. Once data entry is completed, the same steps will be taken as described above.
Processing Queue per FIFO: Shockingly, there are no separate queues between RIR and Regular cases and both RIR and Regular cases are being processed on FIFO in a single national queue. Consequently, RIR cases will experience a substantial delay once the cases are transferred to the Backlog Centers!!
Opened Cases vs. Unopened Cases: Under the Transition Guideline, unopened cases have been transferred to the Backlog Centers and opened cases will be completed by the SWAs. The definition of "opened cases" is the application packages which are at the SWAs in unopened boxes or where no letters have been issued by the SWAs to the applicants. Accordingly, those who received a letter from the state offices may be completed at the state offices rather than being transferred to the Backlog Centers.
Notification of Address Changes of the Applicants or Attorneys: If one knows that his/her case has been transferred to the Backlog Centers, the notification should be addressed to the Backlog Centers. If one does not know, DOL suggests to such notification to both the Backlog Center and the SWA office.
Address of Certifying Officers and SWA in the Notice Posting for Cases to be Filed before 03/28/2005: People should follow the same rules and requirements under the current labor certification regulation. Thus the notice posting should direct the public to file misrepresentation or complaints to the office of Certifying Officer's office and the state labor certification unit. Remember, though, some Regions, addresses have been changed: Chicago and Atlanta offices.
My case at CA State level

My case had 2 quries at the state level, after we replied for the second query we have not heard back from the state agency. I am wondering how the agency is going to treat labor applications pending at the state level itself, do we get moved to the BEC or the case is going to be processed at the current center.

Any answers greatly appreciated.

Sailing in the same boat, Buddy!

PD 08/2001
RD 07/2002
Remanded 6/2003

bayareagc said:
I just talked to my lawyer and i got the information that my case is still with EDD(SWA)
and i have been asked to check back after 6 months? What is this crap now?
I thought all the cases will be sent to BEC?
Gurus any insight?

CA SESA PD 08/2001
CA DOL RD 08/2002
Remanded to Regular 06/2003.

almost 4 years still in the first stage... :mad: :mad:
Any updates from bcshak, hbcsc153, suryab ?

Just curious about any updates from bcshak, hbcsc153, suryab ?

My case details are in the similar time range (well almost within 2-3 months)

Any of you got the BEC 45 day letter or any morsel of info from DOL ?

My case details:

PD 09/30/2003
CA SWA Send Out Date : 11/30/2004


Hi inqsit!

The lawyers received the letter from BEC January 3rd. It was from the Dallas center. The lawyers have not responded to it yet, but that is them being slow.


Emil (hbcsc153)

inqsit said:
Just curious about any updates from bcshak, hbcsc153, suryab ?

My case details are in the similar time range (well almost within 2-3 months)

Any of you got the BEC 45 day letter or any morsel of info from DOL ?

My case details:

PD 09/30/2003
CA SWA Send Out Date : 11/30/2004


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