Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part II

Should it not have been approved by now?

I see from your listings that they are approving cases from June, so how come I seem to be stuck???? is it just me :)
When do you expect this case to be approved. It is a RIR case
Rahul, still how many cases pending in Received status in march at DOL

Thanks for your info !
Month wise report - Pending Case

Notice of Findings Issued-------27----32----86----8-----1-----2-----6--
NOF Rebuttal Received-----------5-----2-----0------0-----0----1--------
NOF Time Extension Granted--6-----6-----3-----0-----0-----2--------
Remand Issued to State----------2-----1-----1-----0-----1-----0--------
Received Regional Office---------2-----15----164---327---405---387---280
Should it not have been approved by now?

I see from your listings that they are approving cases from June, so how come I seem to be stuck???? is it just me :)
When do you expect this case to be approved. It is a RIR case
March cases are also there!! Please wait

Check my report ( Month wise report - Pending Case)
Hope it helps.
Should it not have been approved by now?

I see from your listings that they are approving cases from June, so how come I seem to be stuck???? is it just me :)
When do you expect this case to be approved. It is a RIR case
Should it not have been approved by now?

I see from your listings that they are approving cases from June, so how come I seem to be stuck???? is it just me :)
When do you expect this case to be approved. It is a RIR case
Employer Name,,?

Is it possible to find out which employers are being approved along with the case number? I think if anyone can do that, it would be really helpful. Most of the Time we dont know our case numbers or the RD stuff..
Thanks, Yall
No Title

Thanks Rahul, I appreciate all your help.Please bear me for one more question

How to find out Which one is mine.
Employer Name,,?

Can you guyz post the name of the companies that are being approved/disapproved? It kinda helps us to know if we should
check with our lawyers..
appreicate it.
Very helpful!!! Thanks.

Rahul_k25, this wise report is very helpful. It could help me to estimate how long I have to wait.

By the way, could you let me know how many cases received in August? Thanks a lot.
query: probable wait time for RDs in July, 2001

Sorry to read about Marlborobell\'s job loss! I wish he would secure a new one very soon!

how many more month I may have to wait for my LC cleared keeping in mind the current proccesing speed of DOL Boston!
My RD is July 5, 2001
You are doing a Great help to all LC seeking people!
thanks in advance!
Rahul, Marlboro great help guys, Appreciate it. Question Please...

My RD is in Sept 2001, Considering case#\'s serially starting March\'s cases. Seems like my case is ~6000 cases away. And based on how DOL is doing, it may take a more than a year.

Am I thinking straight? Is it right Rahul?