**** Bad DL renewal expereince at NJ ***

Re : street_dog - not to offend you either

Please !! If you dont have a good Driving record its a different thing.. But 1100 is not for 87 fordst. I pay $1250 for my 2002 Lexus ES3000 and $1950 combined for 2 cars... And both allstate and Liberty Mutual quoted that price... Most of my colleagues in the office pay around that..

Originally posted by street_dog
Not to offend you!

Hope you own 87 ford and chevy, so you pay 1100, think
about people who own 3/5 series BMW and C/E class Mercedez.

what ever said and done, from my point NJ is like bombay..there are some good things like more friends, feel home etc..also bad things like people rude, rough, still running 87 models and worst gov services like DMV etc..


Yes there are problems here and people are rude some times, but you get paid TWICE here( or in NY) for the SAME DAMN JOB as compared to TEXAS etc.. and the State TAX is much much less compared to so called beautiful VIRGINIA...

Its definetly not easy in NJ but if you are able to work the system in your favor, its pretty good..

FOR ALL THE DMV issues, go to EATON TOWN office. MY wife got the DL just after the written test as she had a Indian License. She didnt had to give the Road Test at all..


Happy guy in NJ...

PS : DSATISH- Stop thinking about suing the WHOLE WORLD..
>> Hope you own 87 ford and chevy, so you pay 1100, think
>> about people who own 3/5 series BMW and C/E class
>> Mercedez


you need to understand the mechanics of car insurance quotes.
the premium is calculated based on fixed creteria (the technical word is 'strikes'),
now each strike carries a certain weight.

the driving record has the max weight.
this includes the no of years on road, max points in history, current points, defensive driving etc)

the drivers age, marital status, residence & occupation has the next highest weight.

the make of the car carries the least weight (contrary to what some people beleive)
also an expensive car (your brand new mercedes) may not necessarily carry more weight than a cheap car (my old 87 ford)
this depends on the risk ranking in the 'National Theft Registry'

so what it means is that,
since your "brand new mercedes" is 50 times costlier than my "beaten 87 ford",
you dont neccessarily pay 50 times what i pay.
you probably pay couple of hundred dollars more than me.
(this is assuming we both have equally bad records)

agreed that the premiums in NJ are higher than in most of the other states,
but what is a couple of hundred dollars for the guy in the mercedes.

live well & think right,
Re: Re : street_dog - not to offend you either

Originally posted by SWaiting

Our lives are not based on our choices, but many a times, our choices are dictated by our lives. So among those who hate NJ, only those who can not afford to lose a job opportunity, come back here. That's my case and i am sure that is the case with most of the NJ'ites who have poured their outbursts here.

PS : DSATISH- Stop thinking about suing the WHOLE WORLD..
What else do you want some one to do when they are treated the way it is mentioned in this thread ? Are you going to slap those officers ? Just because your wife had a pleasant experience at a DMV office, are you going to dismiss all the postings here ?
DSatish - I just like to pull your leg now and then...

I had a pretty horrible experience in NJ too compared to how easy it was to get a DL in Texas.. My wife had the goodluck due to a loophole..

What I mean to say that NJ sure is tough but you need to know how to break the system here.. a) Having your native country's license is one of them.. b) everybody know Wayne DMV sucks...

NJ is just not technically advanced as far as govt offices are concerned..

Let me give you another tip.

Federal 1120S form for my corporation is only 4 pages. The Texas Business state tax form is 3 pages. NJ Business State Tax Form is FREAKING 24 PAGES...

But thats once in a year pain. No choice but to live with it..

Now dont go ahead and sue the TAX Board too..


Originally posted by SWaiting
DSatish - I just like to pull your leg now and then...



Good luck to you too for getting your security clearance and GC approval. When did you move from northern VA to NJ ? I thought that your case is still gathering dust in Arlington office.
NJ DMV bad experience

This thread realy make us to understand the problems faced by others and help us to prepare ourselves to encounter these kind of problems in the NJ DMV office .

