Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part II

Your funny!!... new number for Boston DOL

Pickachu your funny!! Anyhow, I got a new number for Boston DOL here it is 617-626-5365, just follow the prompts. The funny part is that the information the automated system gives is that RIRs are being processed for Priority Dates of April 30, 2001.... who understands them!!!! and which of all conflicting messages should I believe before I put my hopes up????
No Title

Andrea.. Thats the SESA you are talking about.. Your employer will file a LC with the SESA where you get a Priority Date. Once they are done with it (SESA currently processing cases filed in April 2001), they will forward it to the regional DOL.

The regional DOL handles cases sent to them from ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT and once they enter it into their system, gives them a Receive Date, RD.. This tracker follows the Regional DOL based on the RD\'s. These LC\'s (mine with a RD of 3/9/2001 had a PD of 11/2000 at the CT SESA)

Hope this helps you. And i really mean it.. The \'nice\' lady\'s name is really Andrea.
Employer Name,,?

Dude.. Thanks, Can you check if there are any approvals for Keane ?
It would help me alot,,
Thanks again and good luck
You are correct...

You are right... I got excited to quickly! Anyhow I will keep praying that these DOL workers have some mercy on us, the hard working, PATIENT workers!!
Can you help on these 3 Case#

Hi Rahul_K25 and Marlborobell,
My friend told me this site and I noticed that you guys did a really great jobs. Can you check me these 3 case#

Thanks a lot in advance!!

Here you go

01307649 - Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 02/15/2002
01307818 - Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 02/18/2002
01307852 - Notice of Findings Issued -- FINAL ACTION Due On 02/18/2002

Thank you very much Rahul.

Is there a way in your program to figure out that the company\'s name for all these 3 cases is Teradyne? and the applicant\'s name for each case ?

Appreciate your prompt help!!
Need status on my case...

Hi all,
I am new to this forum and the GC process. I read through all the postings in this forum, and tried different methods to get a status of my case without any luck. Can someone please get me the status or information on how to get status using the case number. Case details I received from my attorney are
CASE#: 20011434.
PD: 02/27/2001.

I am not sure if this is still in MA State Labor department or submitted to the Federal Labor department in Boston.

All your help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
As far as I know, no such case number exists in the Boston DOL database...

Last time I checked, the received case numbers at DOL were around 013162xx. Probably you case number is the MA SESA case number? But it is unlikely as MA SESA had passed Feburary 2001 PD a long time ago.
Thanks "seenoend" !

Thanks for your reply. I am really confused with this right now. I tried the AVS system for Boston Fed Labor department and it is just rings forever. Looks like that system is down. Is there a way to find out the status of this case from MA SESA?

Thanks again
To get DOL case no.

You may call DOL at 617 564 4446 on M,W, or F at 2-4 PM, give them your MA case no. and they will tell your DOL case no.