Bush is being re-elected, is it good form immigrant commnunity


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Bush is being re-elected, is it good form immigrant commnunity. Please post your view. I think he is bad for immigration community, wht do you guys think?
If the jobs are being out-sourced, health care costs are increasing, fisical deficit is at the record level ( and he is about to sign 87 billion dollar bill) .... tell me how is it good ....
I am not a great supporter of Bush,but one positive from his victory from out viewpoint would be that there would be no large scale exodus of key people in immigration and no much chnage in existing policies,which is good....because as we know that everytime it happens the whole approval process comes to a standstill for months....
i'm so unhappy about him to be reelected. i think it's bad news for us and it's bad news for the whole country. he will lead this country to a dead end. i don't see any progress or ablity he has to change the enconomy within his next four year term. i only see the possiblities of another terriest attack, war with Iran or N. korea or China (if Taiwan declares its independency in 2006). that might raise the hardship for foreigners who stay in this country like us. ever since he becomes president, immigration policy becomes tigher due to: 1.national security - terrorist attack 2. bad economy - they don't need lots of foreign work force any more. it's so easy to triger the war within next four years under Bush's administration.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so disappointed with the american people!
its sad to see to that how one or two key states and the rural ignorant people in these states effect the whole election process.

if the last 4 yrs are any proof, we are in for more trouble in the next 4 yrs, this president doesnt like foreign nations or foreigners living here. the bushs' believe in war and conquering the world.

all he did care of were the illegal immigrants because they help him get the hispanic vote in the us.
He likes mexicans

He likes mexicans.

He allowed a lot of illegal mexican immigrants to become green card holders .

But without taking care of the details, that has caused a lot of problems for legal immigrants.

Since he did not make provisions for legal immigrants,
a lot of labor applications in NON-RIR has been delayed for years, because of the flood of applications from illegal mexicans in april 2001 (If you remember law 245i).

The immigration dept should have made two separate channels to process illegal immigrants and legal immigrants instead of lumping both together.

In a recent interview to fox news, Bush talked very lovingly of the hispanic people.
Most illegal immigration people come to the States doing Americans' unwanteed job: such as kithen, cleaning, etc. And they are easier to get green cards than us. Bush doesn't like intelligent people. Look at the votes he got: midwestern farmers and southern cotton planters. Because THEY ARE THE SAME TYPE!!!
I do agree with 'waitingwaiting'. Bush has been desparate for mexican votes. He wants do any thing for mexicans like giving EADs to all 11 million illegal mexicans.

Well, Bush does not even like to talk about legal immigration since it doesnot help getting votes and may stop off-shoring work which will get him millions of party funds.

What I will see in next 4 years is all 11 million illegal unskilled mexicans will become citizens(which inturn help for reuplican voters) and consume all social welfare resources. Parallely, big employers could n't get legal skilled workers, they will out-source jobs in large scale....

one more thing, it's total waste to conduct elections all over america, only 7 swing states decide the President... Remaining states are static/useless in choosing president.
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Hey guys
Everyone is talking bad about the heartland americans. The farmers of america built the country and they think better (for their own country) than any legal and illegal immigrants. Its too bad that we immigrants think that we are the only brilliant people in the country please restrain from talking trash and think before putting word in B/W.
btw, the illegal immigrants never competed for brilliant peoples job and you would get your gc when your turn comes.
All I want to say is be happy that several of us have better life in this country even if we are in F1 visa.
Please dont make life bad for others with your loose talk
STREDDY,you are the one who is doing all the trash talk .Everyone is just giving their opinion here and its their right to do so.Nobody said that we are the most brilliant people in the world.So if you have a opinion give it,do not try to suppress and interpret other people's views as per your own wish..
Republicans Suck.. :eek: ......Democrats Rock... :)

Even in defeat , i see victory for Democrats, they are going to come back in full throtle force.

all are against Bush, though he won with most votes polled defeating Kerry by margin of 3 1/2 million votes
its good sign for them

if kerry comes to Office, for us its good but it will take some more time and USCIS will be in standstill for couple of years to regroup with Democratic way

its okay with previous people for us, they know what they are doing in USCIS and we may get our GCs early

anyway those 11 million illegal immigranst wont VOTE until thy become US CITIZENS.

we are here to work, not to decide who has to govern this country, we are very fortunate that these guys gave us freedom to come and work here and earn little more money than our native country.
Seems a lot of people don't like Bush. I don't like him spend the tax money on the war. Each missile costs millions. He should use his own money to pay for it. The whole damn war costs billions. When we retire, we are not sure if the Government has enough money to pay for social security.

Someday, they will raise the tax to pay for the damn war, dificit and social security too.

I don't understand American very well.

I think you should reconsider when you criticize people for nonsense. please use your brain to think frist. Don't behave like Bush launching the missiles without thinking through. You are not him and you can not be him although you have the similar attitudes.
You guys need to relax. I believe that non-immigrants and immigrants are all fortunate to be here. Immigration is a "BENEFIT". It is not your "BIRTH RIGHT". It doesn't matter who wins the election, you are considered a foreigner in any country if you are not a citizen of that country and have rules and regulations to abide by. I am sure a lot of people think that is not fair treatment, but unfortunately that is how the world works. Every President whether Democrat or Republican thinks first about his people(the citizens of the nation), and keeping his job and everyone in the House and Senate happy. The rest of us are last on the priority list. I think we should be thankful that America keeps its doors open to immigration still(even after 9/11, they are not obligated to be nice to you) unlike countries like Denmark, Britain, Germany and various other countries who decide every once in a while if foreigners are too much trouble, they are out the door.
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xyz2375 said:
You guys need to relax. I believe that non-immigrants and immigrants are all fortunate to be here. Immigration is a "BENEFIT". It is not your "BIRTH RIGHT". It doesn't matter who wins the election, you are considered a foreigner in any country if you are not a citizen of that country and have rules and regulations to abide by. Every President whether Democrat or Republican thinks first about his people and keeping his job and everyone in the House and Senate happy. The rest of us are last on the priority list. I think we should be thankful that America keeps its doors open to immigration still unlike countries like Denmark, Britain, Germany and various other countries who decide every once in a while if foreigners are too much trouble, they are out the door.

i'll also in same page as xyz2375,
we are not here to tell that who has to won the election, we are just immigrants came to this country for better living ,better education and earn money.

dont be so adamant
wow streddy!
For a minute there I almost felt like I was listening to one of those daytime talk shows supporting Bush. America's heartland and the farmers that build America. Are you sure this was not discussed any of those shows recently. damn!!

BTW I am not sure if you know this but the states that voted against bush are the ones that lost more lives in iraq than the "heartland" (check out fatality break down by state). The "heartland" does a very good job of supporting people that instigate war to kill a lot of people who dont live in the heartland. Seems like a good strategy.

Easy fellows,

Every immigrant takes a pride being in US when they visit their home country; we want to live here, want our children to be "born" americans and on the other hand dont want to recognize the privilege of being accepted into this country as a PR/citizen until you have to pack your bags and leave.
Every job is a respectable job whether its cleaning a kitchen or mopping the floor as long as it puts food on your table everyday.

If you guys are so damn pissed about the people and this country and everyone else you can think of, i beleive you have a choice of leaving.
