Boston MA - N-400 TimeLine

I'm sure you will do great. Can't wait to read your post tomorrow.

Thanks Luckymb :)
My interview is at noon, I am not sure whether I will get Aug 13th oath, because it is so close by. I will post once my interview is done.
Congratulations JSlade.

Hubby had his interview yesterday morning. Apparently the IO was asking him for all kinds of documents and questions. But all was well and he passed the interview. They did offer him an oath date of 8/27, but unfortunately he will be unable to attend it. So they gave him a little bit of hard time and then gave him an oath date for Sept 17th in Worcester.

And I had my Oath Ceremony in the afternoon. There were over 400 people taking their oath and about 50+ name changes, including mine. People started lining up out the Hall by 11:30 for the noon oath ceremony. They were split up according to the color of their oath letter and two colors were made to sit on the two sides of the hall. Around noon, they made us walk up to the desk at the front of the hall with our Oath letter and green card. They quickly checked the letter and clipped the GC to the letter and we had to take our seats again and wait till the Judge arrived which was around 1:30 PM. Then a clerk made us all take oath and the judge declared us US citizens and gave a short speech. Then a couple of young girls recited pledge of allegiance and all of us repeated and the judge was gone after that. Then we were asked to lineup to get our Naturalization certificate. It was all very well organised and happened in a very orderly fashion.

Now on to applying for passport. I have an appt for Tuesday in the Boston office.

Good luck to all.
Hi Everyone,

I applied for the US Citizenship on April, 29th 2009. My application was based on 3 years of marriage to the US Citizen. My Naturalization Interview was August 12th, 2009 at 1:30 pm at the JFK Federal Building in Boston, MA.

My husband and I arrived at the location at 1pm. After passing through security we went to Room E-160, showed my interview letter at the first check-in location and then once more at window 1 where they took the letter and placed us in the queue to be called on for my test.

Following the suggestion of luckymb, we sat close to window 1 as there is no microphone or loudspeaker used when they call your name. They don’t wait very long before calling the next person so it can be easy to miss your name being called if you are sitting far away. We sat down at 1:15pm and at 1:30 my name was called by a nice older officer. We went into one of 5 or 6 small cubicles at the other end of the room and the officer asked me to show him my GC. He asked me to read “What are the colors on our flag?” and he asked me to write the answer to it, as he said: “The colors on our flag are blue, red and white”. After that he asked me 6 civil questions:

1. What is the freedom of religion?

2. How many U.S. Senators are there?

3. When must all men register for the Selective Service?

4. When was the Constitution written?

5. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?

6. Name one state that borders Canada.

He smiled and said “Congratulations, you passed your English test.” He explained that now I would have to go to room E-170 for the second part of the interview. We left the cubicle and he briefly talked with my husband about the next part of the process.

Room E-170 was right next door and we sat and waited for my name to be called. There were a lot of applicants waiting for their turn. There was a receptionist sitting at a desk in the front of the room and a table set up in the back with a sign reading “Photo Signature Desk”. There was a door on the side of the room where officers came out with a file, call names, and walk inside with that applicant. After 30 minutes my name was called. My husband and I both approached the officer and my husband asked if he could go with me but the officer said that “I will be in good hands” and asked him to wait.

We went inside and the officer told me to go to Room 2. The first thing she asked me to do was to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth, etc. We both sat down and she asked me for my GC and passport. I have to say that she was very professional but very serious. She went through my N-400 line by line asking about my SS number, travel, personal info, etc. She also asked me for any documentation that I might have to support my case, such as joint taxes (originals not copies), insurance policy, 401K where we are each designated as the others beneficiary. After she went through everything she asked me to put them away and she started asking questions again from the application, she asked every single question from section 10 of N-400.

She asked me to sign section 13 and 14 of the N-400, both pictures and then she passed me a note and said “Congratulations”. She scheduled me for the Oath Ceremony on August 27th (which is also our 4th wedding anniversary) and asked me to wait outside for the oath letter.

