BEC Priority Date Tracker

Most Active Not Updated yet

I have not updated Most Active sheets yet. I wanted to know that the data was correct. I will update the two sheets and will post it soon.
PBECIsKilling, I can update the spreadsheet. You can post the Excel just as you have done yesterday with the latest data.
BEC Data Source?


The data analysis and graphs & charts are quite amazing....excellent. Special thank you to folks who worked on it and all who are regularly updating/maintaining the Excel files for the benefit of this community.

Out of curiosity.....where do you get these data from? Are these data available from PBEC and DBEC directly? Are there any links to these data from the original source?

Wish you all the very best.


sktripuraneni said:
I have not updated Most Active sheets yet. I wanted to know that the data was correct. I will update the two sheets and will post it soon.
PBECIsKilling, I can update the spreadsheet. You can post the Excel just as you have done yesterday with the latest data.
Case status for p-05133-13*

PBECiskillingme, I need a help. Can you please let me know the case status for p-05133-13*. Thanks in advance- I have never seen so far anyone else having similar case # as mine....
case status updated file

Hello everyone
I did my best to update the spreadsheet used by Roma. I used the data provided by PBECIsKillingMe and generated a revised version.
As you will see there is a significant difference between the data captured by Roma and PBECIsKillingMe, the statistics might not be accurate (like Average Time, Last Week in Most Active Sheets and so on), but other data like summaries are more likely correct.
When the next week data comes in (possibly in a couple of days), the data becomes more accurate (as I will have a history of data available with me to generate some statistics)
Right now for the Most Active Sheets, Im using the data of Roma as my history to generate the stats, so please keep in mind that "IT MIGHT NOT BE ACCURATE"
Also, I want someone to check the summaries if they are correct or not (just a confirmation, one time confirmation will ease out things for me down the road).
And finally as PBECIsKillingMe has mentioned, the data is about 4 days old.(So this is not the weekly run, but an intermediate)
Let me know if you have any other questions
NOTE: I have not deleted the Most_Active Sheets of Roma, I have renamed them with ROMA as the suffix
still-waiting said:
PBECiskillingme, I need a help. Can you please let me know the case status for p-05133-13*. Thanks in advance- I have never seen so far anyone else having similar case # as mine....

What are talking? There are hundreds of cases even starts with P-05133-13:

Here is the statistic:


Case status for D-04310-28xxx

PBECiskillingme, could you please let me know the case status for D-04310-28xxx? Thanks very much.
sktripuraneni said:
Hello everyone
I did my best to update the spreadsheet used by Roma. I used the data provided by PBECIsKillingMe and generated a revised version.
As you will see there is a significant difference between the data captured by Roma and PBECIsKillingMe, the statistics might not be accurate (like Average Time, Last Week in Most Active Sheets and so on), but other data like summaries are more likely correct.
When the next week data comes in (possibly in a couple of days), the data becomes more accurate (as I will have a history of data available with me to generate some statistics)
Right now for the Most Active Sheets, Im using the data of Roma as my history to generate the stats, so please keep in mind that "IT MIGHT NOT BE ACCURATE"
Also, I want someone to check the summaries if they are correct or not (just a confirmation, one time confirmation will ease out things for me down the road).
And finally as PBECIsKillingMe has mentioned, the data is about 4 days old.(So this is not the weekly run, but an intermediate)
Let me know if you have any other questions
NOTE: I have not deleted the Most_Active Sheets of Roma, I have renamed them with ROMA as the suffix

Good job, guys!
I think the difference in statistics is because the number of cases is different. I did the refresh this week as well, I'll post it a bit later. I'll send the db later today to you as well, so you can integrate the two together. What you can do to save statistics is to insert the missing data in my db with the latest status. It won't be totally right, since the average numbers won't be right, but at least there won't be this big jump. After you start gathering data for few weeks you can create new averages, etc.

You seem to have large negative numbers in the LAST_WEEK column on most active, this doesn't seem right.

Once again - very nice! I can send you my SQL queries for most active, they are a bit complicated :)
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New member

I am joining as a new member to this forum. Please add my details to the BEC Priority Tracker.

State: MA
Type: EB2 - TR
PD: 11/19/2004
45 DL Received: April 18, 2006
ETA: P-05173-79xxx
Current Status: In Process
Need some very important help... Please.

I just got in an unbilivable situation. I'm waiting day by day to receive a NOF for wage match and I was planning how to ask my employer for a 4-5 k raise to match the PW. Last friday I found out that things are not going so well and I might be layed off really soon. MY H1B expires on August 2008. MY PD is May 2004 which as per visa bulletin I'll need all this time to wait for my PD to come. What are my options if I get laid off temporarily or even worst permanently or even if my company goes out of business. Can I file again PERM with an other company and can I go from E3 to E2 by using my Master degree and my prior experience and the experience I occured with my present employer? Can I take this current Labor application with the new employer so I do not lose my PD? If I get laid off only for 3-4 months and reemployed again what does it mean for my status? Does this create any problem for me?

