Bush is being re-elected, is it good form immigrant commnunity

common guys what's happening, just cool down
nothing will happen even if you say its bad that bush won and kerry lost
whatever the people of america thought they showed it in the voting

bigbandwolf, your mistaken, you have to think once again about your statement
I just stated facts. I could give you sources for everything I said. I am not responsible for the accuracy of these facts.
The fact that I'm not a citizen and do not have right to vote does not mean that I can't have an oppinion who of the both candidates will do better job (for the country in which I currently reside and raise my children, as well as for me personally as an immigrant). And that was the aim of the thread as I understand: just to give our opinion if Bush's reelection will be good or bad for our immigrant community, nothing more - so so not jump again each other, please...
BTW I've read an interseting comment in the Europian press, that the election of the next US President is so important for the fate of the world as a whole that this decision should not be put in the hands of american people only...
The bottom line is whoever wins does not support immigrants
The only thing I am happy about is for my country ,because India will benefit a lot ,outsourcing is in fellas......big time.....and this time it has got a mandate behind it...remember Bush came out even pre-election for outsourcing
Did you feel like I did

The whole day today I am just very depressed. I had no mood to work or laugh.

Whatever it is, it is the people's choice and the majority has spoken......
streddy said:
Hey guys
Everyone is talking bad about the heartland americans. The farmers of america built the country and they think better (for their own country) than any legal and illegal immigrants. Its too bad that we immigrants think that we are the only brilliant people in the country please restrain from talking trash and think before putting word in B/W.
btw, the illegal immigrants never competed for brilliant peoples job and you would get your gc when your turn comes.
All I want to say is be happy that several of us have better life in this country even if we are in F1 visa.
Please dont make life bad for others with your loose talk

very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, guys, let's stop the argument now. One thing we concern is which president will benefit our interest most. the fact is that when Clinton was the president, he and his advisors boosted the economy and created the huge demand for workers in hi-tech, banking and other business. Then there was H-1B quick process, AC21, etc. Under Bush's administration, even Americans stay unemployment for couple years at home.

To immigrate to this country is not our "birth right". However, America is in fact, an IMMIGRATION COUNTRY!!! No one can claim they are native born Americans except the Idians. Just because people who came here hundreds years (it's not more than 8 generations, and most of them only come here 2 generations up)ealier than us, it doesn't mean we should feel INFERIOR! It doesn't mean we should gratefully thank them for providing the chance for us to live in the country. American's prosperity counts a lot on the new coming hard working immigrants. Guys, we really do not need to feel INFERIOR!!! Please keep your heads up!!!

And STREDDY, I really think you are narrow minded. Open your eyes
and look around, people come here to express opinions. not for fight. if you want start a fight, you should go to another place. Not everyone who came here wants to become citizen. there are tons of people who hold their greencards for many years and still don't want to apply for citizenship. Everyone has different reason, not the same reason that you have!!!
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yeah why dont you guys go and read the news, facts and see what is really happening around you. I think you will be surprised. I hate the word "heartland" because it has formed the basis of the current neo-con strategy. Sorry, nothing personal. The word comes right out of Karl Rove's plan to win this election and unless you are a hardcore neo-conservative kind of republican, please think and see if it personally makes any sense to you. thats all. Ciao
Ameican immigration policy is based on its own national interest. It's mutual beneficiary for both parties: country and immigrats. They need us like we need them!!!

I have friends coming from Spain, England who are appling greencards here too. Obviously these countries do not have significant differences than America. Not everyone come to this country used to have poorer life in their home country. Without immigration, there is no America in the history.
i don't know the facts on the heartland vs non-heartland etc --- i'll just write below on what i know!

