California DOL (Regional) Tracking

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Some interesting statistics

Here are some more statistics based on the file by toy3kin:

Biggest filers:
company | num

Most Certified:
position | num
Cooks, Restaurant | 201
Electronics Engineers, Except Computer | 142
Cook, Specialty, Foreign Food | 91
Nonfarm Animal Caretakers | 61
Accountants and Auditors | 53

Most Denied:
position | num
Manicurists and Pedicurists | 16
Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software | 11
Child Care Workers | 10
Home Health Aides | 8
Computer Software Engineers, Applications | 5
Computer Hardware Engineers | 3
Computer and Information Systems Managers | 3

Most Remanded:
position | num
Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software | 302
Computer Software Engineers, Applications | 287
Software Engineer | 100
Computer Systems Analysts | 70
Electronics Engineers, Except Computer | 55
Computer and Information Systems Managers | 32
Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts | 20
Computer Programmers | 19
Database Administrators | 18
Computer Support Specialists | 17
Network and Computer Systems Administrators | 16
Computer Hardware Engineers | 15
Programmer Analyst | 10

Top Applications (Total):
position | num
Computer Software Engineers, Applications | 1503
Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software | 1256
Cooks, Restaurant | 552
Electronics Engineers, Except Computer | 549
Software Engineer | 444
Computer Systems Analysts | 311
Accountants and Auditors | 178
Computer and Information Systems Managers | 143
Cook, Specialty, Foreign Food | 134
Marketing Managers | 110
Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants | 110
Computer Programmers | 104
Computer Support Specialists | 99
Database Administrators | 98
Market Research Analysts | 91
Computer Hardware Engineers | 86
Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts | 86
Industrial Engineers | 83
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Production and | 77
Network and Computer Systems Administrators | 76

So it appears the the best bet to get certified would be if you are a cook.
Re: online checking of cases

DECISION_DATE Certified_ 1/24/2002

Begin_Date Certified_07/01/2002

End_Date 06/30/2005

Approval_Status Certified

I went on to the site and got the info for one of the case .Somehow it does not make sense to me .Would it be possible for you to explain the above terms and dates to me.


Originally posted by jajabhor
Check this out :

Just keying in of company name and state would get all info about the status of cases.
Ana..sorry to hear that

Hi Ana,
Sorry to hear about your case. You have been one of the actively participating individual. You must have tried to explore your options. Let us know what your lawyers suggest.
For those who gets certified, congrats. Have a " without-ups-downs, without-problems journey " to 140/485 stage.
The last statistics by rollingstone is really scary. After doing all that research, all we can say is "DOL is unpredictable! All you need is luck and one good day to get certified!"
I tried to check my status. I live in Portland, Oregon.

I tried both and With "Case XXXXXXXX" in the message body (No subject), I did not get any response. I do not know why. How long should I wait till the response gets back? Any information will be very appreciated. Thanks.
Here is the format:
Subject: Case xxxxxxxx
Message body: Case xxxxxxxx

and wait for 24 to 72 hours for a reply

Originally posted by yvesliu
I tried to check my status. I live in Portland, Oregon.

I tried both and With "Case XXXXXXXX" in the message body (No subject), I did not get any response. I do not know why. How long should I wait till the response gets back? Any information will be very appreciated. Thanks.
Re: rollingstone

This is based on data posted earlier in this thread by toy3kin. Ask toy3kin on how (s)he got the data.

Originally posted by spicensour
Can you tell me, how you got the info pleaaaaaaaase?
Re: online checking of cases

This is H1B data, not LC data. Wuz stumped too, guess it is easy to excite people waitin' to hear 'bout their case status.


Originally posted by spicensour
DECISION_DATE Certified_ 1/24/2002

Begin_Date Certified_07/01/2002

End_Date 06/30/2005

Approval_Status Certified

I went on to the site and got the info for one of the case .Somehow it does not make sense to me .Would it be possible for you to explain the above terms and dates to me.

Looks like DOL is almost dine remanding September cases.

