Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part III

This List

Hi all,
Just remind me, is this list for the complete labor certification or just till the time the application goes from SESA to DOL?

12 on 03/22

1310078 Supervisor, Janitorial Services 06-14-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1310716 Painter 07-11-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1310943 Carpenter 07-23-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1310944 Machinist 07-23-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1310954 Manager, Retail Store 07-23-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1310955 Supervisor, Carpenters 07-23-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1310961 Machine Builder 07-23-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1310969 Numerical Control Machine Operator 07-23-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1311034 07-24-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/22/2002.
1311852 User Support Analyst 08-17-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312334 Quality Assurance Analyst 08-27-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312478 Actuary 08-28-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
38 on 03/25

1310713 Cook 07-11-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310715 Electronics Test Engineer 07-11-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1310873 House Worker, General 07-20-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311137 Automobile Mechanic 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311141 Supervisor, Janitorial Services 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311142 Chemical Engineer 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311220 Mechanical Engineer 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311221 Nurse Assistant 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311226 Supervisor, Boatbuilders, Wood 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311245 Welder Fitter 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311247 Cabinetmaker Apprentice 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311248 Child Monitor 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311250 Electrician Apprentice 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311251 Stonemason Supervisor 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311253 Cabinetmaker 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311258 Nurse, Licensed Practical 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311263 Software Engineer 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311264 Bricklayer 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311267 Carpenter 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311268 Carpenter 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311269 Plasterer, Molding 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311270 Carpenter 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311273 Software Engineer 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311274 Data Base Administrator 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311297 Civil Engineer 07-31-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311299 Software Engineer 07-31-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311300 Data Communications Analyst 07-31-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311301 Programmer Analyst 07-31-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311930 Cabinetmaker 08-18-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311931 Cabinetmaker 08-18-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311932 Oriental Rug Repairer 08-18-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1311933 Custom Tailor 08-18-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311937 Cook 08-20-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1311938 Alteration Tailor 08-20-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311939 Manager, Food Service 08-20-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311952 Software Engineer 08-20-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1311965 Manager, Retail Store 08-20-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
1311986 Maintenance Supervisor 08-20-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/25/2002.
How do you find this list

Hi phonon,

How do you get access to this list that you have pasted here ..???
Certified Case

My case was certified yesterday. what does this refer to and how long will it take to get final approval? Can someone throw some light on this certified business.
PD Date


Could you please post your PD date and the RD so that otherslike me can approximate our certification times.

Which date shouldI look at ?

I am in CT. I filed my regular labor certification (not RIR) on 2000, I got the confirmation letter from CT labor dept with my priority date of July 18, 2000. When I doubled check with my lawyer again the following on March 2001. She is filing again a new RIR labor certification for me which is submitted on November 24, 2001. At the begining of this year 24 January 2002, I got a letter from Boston region labor dept, saying that my case with priority of July 18, 2000 is accepted by them. Which date should I look at in order to know when the Boston level dept will finish the processing? It seems they are processing my Regular labor certification, not the RIR one. Is it OK to file 2 labor certification? This event is out from my control because my company lawyer mentioned to me that she already cancelled my first Regular Labor certification before she submitted the RIR one. I don\'t think this is acceptable. But she wouldn\'t care. What should I do? By the way, according to my company, I may not have my case number. How can I get all this straightened? Thanks in advance
Thanks for the 617-565-4446

Is that number to find out my case number? How can I find out what my employer used for filing my applciation? esp. my company hired outside lawyer to do my labor cert. Can they find out from the name of the company?
SMEYYUR -- what a shame u had to do it all over

I am not sure why you did not apply through the regular to RIR conversion that would have preserved your PD.

Anyways god luck buddy
I have to do it all over because................

The ads were given for RIR starting from August 2000. The attorney and the company were keeping quiet.... (they were prolonging the case, I waited for this conversion for several months.) I spoke with CT SESA and they suggested me to withdraw the regular and file freshly the RIR, and not wait for conversion. This happened in April 2001. With much peruasion, i made them to file my RIR application in May 2001. By that time the backlog for RIR started!!! I have never spoken to my lawyer. They won\'t give the case# too. That is their policy!!! Atleast, I got out of a never ending loop. I am quite happy to have a receive date of Dec 2001.
Priorty Date June10th, 2001. Is there a way to find out wether my case is...

in Boston DOl or MASS SESA? Please let me know
43 on 3/26

1308466 Cook 04-13-01 Reduct. in Recruitment Denied On 03/26/2002.
1310126 Software Engineer 06-18-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1310127 Software Engineer 06-18-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1310376 Project Director 06-22-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1310687 Software Engineer 07-11-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1310922 Cook 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310934 Director, Music 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310936 Cook 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310938 Laboratory Assistant, Blood And Plasma 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310947 Cook 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310952 Housekeeper, Home 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1310976 Cook 07-23-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1311167 Supervisor, Garage 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311175 Carpenter 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311177 Cook 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311182 Cook 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311183 Custom Tailor 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311184 Custom Tailor 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311185 Sider 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311186 Landscape Gardener 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311187 Landscape Gardener 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311188 Stucco Mason 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311191 Accountant 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311192 Quality Assurance Analyst 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311206 Cosmetologist 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311219 Dental Hygienist 07-24-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311223 Industrial Truck Operator 07-25-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311246 Boring Machine Operator 07-27-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311428 Electrical Engineer 08-03-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311430 Manager, Nursery 08-03-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311432 Linen Room Supervisor 08-03-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/26/2002.
1311725 Software Engineer 08-15-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1311924 Software Engineer 08-18-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1311925 Software Engineer 08-18-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1311926 Software Engineer 08-18-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1311927 Software Engineer 08-18-01 NOF Time Extension Granted Due On / / . Pos
1311972 Maintenance Supervisor 08-20-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312029 Painter 08-21-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312030 Painter 08-21-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312043 Painter 08-21-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312058 Carpenter 08-21-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312062 08-21-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
1312153 Electrician Apprentice 08-22-01 Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 0
Some Explanation

Guys could someone explain to me why there are gaps in the case numbers ? Is it that the missing numbers are not processed yet and if not processed why where they skipped...The last number in the 3/26 list is 1312153 which tells me I have another 1900 cases in front of me and if DOL processes 45 cases daily on an average, is it fair for me to assume that in another 42 working days (2 months) my case would be processed..???
Some explanation


That is because DOL processes cases not sequentially.

  DOL picks up cases (to a certain degree) at random giving to everybody possibility to test his own luck.

As for 2 months - you got it right (though I would assume average in 35)
