Atlanta Timeline

Will do..

Thanks for the info. I have been here for over 10 years but I am not sure whether it matters. As far as TSC is concerned, I just couldn\'t get across to them at all. The line is perennially busy. I sent a fax (as that\'s what they recommend to know your status) 4 months ago and haven\'t heard from anyone till today. I don\'t know what the scoop is. Some folks tell me that it might take as long as 11/2 - 2 years. Per the INS customer service, we can request for an explanation/verification only after 24 months. I have friends who processed it via the Vermont centre and they got the entire process done in 6 months time. I need to move to the North East and I am wondering whether to stick on here in Atlanta or just move and re-file there.

In fact this is the only reason, why I am hanging down here in Atlanta?
can we do something about it?

Can you do something about it? Zeemboomba has lobbying initiative( see previous posts by Zeemboomba. I think it is a good idea.
I have tried to contact president of Atlanta Chapter, AILA(America Immig. Laywer Assoc.) to see if I can dig out some information about N400 processing timeline at Atlanta INS. The guy is so busy ... I get nothing. Alos I did not find out the web site of Atlanta Chapter, AILA. I guess it does not exist.
Who can we count on? The people like us. first of all, keep the forum active and keep the topic dedicated to N400 Atlanta timeline going on. come back every day and post something everyday. It will let us feel that someone is sharing the experience and motion with us. second, we need to recognize how many outside resource we can count on? now I can count a few: non-profit immigration advocate organization, immigration law professor, senator.

As to web site, I like this one

Any comment would be welcome.
correction of one mistake in my last post

The first sentence should be "Can WE do something about it?" as my post title. it is our cause. Sorry for the typo.
You want some emotion?

I\'ll give you some emotion, but I don\'t think it\'ll do anyone of us any good. I\'m sure you all know of the frustrations I speak of. Does anyone know how they process these things? I\'ve seen breakouts by country and I\'m wondering do they adjudicate along country quotas?

Also, what\'s involved in re-filing in another district? Could it be as simple as getting as address and then just flying up for the interview? Just wondering. Re-filing doesn\'t sound like a bad option as opposed to waiting another year. Oh well, thanks for the updates and I\'ll be sure to inform everyone of the latest happenings.

BTW, my finance met a man at work whose been here 12 yrs and his PD was 10/00. His interview was 9/14/01. When I know more, I\'ll post.

Increased activity

I am glad to see the increased activity in this forum. I take the help of an Atlanta based immigration lawyer who is also a close friend of mine. So we both are very motivated to make this work.

Atlanta INS is the one that is causing the delay in our processing. We have already checked out with TSC and they have completed the processing and are waiting for Atlanta to request the applications.

I plan to start lobbying in the beginning of next month. We need to draft a letter to begin with. If any of you would like to take up that task you are welcome to do so and post it here. I can have it reviewed by my attorney. Then we can email or fax it to our respective congress-person and both senators from GA. We will also send it to the INS Comm., Department of Justice and the White House. Earlier, there was a suggestion to involve the media in this as well. If we are not getting a good response from the politicians then we will do that as well.

Please keep in mind, we are going to be part of the voting public.
Please, no emotions. Only pragmatism and effort.

I cannot claim to be an expert but understand it to some extent. There is no country quota for naturalization. TSC processes our applications and then waits for the local INS office to request those applications. Then the local INS office conducts the interview and schedules the oath ceremony. That is why we see Houston and Dallas do it faster even though they are also in the jurisdiction of TSC.

Relocating may not be such a good idea for the following two reasons. The second time a Naturaliztion application is filed at a new service center there is more processing done to ensure the genuine nature of the relocation. The other reason is that we cannot predict how each office is going to change their priorities. Atlanta may allocate more officers to process Naturalization and some of the other offices may reduce its importance. So, in my opinion it could be better to stay and push.

Thank you for the information on the person whose interview was complete. Gives us some idea and hope.
No Title

The number of years in the US does not matter for naturalization.

Rest assured that we have checked with TSC and they are not the bottle neck.

Regarding relocation do look at my other post on this date.
Interview and Oath

The oath is scheduled by each local INS office 5 times a year. These 5 are not fixed dates but scheduled based on the number of people that are waiting to take oath. Only if the interview is on the day of the oath and prior to the oath will the interview and oath take place on the same day. If the interview happens to be the day after an oath ceremony takes place then the wait to take oath could also be long.

What other forums do you check?
AILA Atlanta Chapter President

Victor, is the person you are trying to contact Socheat Chea? I am told that he is the AILA Atlanta Chapter President. If so, please continue to try and contact him.

Your enthusiasm is contagious. Keep it going.
count me in!

count me in!
as to the forum, I know several good ones organized quite well by green card seekers, such as,, Unfortunatle, The forum is concerned with green card instead of N400. so I decide to build up a web site dedicated to Atlanta N400 apllication processing time tracking. It is done. please check out I will take the full resposibility to update and maintain the web site technically. It cost N400 applicant nothing, the only support needed for N400 applicant is providing accurate information of the timeline. remember, the success of the web site significantly depends on the accurate, timely input. the more input, the more informative the tracking system. So I urge everyone to refer tracking system to any N400 applicant you know.
talk to you later.
Good Move

Thanks for taking the initiative and offering to maintain the website. I think it\'s a terrific idea. Will defintely support in whatever way I can.

Thanks again
Wonderful Web Site

That was cool, Victor.
I will send this link to my attorney and ask her to circulate it among immigration attorneys so that their clients can use it as well.
Of course, there are quite a few people who do not use attorneys but if you register this with a good set of keywords with the search engines then we could get a few more people adding information.
I do not have my information immediately available but will email to you soon.
No Title

Thanks to Zeemboomba and victor. Good work by providing all the information. Count me in for any kind support to push our cases. I know atleast five people who applied after Nov. 2000 and still waiting for their interview.
Wonderful Web Site

That was cool, Victor.
I will send this link to my attorney and ask her to circulate it among immigration attorneys so that their clients can use it as well.
Of course, there are quite a few people who do not use attorneys but if you register this with a good set of keywords with the search engines then we could get a few more people adding information.
I do not have my information immediately available but will email to you soon.
Which place cash the check?

Hi all,

Does anybody know which place cash the check, TSC or Altanta?


Remarks by President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft Ellis Island, July 10, 2001

Remarks by President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft Ellis Island, July 10, 2001 should be useful to composite the letter used for lobby.

pls check out the link :

Here is the one important point I found in the address
"As many immigrants can testify, that standard has not always been observed. For those seeking entry, the process is often a prolonged ordeal full of complexities and burdens. I am committed to changing this with INS reforms that treat every immigrant with respect and fairness. Today, here is the goal for the INS: a six-month standard from start to finish for processing applications for immigration. This won\'t be achievable in every case, but it\'s the standard of this administration and I expect the INS to meet it"
Some suggestions for the web site

Victor, you have been doing an excellent job of maintaining the web site.

If possible, whenever new information is posted can you trigger an email to all the people who have updated their information. If this service is displayed on the web page it may provide an incentive for people to enter their details. If there are spam concerns an option can be provided.
Follow up

Willyc, your message nailed down the issue we are facing. It has been a few months since you posted this. Where are you? Do you have any further information or suggestions? We need you.