Cable clearance sent from DOS to Consulate - What next?

Based on my experience with Islamabad embassy, doubt if they would tell. You could call DOS status inquiry number and ask them if there was a second request from the embassy. Better chance of them telling then banging your head with some peon at the embassy.

Hi Ali,

I was reading through your experience with local consulate, it is sad to know that they were so rude, it seems pretty much of local routine so don't take it very serious.
DOS and other departments in US also have immigration case specialist who can respond to your attorney's request and provide help regrading delay investigation. In our experience delay has been found to be at local end due to major backlog.
So finally what to do.. I guess pray hard and for every 1.. as it is not controlled by any consulate.

Good luck to all of you


I'm just curious If you're back in US? Did passport control give you any grief while entering?

Yep, I am back in US. No problems at all at the POE. I entered via houston. Took a total of 30 minutes to clear both immigration and customs. They
did indicate in the visa as "CLASS HIT - NOT AN INA INELIGIBILTY" So atleast no more mess with this headache at the POE.

You have been great help in providing info. Cheers.

CLASS is the Consular Database against which they check the name of each applicant. What this means is that Anis' name appeared in the Consular Database for a potential visa ineligibility under the INA (Immigration and Nationality Act), but it turned that he is not ineligible. (This is to warn the POE official that his name might show up in some context, but that it has been checked and vetted already.)
yep. MNINJ has hit the crux of the issue.

CLASS = Consulate Lookout and Alert System.. basically a bunch of names that they want to keep tabs on.. except that we have so many common names :eek: .. So if a name gets flagged, then a clearance is required..

Apparently some 11 million names were added in 2003 oct .. so more names are getting flagged in their list..

I continue to be frustrated by this impasse, where the National Visa Center says that my wife's fingerprint check results have been forwarded to the Embassy, and the embassy says they're still waiting for them. (The fingerprints were forwarded on March 21!!! )

I don't know what the heck is going on :(
My name being soo common, surely I'll end up there.... probably prone to more security check hassles in the future...
Hello All,

It has been past 25 days since DOS sent clearance to chennai consulate. But still no development...
Waiting desperately..............

I called the US Embassy in Islamabad last night and was told that my wife's file is open and being "analyzed". I wonder what that means.

As a recap:

My wife was arrested in 2001 for mistakenly walking out with a department store hand bag.
The charges were dropped on February 15, after which my wife applied for a visa on March 14.
They sent her fingerprints to the NVC who forwarded them to the FBI. The NVC sent the fingerprint results back to the Embassy on March 21.

Now I wonder what this "analysis" is all about. Everything scares me now.
Hey Ali,
Have you called DOS to find out if your case is going through a second clearance? If every clearance is done, what the heck is the embassy waiting for?

Tried calling DOS number, says wait time is 15 minutes but it seems to be an endless wait...I've found the DOS status to be useless, they always says its pending. Its been been a month now since they last told me that the information was sent back to the embassy....Its almost 5 months for me now and still no clear indication.....

The wait continues...

When I had been calling the DOS during the past couple of weeks, I was told the clearance was sent to the chennai consulate. Yesterday, they told me "Due to some unfortunate reason, the cable was resent on apr 19". But I could not make out if it was a clearance cable sent to the consulate or an enquiry cable sent to the DOS. The response seemed quite redundant.
Talking to a visa specialist DOES take time but I dont know if this was a particularly big problem the past few days, because I could manage to get through twice.
The wait continues...
