California DOL (Regional) Tracking

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Re: Re: DOL Aug'02 cases

Yes. those early Aug'02 cases are IT-151.021,031. Mine is a Non-IT code and the RD is Sep'02. (As per letter to lawyer it is Oct'02) - I don't know what date they go by.

I'm kind of worried that they have set aside all cases for my company - question is do they strictly process by date or group cases by company?

QUOTE]Originally posted by stan01
I think there is great chance that those cases have been issued NOFs which might be good news. BTW, are those cases IT related.

I happened to hear a Sept. 02 case with DOT code 191-012 that has been certified recently. Any one know what's the occupation for that code?
Re: Re: Re: DOL Aug'02 cases

Thanks, but your link does not work.
I heard the AVM message again and it says case 09532101(DOT 999.191-012) has been certified on July.03 That case is received on 09/19/02.

Sorry for posting the case# though it does not reveal any private information.

Originally posted by usagc2
You can find all the SOC Occupations and code at
Could not find a occupation for the code you have provided. The 19.. series is for '19-0000 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations'.
Re: Re: Re: Re: DOL Aug'02 cases

This code is for Food Scientists and Technologists so no help for IT people.

Originally posted by stan01
Thanks, but your link does not work.
I heard the AVM message again and it says case 09532101(DOT 999.191-012) has been certified on July.03 That case is received on 09/19/02.

Sorry for posting the case# though it does not reveal any private information.
Re: DOL Aug'02 cases

Use it without the dot at the end of it.

Resending it for future use...

Originally posted by stan01
Thanks, but your link does not work.
I heard the AVM message again and it says case 09532101(DOT 999.191-012) has been certified on July.03 That case is received on 09/19/02.

Sorry for posting the case# though it does not reveal any private information.
whats this priority date

Hey I am first time loggin in to this .. My company filed my labour papers from Delaware and i sent the papers on jan .. But after that i did't hear anything .. When i talked to the lawer few months back he said my priority date is march13 .
what does that mean .. I belive who ever file from delaware .. the delaware takes only one month to clear and they send to philiy.. thats what my attorney said .. so could some one throw some light on this ...
How much resume response received is considered as a safe? Suppose we received 10-15 and none of them is matching so will that be considered safe?
When we go over the resume received , does that has to match with all the skills we are looking for?
What if some one has a more education and experience we are looking for but that does not match with what we are looking for?

Originally posted by dhshah_us
How much resume response received is considered as a safe? Suppose we received 10-15 and none of them is matching so will that be considered safe?
When we go over the resume received , does that has to match with all the skills we are looking for?
What if some one has a more education and experience we are looking for but that does not match with what we are looking for?

20-30 should be ok.

In terms of "safe", if all applicants does not meet the minimum requirement of your job, then your case is safe.

If a guy is over-qualified (adv degree or more experience than your job's requirement), he is qualified.
Changing employers during 7th year

Hi all
is it possible to switch to an employer who has an I485 pending during the 7th year extension?

good news

The CA regional (DOL) is processing the aps (RIR) rcvd on Sept-2002... They are going faster than normal...
Priority Date while using Substitution labour

Hi All

My compnay has filed I-140 using substitution labour. I would like to know what would be priority date in this case.


Re: good news

Originally posted by lorestan
The CA regional (DOL) is processing the aps (RIR) rcvd on Sept-2002... They are going faster than normal...

What is the rate of cetification?

Is NOF same as the '3 option letter'?

Also, can DOL reject after company responds to NOF?
3 Options?

What does these three options mean?

Received notice dated XX/XX/2003 giving 3 options:
1. Withdraw
2. Remand to state
3. Re-test market

What percentage of IT LC gets remend to state in CA?
Worse case senario

I am sorry, I don't know...
Anybody knows the worse case senario for people who get regected from the DOL...How does it work?????
Re: 3 Options?

see this stats: posted by DESI145 on June 26, 2003::

"Thanks to T3K

Hi T3K,
First of all, thanks for putting this file. It has really valuable information. Although it was hard to understand the trend, but I found out following.
999.151.031 and 999.151.032 are the cases getting more problems.

Here is some statistics ( there is a saying " statistics is like a bikini, what it reveal is suggestive, but what it conceal is vital. " )

2759 Total Cases
1993 Received Regional
589 Remand Issued
51 NOF rebuttal /time extension
46 Withdrawn
20 NOF Issued
16 Denied
33 Certified

Worked On cases 755 (exclude those in received regional status)
Certified % 4.370860927
Remand/Denied % 80.13245033

All certified looks like for employer not had any layoffs
131 of remand issued/denied cases belongs to just four big employers in bay area.

Keep fingers crossed

Any comments!"
I myself ran some stats only for IT cases (999-151.-xxx) received after August 2001 at DOL and the picture was even worse, it was approx. 1% approval rate. the rest is remand. There was some (very few) NOF (3 option letter).

Would you mind posting your details so that others can benefit from it? Eg: RD with DOL, DOT code, category, when did you receive your response from DOL.


Originally posted by guannie
What does these three options mean?

Received notice dated XX/XX/2003 giving 3 options:
1. Withdraw
2. Remand to state
3. Re-test market

What percentage of IT LC gets remend to state in CA?
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Re: Worse case senario

As far as I know the worst case is Denied- not remanded. Remanded "only" means that your case goes back to regular (Non-rir) processing and the recruitment will be supervised by the state employment agency (SESA) in a couple years down the road. It's not that it's not bad enough, but at least your application is not denied, you can keep your priority date which establishes your place in the queue. Also, labor application that is peding for over 365 days allows you to extend H visa with yearly increments.

Someone who got a remand from DOL said that the remanded to state decision can not be challanged- there is no place for appeal.

hope this helps,

Originally posted by lorestan
I am sorry, I don't know...
Anybody knows the worse case senario for people who get regected from the DOL...How does it work?????
Re: 3 Options?

these options mean that your employer can:
1. withdraw the LC application
2. request that the LC application be remanded to state for regular processing
3. retest the market and submit the results to DOL. Meaning run ads, interview people and prove to DOL that there is no qualified citizen or perm. resident willing and able to fill the vacancy.


Originally posted by guannie
What does these three options mean?

Received notice dated XX/XX/2003 giving 3 options:
1. Withdraw
2. Remand to state
3. Re-test market

What percentage of IT LC gets remend to state in CA?
Can you post the AVM telephone number for California DOL? I tried 415 975 4617, but it keeps on ringing.
Hello all,
The phone number is working now.
Just heard that my case has been "Remended to State" received in Regional office on 23-Sep-02 DOt code 999.###.151 (Compute related). No layoffs. Medium sized comapany. Not a software comapny.

Waiting for my lawyer to call me back.

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