Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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it is working but it is taking time to between words. So it says like that

"Welcome to AVM blah blah.." then waits for 30 secs then start then waits then start .... seems like something is choked in the throat of AVM, so it is making hiccups between words.

but it is working and still I hope they haven't updated the AVM since 25 November.
Question ??????

Hi all,

I have filed Labor in Chicago.Its at DOL now.Last week AVM updated as "Remanded To Employer".This week my Lawyer received letter from DOL but it says needs following from employer and after that blank line...........

So it doesn't say anthing.......

Anybody can predict what must have happenend or any similar experience ????????

You are in wrong thread and also at wrong time, when every one on this thread is so much frustated with our DOL center.

My prediction is that may be while printing last line on your RTE notice printer's ink could have become empty :D :D :D

again I said wrong thread wrong time :mad:
There is an interesting article about DOL at,1218-DFLC.pdf

This and some related google search produced some highlights:

1) DOL has requested RFPs for two centralized backlog reduction centers, with 100 employees each, to eliminate the 300,000 backlog in LC applications. (Filing deadline October 2003. Expect implementation within 60 days of award of contract)

2) They keep mentioning that backlog accumulation will stop in early 2004 because of PERM, but existing backlog will have to be eliminated using existing regulations.

3) Based on PWC's recommendations, DOL conducted a small simulation study at a centralized center with 8 workstations, processing about 1500 - 3000 cases from end-to-end; success of that initiative has resulted in this RFP. (Could that explain why some members of this forum got approved after going to ATL DOL in August/September 2003?)
Mickey _32

I cannot read the RFP in it's entirety as I am at work. Did it state which two centers they are requesting the RFP for? In following this forum, some of us came to the conclusion that the expedited approval for some cases came about as a result of LC's being retained at SESA and approved therein. However, there has been a lot of irregularities that nobody knows why or can explain why.

According to the RFP, these will be two independent centers, set up near Philly and Dallas. Seems like this is not planned to be done at any existing DOL center.

It could be that once PERM is in motion at DOL, they will turn over all the existing backlog to these two centers, which could mean that this backlog reduction will start in sync with PERM implementation (which everyone now knows is an eternal wait).

Another explanation given by my attorneys is that different officers at DOL have different levels of productivity (or motivation, professionalism, brains etc). So depending on which desk your application lands on, you may be approved earlier than usual. However, the official processing times reflect the earliest pending apps. Who knows what happens inside those walls!

Thanks for the update. I do not see anything taking off for quite some time - though it is a good move on their part. Then there are other things like synchronization such as which centers back-log goes where. Must be under fire from a lot of fractions, due to the back-log. There have been a whole lot of inconsistencies, depending on where you are filing from. As luck has it, all of us are filing from one of the slowest processing centers in the nation. Others filing around the same time as our applications at different centers, many has been approved for LC.

I predict a very sluggish Christmas season on the Atl DOL front and it is not due to the alchohol and fine food either.:eek:

Could you please tell what happend to ur friends
case. Did DOL certify the case after posting another Ad?



I know some one who is in similar situation. His caase was remanded to employer for insufficient advertisement. His job code is related with Management. Now they have give another Ad for 1 month. Once the Ad period is over they will submit the results to Atlanta DOL.

Actually in March 2003 DOL has changed their criteria for RIR cases. Now they want 2 Ad's one as primary and other as secondary. I think your Attorney should be able to take care of this.

Please tell whats your job code???

I will update the forum with further developements.


sorry for not updating the board. As I mentioned before that this case was remanded to employer on 22nd August because of insifficient advertisment. There was another ad given by employer/lawyer for 1 month and results were submitted on 12th October and the case was certified on 25th October. That guy has already filed his 140/485 couple of weeks back.


Is there anyone who got the case number from ATL DOL, who filed their LC from Gerogia state after June 2003? Does your case shows up in AVM when you enter your employer phone?
:mad: Mine is still pending (recvd on 17-dec-2002)

Does any one have idea, if the AVM is getting updated daily or weekly? I don't see any case approval theorugh AVM since it was updated on 25-NOV-2003 last time.

Keep putting comments here guyz, thats what make my wait easier.
Hi Sorry if i am too late. What is this AVM you people always talk about. As per my Labor, all i know is mine is applied under future employment category and that employer told me that my file has been tranferred to Region last month.

Is there ANY method to check if thats true..
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