I went to the E-170 waiting area, my husband gave me a big hug and we both went to the back of the waiting room for the oath letter. This is another time when standing right next to the area where they are calling your name is highly recommended. 15 minutes later the woman at the Photo Signatures desk called my name and we both went there to pick up the letter. She was very nice and gave me the pink letter with a smile. We asked her if there is anything else that we have to do. She said since the photos were already signed at the interview we were all set and wished us a nice day.

I would like say something to all of you that are still waiting for the interview, please don’t be nervous, just be on time, be positive, prepared and dress accordingly for this event. I was shocked to see so many people that appeared at their citizenship interview wearing jeans, flip flops, ordinary t-shirts; this is a significant moment in the life of every immigrant; you are going there asking to be approved for citizenship of your new home country, please honor this occasion.

I also would like to say thank you to everyone here. This forum is such a great help to all of us.

Thank you and good luck to all that are still waiting.
Congratulations JSlade.

Hubby had his interview yesterday morning. Apparently the IO was asking him for all kinds of documents and questions. But all was well and he passed the interview. They did offer him an oath date of 8/27, but unfortunately he will be unable to attend it. So they gave him a little bit of hard time and then gave him an oath date for Sept 17th in Worcester.

And I had my Oath Ceremony in the afternoon. There were over 400 people taking their oath and about 50+ name changes, including mine. People started lining up out the Hall by 11:30 for the noon oath ceremony. They were split up according to the color of their oath letter and two colors were made to sit on the two sides of the hall. Around noon, they made us walk up to the desk at the front of the hall with our Oath letter and green card. They quickly checked the letter and clipped the GC to the letter and we had to take our seats again and wait till the Judge arrived which was around 1:30 PM. Then a clerk made us all take oath and the judge declared us US citizens and gave a short speech. Then a couple of young girls recited pledge of allegiance and all of us repeated and the judge was gone after that. Then we were asked to lineup to get our Naturalization certificate. It was all very well organised and happened in a very orderly fashion.

Now on to applying for passport. I have an appt for Tuesday in the Boston office.

Good luck to all.

Glad to hear your husband cleared the interview. My IO didn't ask me for any documents, I think it all depends on IO. Congratulations on becoming citizen.

Also, was your husband able to attend your oath ceremony?
Thx JSlade.

Yes he was able to attend the ceremony. They have a viewing area for the guests on the upper level. It is a long ceremony with lots of nothing to do in between. I had a book with me to keep be occupied. :)
Hi Everyone,

I applied for the US Citizenship on April, 29th 2009. My application was based on 3 years of marriage to the US Citizen. My Naturalization Interview was August 12th, 2009 at 1:30 pm at the JFK Federal Building in Boston, MA.

My husband and I arrived at the location at 1pm. After passing through security we went to Room E-160, showed my interview letter at the first check-in location and then once more at window 1 where they took the letter and placed us in the queue to be called on for my test.

Following the suggestion of luckymb, we sat close to window 1 as there is no microphone or loudspeaker used when they call your name. They don’t wait very long before calling the next person so it can be easy to miss your name being called if you are sitting far away. We sat down at 1:15pm and at 1:30 my name was called by a nice older officer. We went into one of 5 or 6 small cubicles at the other end of the room and the officer asked me to show him my GC. He asked me to read “What are the colors on our flag?” and he asked me to write the answer to it, as he said: “The colors on our flag are blue, red and white”. After that he asked me 6 civil questions:

1. What is the freedom of religion?

2. How many U.S. Senators are there?

3. When must all men register for the Selective Service?

4. When was the Constitution written?

5. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?

6. Name one state that borders Canada.

He smiled and said “Congratulations, you passed your English test.” He explained that now I would have to go to room E-170 for the second part of the interview. We left the cubicle and he briefly talked with my husband about the next part of the process.