I don't see any point in people saying "if you dont like it or if you complain about other people, you should leave" in this forum of least!! ---Wow!- that attitude is certainly "non-American" and in fact "non-everywhere" these days...Develop some tolerance guys!!..

what was wrong in Bigbadwolf stating some facts he knew or complaining about Bush's win - he just didnt like it - if someone likes it, say so and move on!!! If you dispute his facts, throw your own facts back, period.

one other discouraging point i noticed in the earlier discussion is saying that we are all just trying to be immigrants and try to be just happy with what we get on the table, don't complain about anything in this country because everything we get from here is better than our home countries,etc,etc ---- Pathetic attitude!!! --- I can tell you this is the most defeatist, inferiority-based complex you can have in life - being an immigrant. I would advise you to shed that feeling and spread better feelings around to your friends and children--- Remember the roots of America, how it was built and that's what makes it a great country - not just the Money or Fame or power each individual earns, it's the freedom to express your feelings and the path it offers to everyone (not just to people who were born here 5 generations back! - you never know, looking back at history their ancestors have been immigrants at some point!!) --- Only with a positive, open,free attitude - you can create a better future for yourself and the country you live and also for the people around you, not with a closed,resigned thought process!

streddy - if you are afraid expressing opinions in a forum is going to affect us all, that's fine, you are absolutely right in your thought, so don't write anything from your side - but do not discourage or ridicule others from expressing their thoughts, that's silly to say the least!
thanks mj23 for sorting that out!

streddy small tip (no hard feeling of course) : making a personal attack on someone for something that person said is not a good comeback. If you have facts put them up and lets see who is right. If not, I am entitled to my opinion as you are to your own.
Why are you guys going on a defensive "mob" behaviour. Just as you think you are right in your place, i think iam right too.

I stand by every word (especially the word "heartland") i said. There's nothing being narrow minded or thick headed about it.

Nothing personal, i dont accept tips.
streddy said:
Hey guys
Everyone is talking bad about the heartland americans. The farmers of america built the country and they think better (for their own country) than any legal and illegal immigrants. Its too bad that we immigrants think that we are the only brilliant people in the country please restrain from talking trash and think before putting word in B/W.
btw, the illegal immigrants never competed for brilliant peoples job and you would get your gc when your turn comes.
All I want to say is be happy that several of us have better life in this country even if we are in F1 visa.
Please dont make life bad for others with your loose talk

You do not know how america was built !! It was the european/protestant settles came here killed millions of native indians..is any native indian in power?

Think before, you divulge yourself as a Zombie from nowhere..
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Hey guys
I beleive that these arguments have gotten out of hand.
Go back and read my first message.
All I said was do not call anyone ignorant just becos he is a farmer or a mexican immigrant (legal or illegal). As much as everyone want to be here for one reason or the other have been given equal opportunity to live and continue to live well. To see facts as facts isnt immigrant attitude but to behave educated is nice.
So loose the attitude of calling this country is for immigrants and everybody is only immigrant as its not gonna take anywhere.
Political views (and affiliations) are good to have but demeaning someone is not right (just my thought)
I merely expressed my opinion cos this site had been very informative and helpful for me and I hated to have a few bad messages.
If you dont agree well its too bad..
lets leave it at that.
good luck with your visas and whatever else you wannna do in this country.
"So lose the attitude of calling this country is for immigrants and everybody is only immigrant as its not gonna take anywhere"

Man – History Of America says so, not us!!


"All I said was do not call anyone ignorant"

You said more than that…The very people at whom you are directing your comment ‘ if you don’t like something in this country, why don’t you pack up and leave’ (as if it makes any sense at all!!!) – helped you through sharing their information during your days of waiting for GC…Hope you don’t forget that….


"I hated to have a few bad messages"

No message is ‘bad’ man --- it’s never black or white – dude


to all other guys - forget this whole thing, going nowhere at all, hoping for the best in all our cases soon - keep sharing useful stuff and thoughts - this forum has been "really useful" for so many people, let's continue it and hope everyone goes on to become a proud and responsible immigrant in this great country!
streddy had pre-occupied with negative notions about farmers, mexicans...

Here we are talking about, political party's unfair attitude towards immigrants(legal/illegal) of one nation 'mexian' which are voters bank.
My opinion is all immigrants are treated fairly, won't be discriminated just because of personal/political gains.

It's not about getting visa/GC, it's about fair treatment.... americans should think that they don't own land .. they were immigrants too. American constitution was written by immigrants not by native indians....

Bottom line is .. Legal immigrants should be given advantage as they are going thru hell of trouble and pain just to be LEGAL... not like jumping over the walls and stealing jobs...