Buffalo Tracker (please add)


applied: oct 2001
file #: dec 2001
question:can we do the medicals and send it to the buffalo office? friends please help.
No. U have to wait for Official Medical forms.

Once you receive Medical Forms And designated doctors list from Buffalo office, only then u can give medicals.

Have paitence.
Recieved Medicals, Interview after 7-10 months

Application sent: July 27, 2001
File No.: Oct. 19, 2001
Medicals:June 12 2002
They transfer my file from Buffalo to New York city general consulate
 and the interview after 7-10 months. THAT IS TOO MUCH.
What is that Assessment letter?

When I received the File Nr. The only letter I got said that in 30 weeks I would receive more instructions.
What you are saying is that only people who already have the Medical Exam orders are the ones who can access the status of their applications on line?

Anyone who receives a file number can check his status online.

The only thing is give ur details as printed on the intial letter you receive from the consulate with ur details and filenumber.

If something is wrongly printed/entered by the consulate USE THE SAME till the end. Any corrections will be made in your personal file, but they do not change them for online checking so that they have consistency from start to end.

I checked online status after a week I received my filenumber and it worked. In my case my last name and date of birth were wrongly entered/printed on the initial form. So even this date to check online i have to use the initial (wrongly entered/printed details)

Good luck to all.
From which center?

SRDIWAKAR, you said your friend received his medicals/waiver last week, do you know which regional center he applied. Thx.
Buffalo Tracker. Any good news anybody who applied after Nov.1st ? (AT THE BUFFALO CENTER)

Application: Nov 2001
File Nr: Jan 2002

No news as of today.

If everything follows the estimated time, I should receive the medical exams order by September. Anybody in a similar scenario?


Also, how many of you are still having prblems trying to check the status of your process on line? I tried all combinations of 1st name , initial 2nd name, 1st and 2nd firstnames, only first name,,,,,, and it doesn\'t work for me....

It takes exactly 45 - 50 days to receive his Final Landing Form from the date of Medidcals

Yes that\'s right I have received and I had seen some more receiving their final Landing Forms between 45 - 50 days from the day we give medicals. So, he can start preparing for final destination. Good Luck to him & to all of u. For more details please Check my message "I recd. my Landing papers today (8.5 months) Should we carry cash while landing" on the Main discussion forum.

Good luck to u all.
No Title

If your interview is going to take place after 7-10 months, there\'s a risk that they might ask you to do medical exam one more time. Medical reports are valid for only one year.

It happened to me. They asked me to undergo another medical exam because my previous medical report was more than one year old.
Same situation, the on line system doesn\'t work for me

My case is similar. I applied in November, received File # in January. I tried all combination of first name, middle name and last name + File# + DOB + country, the on line system doesn\'t work for me. Any idea? Thank you.

Centre !!

My friend had his Center in Detroit.He has already send his Meds.
Hopefully for the people who have received File Nos in Nov, the Meds should be coming thrg in max 1 month.

To Bulbul

They say that transfering my file from Buffalo to New York take 7-10 months and I will receieve a letter two months prior of my interview date. Also I recived today a letter from immigration officer in Buffalo
demanding my exact date ( month and year) of all residents from 1985 till present and also to submit my employment athurization in U.S, do you think this strange? please share if you have similer experience.
No Title

I see people who applied in Jan02 not even got the AOR. Is it taking that much time to get the AOR? I applied in April. Any Idea how long it will take to get the reply from consulate?
What should be the next step?

Dear List,

I applied in Novemeber, got my File Nr in January.

What is the sequence of events that should happen now?

When they say 40 weeks, what do they mean? Will I receive the medical order in September, and after that how much longer will it take to get my Visa?

DO you know why they discontinued the Customer Service Phone Service at the Buffalo Center?
