Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Originally posted by pashwin
Unbelievable but awesome news. This gives a new ray of light. Veerudu .. do you have your case no and does the AVM provide any case status ? want to know if its been update.

All the best for your I-140 and AOS or CP.

Thanks pashwin. I do not have my case #, My attorney never gave that information to me (even after request), I couldn't find my case at AVM with the empolyer phone #. So I was just sitting tight and waiting to hear good news from my attorney.
congratulations veerudu.

That's a relief. so there are some cases from Nov'2002 still pending..

Thanks for all your support guys.. I have asked my attorney to find out what's going on, they sent a letter to ATL DOL asking for the same, my attorney will update me on monday.

Originally posted by veeranji
congratulations veerudu.

That's a relief. so there are some cases from Nov'2002 still pending..

Thanks for all your support guys.. I have asked my attorney to find out what's going on, they sent a letter to ATL DOL asking for the same, my attorney will update me on monday.

Good for you. Let us know if you hit on any good news. All the best.
Congrats veerudu!

Excellent news! What a great relief, not only for you, for everybody in this forum. Glad to know that ATL DOL is not dead.

Definitely it is good news for you and for us to share. Just wondering how your attorney got this information. I mean through AVM or he actually got the approval notice. If he actually got the notice, this means your case was certified before 29-jan-2004. Let us know if you or anyone has idea?
Hi prosix,

I guess, his attorney might have got the approval notice. If so, his case would been approved approx. 2 weeks back. I don't think any attorney will have the intensity to find the status by AVM.
I think they will get a fax notice on the same day and then actual documents in mail few days later. my guess is based on my previous H1B extension, they received fax approval notice first and then docs later in mail. I may be wrong.

Re: Question

Originally posted by jcheng
What would they do with pending cases after PERM is implemented? So all of us who filed years before will be processed after those who filed through PERM?

I don't think the PERM is applicable to us whose application is pending. I am not too excited about it. I am thinking that those who are currently posting their ads will tend to benefit from it Unless, they come up with a system in allowing those with pending applications to file for it. I doubt it as it will be pretty messy. As it is, they cannot even track our applications now and where they are at in the process.

That is my biggest grief right now. Time is not of the essence for the people at ATL DOL for it doesn't really affect them in any way. We on the other, are at the receiving end. In comparing across board, what makes it any more different, our labor apps. is slower as compared to those applying in other regional centers. Those applying there at the same time as us, are probably well in their way of the GC process. I feel that they should standardize the processing time at least. Our applications should be reviewed within a certain realistic time-frame and not according to work-load, applications and the number of staffs at each centers. A realistic processing time-frame would at least give each one of us an indication of when we can expect our labor apps to be certified, instead of the unknown, as it currently stands.
Re: Re: Question

Couldn't agree with you more. With all this uncertainity in the processing times, it is nearly impossible to plan for any thing in our lives. Thats is exactly where we find our selves now, couldn't decide to stay here in ATL region or just move some where else to restart the process and loosing all this PD times etc.

Atlanta DOL should at least give us reasonable projections of the time lines and their plans towards improving those. And, yes Atlanta DOL definitely seems to be the worst of the lot! It is indeed shame that they are still talking about the same workload issue for over two years now. I sincerely think that (inspite of Bush's 3 year old 6 months time limit process in public) the actual reason probably is tacit approval from the current political leadership for the status quo!

Originally posted by NII
....I feel that they should standardize the processing time at least. Our applications should be reviewed within a certain realistic time-frame and not according to work-load, applications and the number of staffs at each centers. A realistic processing time-frame would at least give each one of us an indication of when we can expect our labor apps to be certified, instead of the unknown, as it currently stands.

Sometimes I feel this delay in process is intentional, to discourage people from applying for permanent residency.

What I don't understand is, how different is the workload at ATL DOL from other regions, that it takes 12-15 months just to approve the the labour (fed).

With each passing day, my hope (of getting thru LCA, leave apart complete GC process) is diminishing. Sorry, I don't mean to discourage other in the forum, but this delay is starting to get onto my nerves.
Jan 21, 2003 case NOT approve yet

My brother just called me, he filed his LC in Chicago one year after me, and it was approved today. Mine is still seating in Atlanta DOL.. my case# is 043973xx
I think we have to set a deadline date on finishing the letter and point out the inefficiences and differential treatment received by us.

I would be happy if veeraguru can send me the letter what he had used to sent to the Georgia Governor.

I am wishing to set the final draft of the letter to be completed by 15th Feb. Please send me the details on items what each of you are wishing to include in the statement. I will compile the final draft.

NII can you please draft an editable copy of the details what you have to include, at your convience by 6 th Feb.

The alliance is formed, now we have move forward.

More volunteers are welcome!
Sample Letter

Dear Sir:

We are writing this letter in despair and let you know of our frustation and helpless case. We all are waiting about our labor certification at the Atlanta DOL.

We are the legal immigrants who came to USA and really enjoy living in your wonderful land. All of us in this e-mail hope to stay in this country if we have a possibility to do so. So we have applied for the 3-stage green card processing.

The three stages of green card include:
1. Labor Certification Application: Advertising of the job and creating the report for the availability of the workers with skills to complete the job that is offered to the alien.

