Cable clearance sent from DOS to Consulate - What next?


Do we need any endorsement in the passport from some local gov agency office prior to traveling back on H1b Visa (first time) ? if any1 has more information ?

I called the Islamabad consulate yesterday, and was told that the administrative processing on my case is in its final stages and hopefully it would be completed within a week. I haven't checked with DOS to confirm if they sent my clearence to the consulate.

After waiting this long, I hope this really happens to be the case.

Wish everyone waiting for their visas all the best and may everyone get it soon.

Thanks God !!! Finally I got my H1-B visa stamped passport back this evening
Thanks to all of you guys for sharing your experience and valuable information .
I wish you all goodluck and kindly if some 1 can answer my above inquiry.

Congrats Salman .. thats just great news. We can all hope that this is a good omen for all of us still waiting.
Last week the embassy told me that my case is in the final stages similar to what ali and mdali have been told.
Ali: Did you find out what did the embassy contact the DOS for this time regarding your case?

Salman you don't need a machine readable passport to enter the country. But if you enter the country without a machine readable passport, then you'll be fingerprinted at the port of entry. That's all. Congratulations on the visa!!

My H1B revalidation is due, but I am too scared to get out of the country to get that done.
Congrats Salman, wish you all the best.

Now I hope that everyone else who is still waiting for their visas, gets them soon.

Thanks to all of you and I wish and pray that you all and my younger brother Dr Ali should get out of this situation as soon as possible.

Ok here is an important piece of information for those of you who will be leaving country on the H1b visa for the first time or those who have changed employer needs to get passport stamped from Pakistan Gov Agency called "PROTECTOR OF EMIGRANTS" in Lahore this office is located at 117 G block- Model town it will cost you around Rs 6000/- and one full working day. All forms are available at the site but you will have to deposit fee at 3 different places so better be there at 8:00 AM . It is very important as Airport Authority will not let you board plane as current Gov has strictly enforced this policy constituted since 1970's.

You will need orginal notice of action.Orginal I.D card. Passport and may ask for contract. Pssports are collected till 12:00 noon and delivered back between 2:00 -3:00 pm.

Wish you all Good luck

Time Frame??

Hi all
SSSheikh aka salman congrats!! How long did DOS take for your processing? (Excluding the time at the embassy)
mdali77 can u please answer the same question?

Its been more than 4 months for my visa condor check. The embassy didnt take my fingerprints either. Any suggestions?

:confused: _jay
Hi Jay !
I think you are almost there as it took 4 months and 2 weeks for DOS clearance, consulate tok another 1 week in my case and my friend also got it in same time frame.


The embassy was pretty quick in your case. My security clearance came through on March 21st and they sat on it till May 2nd, and then sent a followup information request to DOS. Completely baffles me why it should take them one and a half month to just decide that. How did the empbassy inform you, phone call or email? and how long after that did you get your passport.

I am still waiting... almost 8 months since I applied in Sep 2004....

Last week, I was told by the guy at the consulate that my processing is in final stages, I haven't followed up on that.

Keeping my fingers crossed... :)

Ali (akahmed ),

My friend also had to wait 4 weeks after conulate recieved clearance, To the best of my knowledge they are requesting different types of clearance for different cases including background checks in pakistan.

I did not get any call from consulate. It was American Express who called my home between 1-2 pm while I was getting my car repaired and had no thought about passport or visa. I picked up my passort in next 90 min.

I know this phase is very stressful, as I also went through it, but to avoid this stress damaging you what I thought as best is to keep yourself as much distracted and busy as possible cause no matter where we call and how many times we call this process of clearance is kept highly confidential...e.g when I faxed DOS in march and you will be surprized that what they replied "..... once your clearance is complete you will be called by consulate in Chinnia (India)" !!!

Nutshell is that Inshalla all of you will be back on your jobs in U.S, I am syaing this to you cause this was said to me and I believed it.

Take care and good luck

Ali ( mdali 77),

I think you were interested in knowing some1 who got visa after 6 months time frame. Please check your private massages regarding this info.

Consulate Internal Investigation

Hi guys,

I called Islamabad consulate today to inquire the status of my case.

Last week I had been told that my admin processing was in final stages and should be finished within a week.

But today this is what the person I talked to told me:

My security clearance had been sent by DOS, but since my name is too common so the Visa Officer at the consulate needs further information and therefore the consulate is doing its own internal investigation. No timeframe was provided as to when this will be completed.

The person I talked to was even aware of the fact that I had been waiting for this long (almost 8 months) and that I have been calling regularly to check the status.

This is really frustrating as I thought that I was almost through and with this new investigation, there doesn't seem to be a end in sight.

If anyone else encountered similar situation, please share your experience.


What's with this about Consulate's own internal investigation? They told me something similar but I didn't pay attention. They said that their investigative department is looking into this matter. Weird.
Got The Visa!!

Guys, I got the visa yesterday. Wow it took so long but the happiness eliminates all the misery that I went through. Thanks to Allah for His mercy.

And thanks to all you guys who have been a blessing in disguise during this time period. InshaAllah I pray that you guys get your visas soon too :)

Yea this is pretty weird, even 8 months investigation and clearance from DOS doesn't seem enough these days. I have no idea what they will investigate now and who will do the actual investigation...

This seems highly inefficient, they could have done it in parallel at the same time DOS was doing its own processing...

Does anyone has any idea reagarding this? As to where this investigation is conducted and on average how long it takes?

Congrats groovin80 for getting your visa, wish you all the best.

hey ali and all
I was going through the web and i came across the procedure for the visa condor check. It said that the DOS first conducts checks with the different departments in USA ex. FBI, CIA etc. Once they get some positive response they check the case with the foriegn ports meaning the countries visited in the last 10 years falling in the list of 26 countries.
So ali i am thinking they are going through your local check rite now.
I might be wrong.
and yeah there is no such thing as parallel processing. They do it sequentially because if there is a negative response in any of the checks, the cable can be stopped rite there, it means that the checks from the remaining departments will be totally unnecessary. Unlike the parallel processing where the departments have to spend more time doing checks for each and every case. I too wish that the processing be parallel. Infact i triggered one of the checks myself cuz i knew it will be followed.
Dont worry ali u seem to be next in the list. and yeah after how many months did they call u for fingerprints?
Take care guys.
:confused: jay
p.s. congrats groovin80
Hey confused_jay,

I was fingerprinted within a couple of months of my actual interview, so its been almost 6 months since I was fingerprinted. They were processed within a week and sent back according to FBI.

As for the 26 countries thing, I did visit my relatives in one of them, besides my home country.

From what I have read on different forums, sometimes they also verify with the company that sponsored you. As far as I know this hasn't happened in my case yet. So maybe that is what they are doing?
