Background Check Timeline???

credit history check

I am not sure if security check involves credit history too. My credit history isnt that good. Anyway someone gave me an advice to inquire about my file status by sending out a fax instead of calling. Yersterday I sent out the fax to US Embassy in Ottawa. Today i recieved a call from Embassy, the lady was quite polite, she told me that my file is still in pending state and that they will call me rightaway once they hear anything from States. She also said that many agencies gets involved in this process and also that its not like they have forgotten me. My advice , if you need to inquire about your visa status , send them a FAX.
Also i was forwarded a very nice thread regarding this security clearance issue. If somebody needs that file send me an email at
That thread(which infact is saved in a file now) is very helpful. You guys can find all the important phone and fax numbers of different agencies, plus read all the diferent experiences that people like us went through...
This is my 6th week going one.
Good luck to all
please pass on

I sent that thread to some of you guys, please read through the whole thing and pass along to those you know are in similar situation as we are....
fbhatti, canada_1111

Take a look at this thread..

In this thread some where stuck in mexico with this security clearance.. but were able to get back into US by meeting special cases officer at the border post..
Maybe you should go try meeting the border post official and get back into US and then complete the check..(That person posted this on Aug 2004)..

Here is the exerpt

The special cases officer asked me if I was ever issued an H1B before. She looked at my old visas (F1, H1b) and said she can give me a I94 based on my I797.

She didnt ask me anything else. It was done in 2 minutes. Yes so fast, I didnt expect it.

Thats why I think some rules probably have changed. I dont know if this is only with Mexico and Canada. But in any case, people stuck in these 2 countries should atleast go and try at the border.
Thats the same thread

That's the same thread i was talking about.
She was able to get back in US because she went for revalidation of her H1. Mine is from F1 to H1B.
time varies

Time varies from person to person, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best
security name check in vancouver

fbahtti and anismo:

This is my first time h1-b, I was on F1 before h1-b. Can I still enter US by checking with special cases officer at border. I don't have my H1-B approval notice as Vancouver consulate did not return me. Can I withdraw my application and come to US based on 30 day re-entry rule. Is there anyway possible that I can come back to US and they can do their name check while I am in US.

Any help would be appreciated.

going back in 30 days

You can re enter US within 30 days if you have all the required docs and meet certain criteria, and one of them is "if you have not applied for non immigrant visa" . In your case you have already done that, you cannot withdraw your application. My employer checked with immigration lawyer regarding coming back to US within 30 days. According to him by law you can enter US within 30 days with valid I-94. It all depends on the immigration officer at the border. He might ask you about 221(g) and send you right back. You can take your chances. I read somewhere in the thread that one of the gal was able to re enter US even after 30 days but in her case it was revalidation of H1 not from f1 to h1 like your's. BTW mine is also from F1 to H1.
a quick note

A childhood friend of mine came to canada couple of weeks ago to renew his canadian permanent resident card. He is also working on H1. He also took an appointment from US consulate Toronto to get his H1 stamped. He took care of his business in canada and went back before his appointment date. He wanted to see if border people will let him in. He got in US without any problem, all he had was valid docs. But keep in mind he never went to the consulate.
Hi Fbhatti

I am also planning to visit canada for only 4-5 days...
My H1b visa stamped on my passport is already expired but I have extension papers with me ....
CAn I visit canada for 4-5 days and come back without even try to stamp new H1 extension ?
I am Indian working in US from last 5+ years .....
Can you please send me your friends mailid or more info about Automatic revalidation experience on boarder at my mail Id :
I think you should be ok if you go back within 30 days, I read in some thread that one of the gal was able to enter US even after 30 days.
Hi Fbhatti

Do I need to take any special document with me ? other than my new H1 extension..
I mean do I need to take all the papers like my paystubs, letter from company etc ..
If yes .... Which ones ....
I took my chances

Yesterday I tried to enter US through Michigan border on the basis of I-797 and I-94. They held me for 3 hours, took my finger prints and pic twice and had me fill up the afidavit in which basically i wrote when i left US, what i have been doing in canada etc. I thought after all this they might let me in, but after 3 hours of interogation they said " I have to have a valid visa to enter US without that they will not let me in" So they sent me back to Canada.
Just thought of sharing this with you guys.
On 10th March i will be completing my 8th week , waiting for security clearance.
Adya said:
Hi Fbhatti

Do I need to take any special document with me ? other than my new H1 extension..
I mean do I need to take all the papers like my paystubs, letter from company etc ..
If yes .... Which ones ....
Adya you never know what kinda document they might ask u in the consulate. So try taking every possible document with you. Dont take any chances. Take all the paystubs with you. Ofcourse you need company letter, H1 approval notice, In my case they even asked for academic record too. So take everything you have.
Called Vancouver Consulate

It’s been two weeks since my case is pending for "Additional Processing” at Vancouver Consulate for H1-B1. First I called FBI to check status of background check. As per the lady, they don't have any request for it for me. Then I called Vancouver consulate to find out whats going on. Lady at Vancouver consulate told me that it has nothing to do with FBI, it is all handled by DOS and they have their own means to verify, which I have no idea what it is. She was not very helpful. I did called DOS but their system was down today. Lady told me that I can check status online but I could find anything on to check visa status.

Does anyone know where I can check status online?
Hi Fbhatti

I saw your message dated March 3, that They didn't allow you to get in ....
DId you try the Automatic revalidation ? I mean you were not in canada for more than 30 days and you didn't try to stamp your visa there.....
Did the Consulate in canada stamped the cancel stamp on your expired US visa while you are waiting for Security check ?
Does it mean Automatic revalidation is not a safe option ?
What do you think ? Should I take chance to visit canada based on Automatic revalidation ?