Some of my employer's late September cases are already remanded. They should start remanding October cases this week (doesn't makes much sense to say 'processing')

Thank you for your information. I tried this e-mail format yesterday, this morning, my hotmail server send me an e-mail says it has been delayed to send. I do not understand why? Any clue? The message look like:

"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 12:40:33 -0700

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: delayed
Status: 4.4.7
Will-Retry-Until: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:40:30 -0700


Originally posted by disney2k
Here is the format:
Subject: Case xxxxxxxx
Message body: Case xxxxxxxx

and wait for 24 to 72 hours for a reply
It seems that the most recent certified cases are those got NOF in May or earlier. Since June, we saw almost all processed cases were remanded to state. I heard a rumor saying that DOL at SF believed that there was no need for RIR effort for Computer related positions since mid 2001 because of massive layoff of domestic workers, which might be the excuse for DOD at SF to stamp “Remand to State” on all RIR cases.

If this is true, I have a question for DOL at SF, why telling us so late? Did you just figure out that RIR become unnecessary sine two years ago? As an application of RIR LC, I feel like I was allowed to take a bus for a long long trip. When getting to the destination, suddenly I was told that this bus should been canceled and I had to go back to where I started. Somebody may say, “You still have the priority date for non-RIR track.” I would ask, “Where is the 6+ month for RIR advertisement?” I guess many of RIR applications would stand in front of tons of 245i applicants in the non-RIR line if they chose non-RIR from the beginning.

RIR folks, we got to do something instead of praying for the mercy from DOL at SF. We should speak out our frustration, pain and anger for being treated like this way.
Looks like their servers are down or have been shut down.

>> <>:
>> Sorry, I couldn't find a mail exchanger or IP address. (#5.4.4)

Originally posted by yvesliu
Thank you for your information. I tried this e-mail format yesterday, this morning, my hotmail server send me an e-mail says it has been delayed to send. I do not understand why? Any clue? The message look like:

"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 12:40:33 -0700

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: delayed
Status: 4.4.7
Will-Retry-Until: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:40:30 -0700

hey columbus2003,

your's is a good point ......

"I have a question for DOL at SF, why telling us so late? Did you just figure out that RIR become unnecessary sine two years ago?"

check out the messages of lorestan, pos, cal97 at page 22 of
Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245i Part7.

So, What should I do, keep trying or wait for a while. If I should wait, how long? Thanks.

Originally posted by lca_001
Looks like their servers are down or have been shut down.

>> <>:
>> Sorry, I couldn't find a mail exchanger or IP address. (#5.4.4)

any clears in sept list

I just heard that SF DOL are processing OCT 2002 cases....did any one get ...+ve result on SEPT 2002 cases? I even know it is horrible to get certified lately....but tiny inclination..........
Labor Certified

PD: Sep'01

DOL RD: Sep'02

DOT Code: 999.132.051

Certified on 7/11/03

This forum has been very informative and has helped me get through this long wait - but for it, this whole labor cert process would have been a big dark hole..I'm very grateful for all the shared experiences and analysis on this forum.

It is very saddening to see the blanket 'remand to state' of IT cases - I sincerely hope that the affected professionals are able to get together and may be, with the help of lawyers appeal to DOL and generate enough pressure for them to re-evaluate what they are doing...

Good luck to everyone!


I have the same DoT Code and it would be useful to get more data on your case ... were there and RFE's/NoF's issued? Location? etc.

Best Regards,
Addl Info

There was some kind of a query (don't know if it was called an RFE) from SESA in Aug'02. My lawyer responded and the case was transmitted to DOL in Sep'02.

Location: California

No NOF or query from DOL.

Hope this helps.

Originally posted by sppr


I have the same DoT Code and it would be useful to get more data on your case ... were there and RFE's/NoF's issued? Location? etc.

Best Regards,
Addl Info


clarification- I meant to say 'Southern California' - if that makes a difference.

Re: Addl Info


I too received an RFE from SESA earlier this year and my lawyer responded to it.

What size company do you work for? And is the EB2/3 RIR?

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