California SESA Tracker

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Thanks gp. It works fine. My LC is filed only on 05/06.. a long wait ahead.. But I am sure it will get SWA clearance in 3 to 4 months.. as there will be less number of applications filed in last few months.
u mean 05/06/2003 ?.. Then You might have to wait sometime for SWA, they are currently processing June 28 2002 for RIR...
RIR readvertized

I recently **readvertized** for my job as per DOLs notice.

What are the chances of my labor getting approved if there is no response for the ad? How many days does it take for DOL to approve a labor after I send in my response to the new ad?


You have good chances if there are no responses of the ad... You should listen from DOL in two to four weeks after submitting back the results..

good luck !
2 years waited and Now

Hello Guys,
I waited for 2 full years with the hope that my labour will be cleared by DOL. DOL sent RFE and market was re-tested and then finally LC was rejected. Reasons not known.

Experience 7 Years,
Education, Masters in Engineering (REC)
Company.. No Layoffs
location Santa Clara.
Company Strenght 100

Posting profits even in this bad economy and growing too.

Good Luck to all you guys.
(Beggars cant be choosers)

Agreed bud

I get your perspective but the issue remains that some of us have most of the family here.....If after a wait of 2 years the labor gets rejected..... what should we case is in SF DOL, they recieved it in Nov 2002... I am patiently waiting... I have total of about 20 yrs, 5.5 in the US and manage SW engineers, work for a large company which is the only one doing well (u know which one).... is there any chance whatsoever for me? otherwise I guess I will have to explore the suggested "options"....
Hi GP111,

What is the current processing date for Regular cases in SESA.
My case is moved to SESA back as NON-RIR case.



Originally posted by gp111
SESA AVM not updated... RIR still on June 27 2002 !

Sorry to hear that !

Current Dates are
RIR : June 28 2002
Non RIR : April 25 2001

good luck ..
Hi gp111,

My PD is 05/21/2001. Any idea how much time it will take to process in SESA as a regular case?


Originally posted by gp111

Sorry to hear that !

Current Dates are
RIR : June 28 2002
Non RIR : April 25 2001

good luck ..

It took almost 7 months for SESA to move from April 20th to 25th, 2001 for Non RIR due to 245i applications. April 30th 2001 was the last date for 245i. Still 5 more days of applications to go. Lets hope for a miracle to happen (forth coming PERM regulations may be a miracle).

Good luck
Remand Issued to State

Remand Issued to State

RIR Priority Date : 07/19/2001
DOT CODE : 999.151-081
DOL Rcvd Date: 4/15/2002

Remand Issued to State On 04/14/2003.

What does this mean?
What happens to my case?
I'm already on 7th year extension.


SESA is working on APR 25 for last two months & 3 more days of April to go (26th, 27th & 30th), I would say about a year worth of wait to reach May 21 !! Good Luck..

Sorry to hear the news of REMAND TO STATE..

The DOL will send back your case to SESA to prcess as a regular (NON RIR) case with your old priority date...Will have to wait for a long period of time...But you can always get H1 Extensions !
After 2 years wait is over


I got a lot of mails asking for more details. Lemme tell you... Details doesnt matter. If you have luck you will get it.
Otherwise you will not. The LC rejected for the other guy from my company has 15 years of experience in various countries.

I am not feeling bad that my LC got rejected. I dont understand why they kept me waiting for 2 years to reject it.
.... Lets keep him waiting.. waiting.. let him think that he will get his LC...
Let him count days.. Let him wait..Let him hope. Let him think that he would get it after RFE is satisfied...let him wait...
let him hope... let him think that the wait is over... Lets send it back to Non-RIR ... let him wait... let him hope..and now..
lets kick him in his butt and then laugh at him hysterically..loudly...

Fine, it takes 2 years to find out a person's credentials. If the credentials are ok then clear him/her. Otherwise punish him/her, deport.
If you dont do one of these then something is wrong with you man. Why I am still talking to you even when something is wrong with you..
You are better-off than me.. you are either born in US or brought here before me.

True, everybody can't be let in. Then say that in one week...two weeks... or may be 2 years.. or may be 20 years..let him wait...

Life is short... lets wait... Cant you wait for such a short time.. I wanted to make this one sound funny. But I dont have much time
to spare to think and write in a funnyway... Have to file LC again and wait...

2 years waited and Now
Hello Guys,
I waited for 2 full years with the hope that my labour will be cleared by DOL. DOL sent RFE and market was re-tested and then finally LC was rejected. Reasons not known.
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endless wait...

I have the similar case as worldmonitor. Electronics hardware engineer, M.S. degree, the company never laid off any employees in the past... After waiting for 2 years, I have to refile the case.

Even though I received the 3-option letter, the company was told that once the rebuttal was rejected, then the company can't apply any LC with the same job title within 6 months. So it seems that although DOL gives you this option, but your company will suffer more severe punishment once you go this path... They don't even want to give you a hope now. What the hell does DOL want people to do? Just go to non-rir or withdraw the case submissively? If that's the truth, why don't they issue 2-option letter instead of 3?
I guess this is what dol wants they wants us to go to non-rir and wait for a long time at the same time company will use us and we can remain into H1 status till we get GC .
What I do not understand is that does DOL wnats to send all of us home and replace this position with US citizen? There are so many of us and company can not just let us go because dol wants us to becuase when we got the job in that position we have unique knowledge about the business and about that job , for some one new they have to start from the scratch and I guess no company wants to do that so what will happen when our case will process as non rir? When they will owrk on the case are they going to do the same thing (reject) if job market is not good at that time?
I simplay do not understand......
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