Background Check Timeline???


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Does Anyone Knows How Much Time Will It Take For Background Check? It Has Already Been 8 Weeks For Me In Islamabad And No Signs Yet.... Even The Embassy Won't Give Out Any Idea.

Also, Anyone Knows Any Way Of Getting The Background Check Done Faster?
jigger...chill takes an unpridecitable amount of time to get the background done. One of my freind got it done in 7 weeks. in Novemner. An other of my freind is in his 8 th. week and still waiting in Islamabad. If you applied beforre Xmas break, it might take a bit longer as the embassy was probably closed for Xmas and new year. I think should be getting it within 1 or 2 weeks.
Thanks for ur reply arm5262. I can wait but it is my employer who is now getting really testy with this process. Anyways, thanks for your reponse.
fsheikh said:
Thanks for ur reply arm5262. I can wait but it is my employer who is now getting really testy with this process. Anyways, thanks for your reponse.
I know its really annoying mannn....I can imagine your what stress you are going through...I was in the same positions as yours and then at the last minuite I decided to try my luck in canada before trying it in Islamabad. So I packed all my stuff prepearing to go to even Islamabad if it did not work out in toronto. But I was lucky enough to get it in one day!!!! I am back in US now but will be visiting Islamabad next saturday....we can meet if u r still there :)
Thanks for your offer dude but I am in Karachi now visiting friends and family.... Take it easy!!
fsheikh said:
Thanks for your offer dude but I am in Karachi now visiting friends and family.... Take it easy!! they keep your passport while they are doing your background checks ? or do they return you the passport? If they keep sucks mannnnnnn ot be stranded in Pakistan and not being able to rtavel any where1!!!
Nah they offer you with both choices leave it or risk taking the process more time than normal.........
yep.. this sucks for sure.. it has been 6 weeks for me (chennai consulate)
and they are still "waiting for fingerprint check to complete" .. as someone said earlier it might drag a week longer than the usual because of the xmas hols.. let us know once you get your visa.. btw they didnt even give me a choice about taking the passport, they just kept it along with the visa fee..
yawn.. back to sleep now..
Revalidation from Islamabad...

fsheikh, I think our timeline is similar. It's been 8 weeks for me today and still waiting...I also applied from Islamabad. Do post here once you get it.
Revalidation from Islamabad...

fsheikh, I think our timeline is similar. It's been 8 weeks for me today and still waiting...I also applied from Islamabad. Do post here once you get it.


im in a similar boat, waiting for FP in mumbai, almost 6 weeks. did u pay the $85 fee? did they take ur FPs on a card?

they didnt keep my passport.
hey vik..
yep.. they did take the 85$ fee and got my FPs on a card.. but they
kept my passport, visa issuance fee dd and all the H1 is now almost 7 weeks.. one thing that bothers me is that the person in the consulate told me that they need two clearance.. one for the fingerprint and one another (dunno what) clearance.. I am wondering if the "standard" security check requires both of those.. anyways.. chill ... thats all we can do anyways..

ps: I did get my wife to contact some attorneys in US to see if this can be expedited.. and the answer is .. NO ofcourse :^(


thanks for the info...they took my fp and told me all i need is an fp clearance. they gave me my passport, draft and h1 docs back. i have a friend whose fp was done in 6 weeks, so im waiting on it now. i guess even if they cannot expedite it, atleast we need to know the status. ive sent several emails and also asked my company lawyer to find out the status.

keep me and others posted and u can also send me a private msg with an email id, so we can keep in touch

best of luck!
BackGround Check

Why FBI takes this long to do the background check. Iam sure they are not going to talk to each county all over the world, might be just a computer DB check. I don't think computer will take this long to give out the result!! :rolleyes:
Got my new extended visa last Friday... and now I am back in states on my job..... 9 and a half weeks it took...

Sorry, for not updating earlier.
Good luck to everyone else in the wait....
One small question. Did you get the visa to your home or did you have to go the second time to the consulate for an interview?
fsheik.. thanks for the update..
great to know that this checks actually get completed.
I called up fbi and dos, apparently my fingerprints were
cleared on jan 14 (and they received the request on jan 14th)
and the DOS said that they received my file on the feb 7th..
so hopefully I should get the visa within 2-3 weeks..around 9-10 weeks in

I do see people writing about 2-3 year wait.. that hopefully is an exception..
those who are going through this (excruciatingly painful) wait should take heart..

take care