I moved from california here and had been to DMV office 5 times to get my license and car registration. I don'have any points and accident claims but I have to pay 3 times more than what I had paid in california. The reason told by insurance company is I don't have one year driving experience in NJ. ..
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Same Situation


When I was on EAD I moved to FL since i got a FTE there. I went to the DMV, they gave me a license only till the expiry date of my EAD and said that the rules have changed. After I got my GC (Plastic card), I went to renew my license. My GC is valid till 2013, the DMV renewed my license for the next 7 years till 2010. I think that the DMV has to go by the EAD expire date till you get a GC that would be valid for the next 10 years. Well, I am not trying to support the DMV but the law changed as I was told but I was not treated this RUDE. I feel sorry for you and your family. I know how it is having a 9 month old kid since i have a 3 year old now and i can remember all the stuff that i had to go through with the INS when my daughter was 10 months old.

Wish you all the best for your GC approval and Good luck to you and your family.

Myths and Facts:

Car Insurance in NJ is among the highest in the Nation; it has been like this for a lot of years, even when I was there. However other states have high car insurance also. There was/is some reform going on I think with McGreeve.
After 9/11 things changed. See link again for different policies. PA is no better wrt DL.


NJ is overpopulated so people should know that in advance. It is however a beautiful state, immigrant rich and fun. Just count all the bars along the Meadolands (if you are still single!). Similar places for other lifestyles. Go gave a dinner at the "lighthouse" (italian restaurant across the Hudson) for example or a diner experience..go to the shore
NJ is not the poor neighborhoods of Jersey City and Newark. Go visit South River at least once. As rich as Hollywood, CA. NJ has some of the richest real estate in the country..

Back to DL insurance. Big cars, small cars (number of cylinders), theft rates, city, CREDIT REPORT, driving record and HOW MUCH AND WHAT you are insured for, are all variables! I have a house, so I get a much higher insurance to protect myself and any liability...for example.

At last, NJ have strong Congressional representation, with Menendez and Lautenberg, etc.
Start contacting them about the immigrant's problems instead of whining!

Since you read all these, here is a free TIP.

Become a member of a society which may have some discount program. Example..IEEE program. If you own a house even better discount with at least the IEEE Travelers Insurance program.
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I had my first NJ DL issued in 98. I got it renewed by mail in 2002. The renewal DL is a non-picture ID. I am using my old + new DL as Photo ID whereever they request DL as proof of ID including Airports. I did not face any issues with using old + new DL so far. Thought may be this is an option some people over here did not consider.
Re: NJ DMV bad experience

Originally posted by byebye140
This thread realy make us to understand the problems faced by others and help us to prepare ourselves to encounter these kind of problems in the NJ DMV office .

I moved from california here and had been to DMV office 5 times to get my license and car registration. I don'have any points and accident claims but I have to pay 3 times more than what I had paid in california. The reason told by insurance company is I don't have one year driving experience in NJ. ..

i used to live in California too. NJ DMV is 100 times more bureaucratic and inefficent than California. i remember that when i first came here, it took me 5 hours to register my car
NJ is a real hopeless place to live. Lived there for 3 years. Had somewhat bad experience at DMV(not as bad as other guys). Anyway there are hardly any jobs in NJ thesedays. Moved to DE. Much cheaper and better place to live in.

But overall life is becoming tougher in US as each day passes. Yet to start GC process. After reading through all the posts out here and in other threads, dont feel like applying for GC. Was 22 years old when i came to US. Now i am 26. Will be 31 or 32 by the time i get GC(going by current processing times). Never thought it will take me 10 years just to settle. I dont know what other people in my situation think. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
can i drive in NJ with valid out of state licence? my insurance company ask me to change it within 60 days? they got my signature also?

under this current circumtances i'm in confusion to surrender my out of state licence?
help me to comeout of this situation
i'm looking for an opportunity to move out of NJ?
friends please post your views in this regard

You can drive in NJ with out of state license. But you must transger within certain time. I moved from Arkansas 4 yrs ago and drove in NJ with a valid a AR license.

Good luck.
you need to have Insurance, registration and license all from the same state. Now there can be people crying out loud that they have from diffrent states and still nothing happened. Fact is that it will happen the day you are stopped for any offense. There is a $500/per one of these violations in DE. NJ should have similar or more since DMV is a money minting machine for McGreevy. Better to stay in PA or DE or Connecticut or NY state than staying in NJ.
thanks for the reply
one of my friend's licence got suspended. his h1b is pending for so long. ead is pending. 485 not recognized. he is without licence for so many days .if it is a fine it is better to pay. at least you have the confidence that you have valid licence. any other negative impacts, please