Room E-170 was right next door and we sat and waited for my name to be called. There were a lot of applicants waiting for their turn. There was a receptionist sitting at a desk in the front of the room and a table set up in the back with a sign reading “Photo Signature Desk”. There was a door on the side of the room where officers came out with a file, call names, and walk inside with that applicant. After 30 minutes my name was called. My husband and I both approached the officer and my husband asked if he could go with me but the officer said that “I will be in good hands” and asked him to wait.

We went inside and the officer told me to go to Room 2. The first thing she asked me to do was to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth, etc. We both sat down and she asked me for my GC and passport. I have to say that she was very professional but very serious. She went through my N-400 line by line asking about my SS number, travel, personal info, etc. She also asked me for any documentation that I might have to support my case, such as joint taxes (originals not copies), insurance policy, 401K where we are each designated as the others beneficiary. After she went through everything she asked me to put them away and she started asking questions again from the application, she asked every single question from section 10 of N-400.

She asked me to sign section 13 and 14 of the N-400, both pictures and then she passed me a note and said “Congratulations”. She scheduled me for the Oath Ceremony on August 27th (which is also our 4th wedding anniversary) and asked me to wait outside for the oath letter.

I went to the E-170 waiting area, my husband gave me a big hug and we both went to the back of the waiting room for the oath letter. This is another time when standing right next to the area where they are calling your name is highly recommended. 15 minutes later the woman at the Photo Signatures desk called my name and we both went there to pick up the letter. She was very nice and gave me the pink letter with a smile. We asked her if there is anything else that we have to do. She said since the photos were already signed at the interview we were all set and wished us a nice day.

I would like say something to all of you that are still waiting for the interview, please don’t be nervous, just be on time, be positive, prepared and dress accordingly for this event. I was shocked to see so many people that appeared at their citizenship interview wearing jeans, flip flops, ordinary t-shirts; this is a significant moment in the life of every immigrant; you are going there asking to be approved for citizenship of your new home country, please honor this occasion.

I also would like to say thank you to everyone here. This forum is such a great help to all of us.

Thank you and good luck to all that are still waiting.

Congrats annaan.
Our timelines are very similar :)
interview in Manchester

We just completed our interview in Manchester this morning. All went well. My wife was scheduled to interview at 9.50am and I was on was 11.05am. The immigration officer was well organized and very cordial. I was called in a little late at 11.15 here are the steps the transpired:

1. I was asked to take a oath to tell the truth
2. Application was reviewed, went through almost all questions
3. Asked to read and write a sentence in English
4. Was asked 5 questions
Rights in first amendment, who steps in when President is not available,
head of executive branch, Amendment to voting rights & threat during cold war
5. He signed a form and informed me that I had passed the interview and
recommends me for Citizenship
6. Was asked to wait while superior checks his recommendation
7. Superior came out in 5 mins and said all was well with my application and
that I should wait for my Oath letter.
8. That's it all done in 15-20 mins

Thanks to all here for their assistance,

Hi there I was wondering how precisisly they ask the questions from the N400 form, and do they want to see your tax return, any other docs to prepare just in case they want to see? It is customery that you wont' be taking the oath if you have passed, I appreciate any input, thank you!
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to find out how many people are waiting for their IL ? I had my fingerprint done on July 7th 2009 and had not received any IL yet. I am not in a hurry but I am just afraid that the mail might get lost or something like that. Is there anyone who had fingerprint in July and still waiting for IL? Please respond. If there are people waiting then I can be quiet .... Thank you.

I had my FP on 6/19 and my interview is on 8/25, on 7/14 I got the Interview notice, so it probably takes a month, good luck,
N400 sent 5/21/09
AP received 5/26
FP 6/19
interview schedule received 7/14
Interview 8/25
Hi there I was wondering how precisisly they ask the questions from the N400 form, and do they want to see your tax return, any other docs to prepare just in case they want to see? It is customery that you wont' be taking the oath if you have passed, I appreciate any input, thank you!