My kids came here very young and they do speak only English and they are becaming star of the school almost every month. My spouse left a very good and high paying job in the old country. I did as well. We sold our home and everything we owned there and bought everything here from the begining. It has been very hard making it here in one paycheck only and if it was not for our kids we would be back in a heart bit. But after four years building our life here brick after brick, what in the god's name can we do now?! :(

Any help or sugestions will be deeply appreciated. Thank you a bunch.
roma77 said:
Good job, guys!
I think the difference in statistics is because the number of cases is different. I did the refresh this week as well, I'll post it a bit later. I'll send the db later today to you as well, so you can integrate the two together. What you can do to save statistics is to insert the missing data in my db with the latest status. It won't be totally right, since the average numbers won't be right, but at least there won't be this big jump. After you start gathering data for few weeks you can create new averages, etc.

You seem to have large negative numbers in the LAST_WEEK column on most active, this doesn't seem right.

Once again - very nice! I can send you my SQL queries for most active, they are a bit complicated :)

Roma77, Can you email me comma separated case list as I did to you before. That will help us getting missing numbers from your list and prepare a complete list.
Case status for P-05173-79xxx

PBECiskillingme, could you please let me know the case status for P-05173-79xxx? Thanks very much.
Thanks so much PBECIsKillingMe! You are doing a great job. Please continue to post us the updates.

PBECIsKillingMe said:
Latest statistics for all cases for all days.

BEC Statistics

Please note: I still don't have full information for cases between 04286 and 04320 and also few cases on 05130. All other days are 100%.

The information is 3-5 days old.
Roma77 worked a lot to get most of the cases. It was almost 85% of all. I am pulling more and more cases. Just for your information, I have 819 records for D-05004.

Again, I need help. I am missing some information between days 04286 to 04320. Whose case number lie between these, please let me know first two digits of your last 5 digits.

Hello PBECIsKillingMe,

My number is close to the ones you mentioned P-04275-11 (TR). Could please update me on the stats. I have been waiting for more than four years and it is very frustrating.

Thank you in advance
roma77 said:
You seem to have large negative numbers in the LAST_WEEK column on most active, this doesn't seem right.

Yes this is because for some of the series, the number of cases provided to me was less than the total number of cases you had. Therefore when i was doing the math it was giving a negative number. And please send me the queries and any other info that you have that might be helpful
Hi all,

Here is latest BEC statistics. I was able to pull some Phily data this weekend for date range 04286 to 04320. Looks like it is still not complete. I made multiple requests to Roma77, but didn't get data from him yet, so couldn't synchronize the data and make one complete list.

All data is refreshed this weekend, so they are up to date.

sktripuraneni, Could you update the excel file with this?
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PBECIsKillingMe said:
Roma77, Can you email me comma separated case list as I did to you before. That will help us getting missing numbers from your list and prepare a complete list.

Sure. I am sorry, I am swamped with work, so couldn't do it yesterday. Will do as soon as I have some spare time.
Please add


As I recently started following this forum, please add my details to the BEC tracker.

Thanks to all of you who are doing a wonderful job in keeping track of our cases and helping us ease our minds!

State: IN
Type: EB3 - TR
PD: 04/27/2001
45 DL Received: April 17, 2005
ETA: D-05097-57xxx
Current Status: Data Review
Made it to Regional then shipped to BEC :mad:

I am very sorry to hear about your situation. I and many others really feel for you. I wish you luck in the future.

Now, to answer your question, I believe we need to know how long have you been in this country on H1? I am trying to answer some of your questions - but again, I ain't a lawyer and you may need professional help iff your case is beyond the six year limit.

Durres Special said:
I just got in an unbilivable situation. I'm waiting day by day to receive a NOF for wage match and I was planning how to ask my employer for a 4-5 k raise to match the PW. Last friday I found out that things are not going so well and I might be layed off really soon. MY H1B expires on August 2008. MY PD is May 2004 which as per visa bulletin I'll need all this time to wait for my PD to come.

>>What are my options if I get laid off temporarily or even worst permanently or even if my company goes out of business.
-- It depends on where are you on your H1B term. If post 6-year, then we have a real issue. If within that, you should look for a job NOW, and switch.

>>Can I file again PERM with an other company and can I go from E3 to E2 by using my Master degree and my prior experience and the experience I occured with my present employer?
-- Under 6 years, yes, you absolutely can. Over 6-years, again that is going to be tough.

>> Can I take this current Labor application with the new employer so I do not lose my PD?
-- No, you cannot.

>> If I get laid off only for 3-4 months and reemployed again what does it mean for my status? Does this create any problem for me?
-- As far as I know of law - you cannot be unemployed in this country on an H1B for 3-4 months. Your stay is directly dependent upon your H1B - which in effect is your company's sponsorship. If you get laid off and don't have a job - you should be planning to head out ASAP. If you get laid off, god forbid, and do not have a new job and continue to live here unemployed without a sponsorship - you will be "out of status". That will have subsequent impact on your permanent residency. Think about your options clearly. I recommend that if you are post 6-years, please consult a lawyer NOW!

I wish I could you happy answers and hope that I am wrong... but then it would be wishful thinking.

Good Luck!!!

My kids came here very young and they do speak only English and they are becaming star of the school almost every month. My spouse left a very good and high paying job in the old country. I did as well. We sold our home and everything we owned there and bought everything here from the begining. It has been very hard making it here in one paycheck only and if it was not for our kids we would be back in a heart bit. But after four years building our life here brick after brick, what in the god's name can we do now?! :(

-- Prayers have strength, sometimes. I will do for you.

Any help or sugestions will be deeply appreciated. Thank you a bunch.