Attached file is a 485 RFE Traker

Approved - wife and daughter

Updated sheet (sorry, I had to change the name to <32 characters on my computer - feel free to change it back).

Good luck to everyone.

We are still waiting for fingerprinting for our 14 year old daughter, and then for her approval to be done with this process.

Based on the message of Bslater to Rolling Hills, filers such as Kanadian, MJ23, Davana, kjoshi, katu, and snay etc (almost everyone here) will be approved within 20 days. Am I right?
Rolling Hills said:
Based on the message of Bslater to Rolling Hills, filers such as Kanadian, MJ23, Davana, kjoshi, katu, and snay etc (almost everyone here) will be approved within 20 days. Am I right?

You are very brave if you believe that a line between two data points is a trend.
my updated LUD info

My LUD changed 3 times till yesterday.Nothing till now.Congrates to all who got approved.
I see one trend atleast all EB2 are getting approved.
Expat11 said:
This is one dramatic spreadsheet. Who will be the next lucky recipient?

you are heart is beating so fast and wondering who is next :) I know I dont have that luck so just waiting and trying to pass couple of weeks before I consider myself in that list.

did u guys c the pattern , after they recieved the RFE , the LUD is changing for 3 days contionusly and stops?? ( atleast for kanadian, dsm_gc, nanaji ) ..

so my guess is they r kind of thinkig what to with these cases ?? (PD > Jan1 2002) ??

I have seen approvals for Non RFE EB3 with PD > 2002 this yr.If atleast one of us with EB3 gets approved we all can hope everyone's approval.