For me, the officer started on first page of N-400, asked for my DOB, SSN, current address. As he flipped through pages, he was asking questions. Like on Employment section, he asked, 'So, you currently work for XYZ?', I said Yes. Then he flipped to Travel section, asked, 'What is your most recent trip out of USA?', I told him where and for how many days. He kept making notes, checking things with his red pen as we went along.

About tax, he asked, 'Have you paid all your taxes in 5 yrs?', I said Yes. 'Do you owe any back taxes?', I replied No. I told him that have my 5yr tax returns, also IRS Account Transcripts, if he wants to take a look at them. He said, 'No, I just want to know whether you owe any taxes', I said No, so he moved on to other sections.

I am not exactly sure about your oath question, in Boston, right after the interview, if you are approved, they will give you oath letter. So, we won't be taking Oath on same day, we have to again come to Boston that day for Oath.
Hi, I am new here.

I am waiting for IL. I checked online and here is my status.


Current Status: Case received and pending.

On June 18, 2009, we received this N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our NATIONAL BENEFITS CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

I already had my FP on 07/18. Does it take long time to get IL? I called CS and all they told me was the same info as online. I start to get nervous that something is wrong with my case.

Thank you.
Hi, I am new here.

I am waiting for IL. I checked online and here is my status.


Current Status: Case received and pending.

On June 18, 2009, we received this N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our NATIONAL BENEFITS CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

I already had my FP on 07/18. Does it take long time to get IL? I called CS and all they told me was the same info as online. I start to get nervous that something is wrong with my case.

Thank you.

Gives it at least 2-3 months after FL to start inquiring about IL. You only applied 2 months ago..considering the entire process takes anywhere from 4-8 months you still have some time to go.
FP was done on 8/8/09, but nothing changed on line, it's still showing they received the application.

Online status is not reliable, do not be concerned about it.
I finished my interview, my status never changed, it always shows they received the application and my case is pending.
Hi, I am new here.

I am waiting for IL. I checked online and here is my status.


Current Status: Case received and pending.

On June 18, 2009, we received this N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION, and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. We process cases in the order we receive them. You can use our processing dates to estimate when yours will be done. This case is at our NATIONAL BENEFITS CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

I already had my FP on 07/18. Does it take long time to get IL? I called CS and all they told me was the same info as online. I start to get nervous that something is wrong with my case.

Thank you.

Hi, I had FP on 6/19 and my interview is 8/25 so just be patient (location Manchester NH)
I just started my Naturalizaton process... 5 years later - this is still the place to visit for all immigration related stuff... :). Here are my details:

Boston area
Aug 13th - N-400 application sent
Aug 18th - Application received by USCIS
Aug 18th - Priority date
Aug 21st - Check encashed
Aug 24th - I797C Notice of Action Received

Case status online on

My N400 case status online says:

On July 29, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the requested information. This case will be in suspense until we receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once we receive the requested evidence or information and make a decision on the case, you will be notified by mail. If you move while this case is pending, call 1-800-375-5283 to update your address.

Only thing I received on July 30th was a notice for finger printing, Nothing else. Based on the Finger Printing notice, we went to lawrence,MA on 8/17 and finished our Finger Printing, but even today 8/27 the online status still says the same thing..

Do you think I might have missed something in my application, If so, how can I fix it, I have not received any other information.

I am in the same boat - though a few weeks behind you. From what I have seen on the other threads, it appears that we are talking about USCIS basically asking for "more information via the Fingerprint"... in fact, I saw one thread where someone actually spoke to an Immigration officer and explained that.

My timeline is given below... but what you are describing seems to bolster the view that "RFE implies FP notice" ... hoping to get the FP notice in a few days

Aug 13th - N-400 application sent to TX
Aug 18th - Application received by USCIS
Aug 18th - Priority date
Aug 21st - Check encashed
Aug 24th - I797C Notice of Action Received
Aug 25th - Online status changed to "Request for Evidence"... maybe its the FP notice