Buffalo Tracker (please add)


Hi everyone,
I have a question regarding RPRF fee. I received a letter from CIC on Dec 3rd 03 waiving my interview and asking about RPRF fee. They asked me to pay $975CAD or $715US. My question is do I have to worry about US to CAD dollar conversion or just send $715 flat. Any advice is helpful.

Thanks much.
Landing Question

One of my friend received the PR stamp from Buffalo recently. But they mentioned in his documents that when he land he should fill new documents related to green card and should be present in Canada until he receives his Green Card. Actually he is working in USA on H1 visa. Please advice how to deal this situaltion.

Thanks everyone.
Avoid this doctor in Atlanta


I did my medicals in October with Dr. John Wolff in Atlanta.
My experience is very bad with him. His staff is very rude and till today he hasn't send my medicals to CIC... Charged 370$ for medicals...
What should I do ? I was not given any tracking no. despite my asking him for umpteen times.
Everytime I ask they say we are busy..will send it this week ??

Is there any place where we can complain about such doctors ?
I am really fed up in dealing with his staff. ...

I send all other docs to CIC in time, my interview was waived and I was expecting my landing in Jan......now everything is screwed up because of him......

what to do?
Re: E Client Status Changed

Did you receive anything after that. Mine also samething. I have checked online status on dec 13th. still I haven't received anything from them. I think They will send the request for passport.

Originally posted by baig110
Hi Guys,

Here is my timeline (Check your online status too they changed a bulk of them yesterday)

Applied: July 02
Started Processing: Nov 02
AOR: Nov 02
Initial Assessment: Oct 03
Interview waived
Requested for updated Docs (FBI clearance, Bank Statement, Employment Letter, W2, Paystubs and Proof of relation in Canada)
Medical: Nov 03
Sent Updated Docs: Dec 13, 03
Updated Docs Received: Dec 16, 03
Online Status changed to Decision Made: Dec 23, 03 (A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.)

I am hoping that it’s a positive decision and I might be getting Passport request.

Still waiting


I am still waiting... No letter from them yet. My status was changed on 23rd Dec. From ur timeline it seems a long wait.

Let me know when u get a letter and I will do the same.



same situation. Did medicals from massachusetts. Docs office very rude. Will not tell anything about when or where the paperwork was sent.

I will vote for this law , once a canadian citizen

Canada should also not allow US Permenent Residents to enter Canada without a Canadian visa..in responce to what US has done to Canadian PRs
ack for sent docs.


In my initial assessment Buffalo office had asked to send schedule 1 forms again wihin 60 days. I sent those at the regular address . I just want to make sure that they received it because 60 day period is going to get over in 2 days. I have not received any acknowldegement abt it.

Is there a way I can do it
buffalo office IMP

Hey baig-110

I am about to send my docs after initial assessment to Buffalo office. They had asked for W2,bank st,ref letter, FBI , indian pcc,pay stb,etc.

I had questions for that. Please dont think they are stupid coz I dont want to screw my process at this stage so kind of little paranoid abt that.


1) For bank st, what exactly do we have to mention . is it like

checking ________ saving __________
and total of both
I am not sure exactly what should be the format of bank statement.

2) When we send all the docs , do we have to write file # on every page . like on original FBI card, original Indian PCC, original emplyer ref letter, bank st , pay stb OR do we include cover letter and just write the file # on that.

3) Also I got my indian PCC from india, mumbai and not from the consulate. So it has stamp of mumbai police. IS this ok OR should it be from Indian consulate in NY.

I have more questions and I would really appreciate any help.

for discforum1-


You can ask your Bank to provide you with a bank statement and give them the reason for the statemet (I think they have a format they follow that mentions the current balance, monthly balance, date account opened etc.)
I did not put the file # on all the docs. Just sent a cover letter with File#, Name, Address and copy of the letter receive from Buffalo. I would say not to put ur file # coz they want the docs to b original. It shd come from the concered office and they shd not be changed/altered/modified. Abt the Indian PCC, i had requested it from Indian Consulate in D.C. You might check with some one else on this forum to see if you can submit the Indian PCC (I saw a post here somewhere with same concern, if you browse through u might get more info)
Hope this answers ur questions.

For rmsag & india-usa


Any update from Buffalo office? I am still waiting, havent received the letter yet.

Please share with us if any of us get the letter.

on 31 Dec. I received Passport Request from CHC. I did my medical on 1 Nov. and estats was updated on 16 Dec.

Going to send my passport for stamping on coming monday ( 5 Jan.). will post time frame after receiving passport back.
RPRF fee


I was planning to send my docs to Buffalo office. I was wondering when u send the RPRF fee 1) Do you have to do the conversion of canadian to US dollars and make a check for that OR we can just send the flat amount mentioned in the letter(in $US). It seems like the amount mentioned in letter is turning out to be less than what we get after the conversion as of today.
Is this OK

2) Do we have to send each 715 US $(or converted ) for the principal applicant and spouse OR just total of 715.


Re: RPRF fee

I think they won't accept checks. You have to take Banker Checks or Money Orders.
You have to send $715 for each person(Fixed).

Originally posted by discforum1

I was planning to send my docs to Buffalo office. I was wondering when u send the RPRF fee 1) Do you have to do the conversion of canadian to US dollars and make a check for that OR we can just send the flat amount mentioned in the letter(in $US). It seems like the amount mentioned in letter is turning out to be less than what we get after the conversion as of today.
Is this OK

2) Do we have to send each 715 US $(or converted ) for the principal applicant and spouse OR just total of 715.


Long waiting.........


Anyone applied in Oct 2001 have not received the Passport
request? I did my medical in Apr. 2003 and until now NOTHING
has been heard from Buffalo. Why taking so long? any idea???

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I also applied in Oct-2001. My timeline is :

Applied in : Oct-2001
AOR : Nov-2001
Initial Assesment : Nov-2002 with Interview to be done at NYC.
( Suppose to happen in 7-10 moths)

Since then it is already 15 months no news at all.
Sent Faxes no response.

THIS IS REDICULES... These guys are taking us for a ride.

I keep looking for any place to contact like (NYC consulate/ Buffalo, which is useless or even new minister ) as may someday someone would reply to this (Close to 2.5 years old case) for which even half the process is not done.

Any one has any idea to handle this kind of situation would be appreciated.



Hi Andrew,
I also had the same problem...keep sending fax for the inquiry once a month. I sent couple of faxes and then received their letter requesting new FBI certificates, as that was holding up my passport request. So, it maybe possible you miss one document...try faxing them, also provide your email address in fax. They send reply in email also.

Hope this helps

You can check this site

For the acquisition of permanent resident status $975 (Canadian)
This fee is payable by principal applicants (with some exceptions) and accompanying spouses and common-law partners. It must be paid before the immigrant visa is issued overseas or before the applicant becomes a permanent resident in Canada.

The following applicants are not required to pay this fee:

dependent children of a principal applicant or sponsor, a child to be adopted, or an orphaned brother, sister, niece, nephew or grandchild; and
protected persons, including Convention refugees.

Originally posted by ramkum
Hi india-usa,
How much will be RPRF fees for kids 10 years of age.