Bunch of JERKS is what USCIS is...


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No matter what you do, these Incompetent will never do the right thing. Moved to a new place after 6 months of stamping, sent AR11, called USCIS office got the address changed, saw card ordered online, again called them to make sure that it will be mailed to the right address, still looks like they have sent it to the old address. 11 days passed, I have not received my card yet.
DAMN!!, bunch of Idiots running the USCIS.

What all my options are now ??
You have to inform the service center in writing about the address change, then it may work, but again no guarantee. I agree that they are a bunch of jerks but we should be happy that we at least got the GC, several others are screwing around waiting anxiously
MydreamUSA. said:
Just relax . I know it is not easy.

I were you i would file this form and wait for an action from them.


But a friend of mine told me that if card has been returned back to the USCIS office, it will take another several months to get the card if u try G731N. instead, you should file some sort of form that request duplicate card.

I m confused...
I thinnk filing the form is a way. This is an official request from you to USCIS for an action so that they know what to do when they get "returned card". Otherwise, i think you are taking a chance.

I do not practice law, I suggest you to get an advice from a good immigration lawyer ( it will cost you $100-150 but may save you a lot of time and nerves)..
Done Deal

MydreamUSA. said:
I thinnk filing the form is a way. This is an official request from you to USCIS for an action so that they know what to do when they get "returned card". Otherwise, i think you are taking a chance.

I do not practice law, I suggest you to get an advice from a good immigration lawyer ( it will cost you $100-150 but may save you a lot of time and nerves)..

As I thought, My card was sent to my old address but fortunately it was forwarded to my new address, I received it on the Saturday..

I am done. Thank got !!
Bindaas said:
No matter what you do, these Incompetent will never do the right thing. Moved to a new place after 6 months of stamping, sent AR11, called USCIS office got the address changed, saw card ordered online, again called them to make sure that it will be mailed to the right address, still looks like they have sent it to the old address. 11 days passed, I have not received my card yet.
DAMN!!, bunch of Idiots running the USCIS.

What all my options are now ??

Did you file change of address form with USPS so that
they can forward yoru mails?
AmericanWannabe said:
Did you file change of address form with USPS so that
they can forward yoru mails?

Yes I did, I filed AR11 as well as I called them and got my address changed.
Infact, I called them again to make sure that the address is changed.
This thread is a classic example of how some think that the good ol' US of A owes them. It’s easy to criticize the Immigration for enforcing the law and/or keeping caps on immigration and/or lagging behind the huge paperwork.

Let us (for a change) appreciate what they do. After all, USA is the greatest land on earth for its welcoming nature. Would India welcome visitors/immigrants like how US do? Will an Indian like to see Africans settling in India?

Gimme a break!
Upstate_NY said:
Would India welcome visitors/immigrants like how US do? Will an Indian like to see Africans settling in India?

Gimme a break!

NO, because India is not a country of immigrants. But US of A is land of immigrants. Thats a big difference. If somethings suits one nation that doesn't automatically means that all other nation should do same thing.

Also many centuries back, India also infused with million of immigrants and settlers. India is only country where all religions lives peacefully(compartaive terms). Though India is predominently Hindu country, its current prime minister is sikh and president is Muslim... Can you imagine in our lifetime that US will have non-christen president. I bet not. Anyone outside bible thumper, with somewhat liberal policies will have hard time to become president in US.(Even Bill clinton was not liberal, he is conservative democrat)
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qwertyisback said:
NO, because India is not a country of immigrants. But US of A is land of immigrants. Thats a big difference. If somethings suits one nation that doesn't automatically means that all other nation should do same thing.

The point is not to make every country like the US but to appreciate what US stands for. The point is to realize that Immigration is a tough job for any country and appreciate what the Immigration folks are doing. The point is take a deep breath and sometimes allow time to take its toll (as it did here) and not to vent out frustrations so that others like me won't have to write this in the first place!

Come on, everybody has bad day and need to vent out anger and especially with CIS , there is little you can do about it. So why not just empty it on this forum??
Upstate_NY said:
The point is not to make every country like the US but to appreciate what US stands for. The point is to realize that Immigration is a tough job for any country and appreciate what the Immigration folks are doing. The point is take a deep breath and sometimes allow time to take its toll (as it did here) and not to vent out frustrations so that others like me won't have to write this in the first place!


I also love US and have no problems with this country, this country has given me hell lot of things. If u read my last posting, Those Jerks(USCIS), after all my efforts, they still sent it back to my old Address, what do you want to comment on this ?

