Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Any Update from ATL -DOL

Does anyone has any update from ATL-DOL i.e. what prioirty date they are processing etc?.
GC Processing in Atlanta

Papers filed with the GA DOL around 6/15/01. Priority date + or - 7 days. It was processed under EB2 RIR.

When can i expect my Labor Clearence and proceed to the next step.

how slow processing at ATL...

From the same board, i got that on Apr 30 ATL approved jan 7 cases. From you can see currently ATL is processing jan 22 cases. i guess they are moving 10 days per month.
it\'s really very slow...
guys, any updates... any ideas....
EB2 (RIR) from SC. Recieved Atl DOL on Jan 14, 2002. Approved 06/24/2002

Company person informed today that it is approved, and waiting for official approval docs.
Best of luck to everybody who is waiting.
Emploment security commision

Hi Srinu,

How long does it take for employment security commission in South Carolina to forward the file to Atlanta. I have applied in south carolina in non RIR in May last year. But it was converted to RIR and send to Employment commission on Jun 17, 2002. How long does it take them to forward to Atlanta? Is there way to check when they forwarded to Atlanta? Any help is greatly appreciated?
case number

Hi, May22001, my case was forwarded from NC-SESA last month. Called my lawyer, he told me my case number is formatted like 00-00-0000/FORA. Is this a correct case number? What about yours? Looks like DOL-ATL is still processing 1/31/02 cases. Let\'s keep our fingers cross.
labor is just certified

i just heard that labor is approved.
my file was sent to ATL federal jan. 30th. 2002
and approved june 28. 2002... EB3 regular

goood luck to everybody who is waiting a good news.
I called GA DOL for LC and they are currently working on J01/02 period. Filed mine on 2/28/02. Still waiting.
consolidate cases

Received Date Approved Date
------------- -------------

Oct 1,2001 Oct 26,2001
Nov 13,2001 Jan 31,2002
Nov 24,2001 Apr 18,2002 (RFE)
Nov 26,2001 Feb 21,2002
Nov 26,2001 Mar 16,2002
Dec 28,2001 Apr 15,2002

Jan 4,2002 Apr 26,2002
Jan 7,2002 Apr 29,2002
Jan 7,2002 May 29, 2002
Jan 14,2002 Jun 24,2002
jan 30,2002 Jun 28, 2002

Hopefully they received lot of cases between JAN 7-15. Guess, some FEB cases might be approved by now(provided, not so many cases on Jan 30 & 31st) ... guys, do u have any idea, how long DOL takes to process JAN cases.... this JAN thing irritating ..

please post any information to keep this thread alive ...

Feb 19,2002 waiting
Feb 28,2002 waiting
Mid Feb,2002 waiting
March 28,2002 waiting
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