2. I-140 application: This stage matches the alien and the job being offered to see whether the alien matches the skills that is being offered.

3. I-485 application: This provides the alien a visa number(if there is one available to the individual), and adjusts the individual status from temporary to permanent status.

We all have applied to first stage so far. Many of us are waiting for last 3-4 years for getting any details about the case. It has to be remembered that any stage can be approved or disapproved at DOL's/USCIS's discretion. We are waiting for DOL's 15 minutes to look at each of individual cases for last 2-4 years. Currently, most applications can apply for the second and third stage concurrently. But the third stage normally in itself, takes about 4-7 years. These estimations are based on the assumption that there is no question raised by DOL or SESA or USCIS.

Most of the individuals have a strong case, and many of us are paid distinctly higher than the American counterparts with whom we work on day-to-day basis. This is in addition to extra expenses and responsibilites that are tied to the employer with maintaining our visa status.

Also, we are not allowed and cannot work with any other employer on part-time basis and so dont qualify to earn extra income even if we wish to, thereby restricting our income. We also have to notify the government for each and every address change to two agencies ( Department of Labor ( DOL), and INS/USCIS). This means after each rental home change ( 6-12 months), you have keep on sending the address changes.

In 2001, the government has told DOL to reduce the backlog to 6 months. Each time we contact the DOL they have a standard reply stating that they donot have enough staff to meet the obligations. Even after more than 3 years, there is no improvement. Infact, the delays have increased in last 9 months.

We are legal immigrants have done nothing wrong. We had payed income taxes, social security and medicare ( both of latter which we cannot use). Only few people in this e-mail have received only a speeding ticket from cop. That is the worst thing that we had ever faced in this country and even in our home country.

We feel that even illegal immigrants get more fairer treatment than us. They get oppurtunity to apply for permanent residence every three years (2001 and now again 2004), and they have very little to prove in terms of any documents to submit. We are standing in queue with all documents from this country and any documents from home country. Many of us have masters degree and higher qualifications with more than 5 years experience in the work we are doing. We humbly request DOL to spend 15 minutes on our cases. We are getting punished for reasons that are totally not our fault.

The reasons for sending the letter is that according the current applications it takes 7-11 years to get a green card (best case scenario) which is more than the standard 6 years that our visa allows. This is not in addition the list of other factors like we getting layed off, or we have terrible road/air accidents, or other cases which are totally not under our own control. If something like this were to happen, we lose our chance forever because of the lengthy time needed for the process.

Thank you for reading our problems. We hope you may provide some help to us in getting our cases processed.

Yours truly,

Green Card Aspirants

Any people willing to provide any added information or content, please comment.

Thank you rajeevnair32


Thanks for the first draft. It covers lot of things we wanted to say.

I think we should also mention here,

The dilemma of h1 workers in their 7th year extension. If they are let go, they do not have any other option but to leave the country. If the DOL was quick processing their applications in the
first place, they would have been in their 7th year.

Also, the 10th paragraph, starting with
"We are legal immigrants have done nothing wrong...", I did not clearly understand the "That is the worst thing that we had ever faced in this country and even in our home country..."
part, I think there is some room for rephrasing it.

Again, thanks a lot for this first draft.

Just my two cents.


Thank you for your efforts for the first draft. I feel that we will have to brush up on our language and get someone with a good command of English to go through our draft with a fine tooth comb. As for the others, if you have any more grievances, apart from what we have previously discussed in the forum, to come forth with their suggestions in this forum, just like Vinatdol has done before this

I will add on my comments to rejeevnair before February 6, 2004. I want to personally commend him for taking the first steps and to coordinate this effort.
After you guys have had your shots at the letter, if there is still a need for a review of the text from a language and professionalism perspective, I would be willing to step up to the plate. If not, I offer the following:
1) Be concise, it is easy for a busy and indifferent policitician to fast lose interest.
2) Try to leave emotions out. Not to belittle the emotional upheaval this may have caused to you and your families, it stands a very little chance of making a difference. We have a better chance by sticking to facts, more so if we can corroborate the facts with concrete proofs and examples.
3) Try to focus more on unreasonable (inexplicable might be a better word!!) delays at the DOL and BCIS, and less on illegal Vs legal immigration, and what immigrants can contribute to this country. As valid as these argumenst may be, we would be better off if we pick our battles carefully, the ones we can win.

All the best.
vinodatldol, i am writing to you about the statements -
"We are legal immigrants ...."

In those statements, I tried to put emphasis on the fact that we are not terrorists or criminals. The thing what I want to imply was the only violations of law that we may done so far is probably getting a speeding ticket. So that the authorities dont use 911 plot - > any one who is a foreigner is a criminal.

Thanks guys, I really want more people to co-operate. All the people in the forum should come forward. Together we can make this happen. I will help with the co-ordination of the efforts.

Mickey 32, you may change the letter and publish a better layout.

I am happy to see that PERM has atleast 7 more months to become LIVE! Luckily we dont have to re-advertise.

The only problem is a bill allowing illegal people apply for GCs through the current backlogged system which would kill the currently paralyzed system.
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