Upstate_NY said:
Let us (for a change) appreciate what they do. After all, USA is the greatest land on earth for its welcoming nature. Would India welcome visitors/immigrants like how US do? Will an Indian like to see Africans settling in India?

US is not that in welcoming nature, it will not welcome everyone in. You are here is either because you are highly skilled, or something like that, Do you think, USA will let every Tom Dick and Harry in?

Do you know, there are 100000s of Africans settled in India? There is a big story of Africans settling here in the USA, ready US history, u will know.
the poster is talking aobut africans settling in India today. tough because of our contryfolks attitude towards africans ( recall the derogatory term `kallu` sends shivers down my spine when I hear it)
Yes there was a time when there was a lot of trade between India and the African cost especially Zanzibar. Also there were indigenous negroid tribes in India (pre dravidian era) and some still exist. I n addition a large group of africans brought in the portuguese (probably from mozambique) escaped indenture and settled in different parts of India and are collectively known as Siddis. They are not treated very well in present day india either.
Upstate_NY said:
This thread is a classic example of how some think that the good ol' US of A owes them. It’s easy to criticize the Immigration for enforcing the law and/or keeping caps on immigration and/or lagging behind the huge paperwork.

Let us (for a change) appreciate what they do. After all, USA is the greatest land on earth for its welcoming nature. Would India welcome visitors/immigrants like how US do? Will an Indian like to see Africans settling in India?

Gimme a break!
Let us appreciate what they do!!!!!!!! What exactly do they do??? They have a job opportunity, a foreigner has the skills and they admit him to do his job. Instead of quickly processing his visa/GC they take years, treat him like a refugee and kick him out if he loses his job. Nobody is welcoming you, please come out of the delusion! USCIS is one of the most inefficient organizations I have ever seen. Don't bring other countries here as you simply cannot compare them.
hipka said:
Let us appreciate what they do!!!!!!!! What exactly do they do??? They have a job opportunity, a foreigner has the skills and they admit him to do his job. Instead of quickly processing his visa/GC they take years, treat him like a refugee and kick him out if he loses his job. Nobody is welcoming you, please come out of the delusion! USCIS is one of the most inefficient organizations I have ever seen. Don't bring other countries here as you simply cannot compare them.

Absolutely I agree with you. This poster upstate_NY's comments show the mentality of some people who think US is doing a favour to them by having them here. These people you can think of as suffering from immense inferiority complex. You can see their attitude in everything they do. They will try to imitate american accent, try to use latest american slangs etc etc.

You may not realize, but it is true that most americans who are in positions of anything important realize america completely and absoultely relies on immigrants to power its economic growth. And they do need tons of new immigrants to not only bring new workers but also new tax payers to fund their bankrupt social security system. Same is true for canada, it is not that these people who have their historical basis deeply rooted in racism have suddenly had a change of heart. It is basically self interest pure and simple.
If you do not understand it, you are an idiot. Sorry to say that.

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By changing its immigration policy or having "closed doors" it is the US which will suffer and go the way o Europe which incidentally is now going all out to get people in.
Thankfully people who make decisions in this country are smarter than that and realize that if the US needs to maintain its world dominance in various fields it needs to keep stealing our best minds.
So nobody is doing anybody a favor here. It is a win all situation.
Anyone who has an inferiority complex well that is their problem.

yeppo said:
By changing its immigration policy or having "closed doors" it is the US which will suffer and go the way o Europe which incidentally is now going all out to get people in.
Thankfully people who make decisions in this country are smarter than that and realize that if the US needs to maintain its world dominance in various fields it needs to keep stealing our best minds.
So nobody is doing anybody a favor here. It is a win all situation.
Anyone who has an inferiority complex well that is their problem.


I agree with both of you guys. People need to learn things.
If some think that US only welcome the highly skilled, it is a wrong notion. Remember the family immigration, refugees, asylum seekers etc.

No highly skilled workers (as some are) are brought in as slaves unless I am mistaken. Each one came on their accord. Once they come, they may realize that the road to immigration could be a bumpy one. The option is there to stay or return. No one is kept against his/her will. So later to bad-mouth the Immigration Dept due to a personal experience and generalize the whole policy is a little over-hype. Maybe a Immigration boot-camp may help us to appreciate a little bit more ;)

I truly support the fact that Employment-based Immigration has helped this country but my only remark is that we must appreciate what this country offers to immigrants.

No talent was "stolen" and brought here but talented folks came voluntarily for the American Dream i.e. that anyone can make it big here due to the vast opportunity.
