Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part III

Check MA SESA Tracker

There is no way we can track the SESA Database. Please check the discussion MA SESA Tracker ( seenoend "MA SESA Tracker" 1/8/02 7:32am)
Around 1000 cases upto JULY

if we assume 30 cases a day then
  All cases upto JULY should be getting DOL\'s graceful touch by End of March as predicted by Rahul!

May GOD Bless DOL Boston!!!
rahul_k25 , here is another EMC case

Hi, rahul_k25 , thank you for your information posted here. I am from EMC too and I know my PD is May 1 (the lawyer held my case for three month and was busy to make more money with those 245 before filling mine, since EMC won\'t pay more money for my case), Software Engineer case. But I don\'t know my case number as the lawyer never returns phone or email. I think it is close to process my case. Would you please check to see if I am luck? I am expecting NOF... :(
Ask your MA SESA Case number(2001xxxx) from lawyer.

I got the case number myself after sending at least 10-12 email & making 5-6 phone calls. Once you have MA SESA case number, getting DOL number is not a big deal.
All the Best
please help , rahul_k25

I know my SESA number , how can I find out the DOL case for it.

The last post the guy from EMC talk about priority date May 1, is this a MA SESA date, My prority date is April 30 and I can\'t find my case in DOL database by email query by the employer phone number.

Please advise!

Thanks a bunch!
We Hope, DOL cleared some cases on last Friday, no matter IT or Others...!!

Good to Keep Our Ambition Low Profiled, and save the Day....!!


I am still in MA SESA. PD is July- RIR. I don\'t have my SESA case number and am stuck. But this board is all about i have to keep my hopes alive and wait for that day when i will have a labour cleared.
Just 13 on Friday

01306916 Sales Service Promoter 02/09/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01306940 Software Engineer 02/12/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01307114 Systems Analyst 02/26/2001 Reduct. in Recruitment Denied On 02/08/2002
01307568 Programmer Analyst 03/14/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01307569 Programmer Analyst 03/14/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01307570 Programmer Analyst 03/14/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01308714 Instructor, Technical Training 04/25/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01308749 Software Engineer 04/25/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01310104 Microbiologist 06/15/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01310186 Software Engineer 06/19/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01310197 Stonemason 06/19/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01310199 Automobile Mechanic 06/19/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
01310215 Garde Manger 06/19/2001 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 02/08/2002
We should not axpect too much from Monday too

Tomorrow(Tuesday) is a Holiday at all Government agencies (President\'s Day). To make a 4 day holiday, several Government employees including several Certifieng Officer might have taken Off on Monday?? Result....Less cases may be screened on Monday too. Lets Hope for the best!
Oooopps.....!! Tomorrow is Lincoln\'s Birthday....!!

Whatever it is but tomorrow is a Holiday at all Government agencies...!!

getting the DOL Case number

Hi Rahul

   I have a SESA case number. My PD is 04/09. Is there anyway to get the DOL Case Number?

But government agencies don\'t celebrate Lincoln\'s Birthday any more...

They celebrate Presidents\' Day instead, which is next Monday. I believe (though I could be wrong) that the change was instituted in 1972, when MLK Day became a national holiday -- there was no point in having two holidays ten days apart (Lincoln\'s and Washington\'s Birthdays) anyway.