Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Please include me in your list:
Regional Receipt Date: 05/16/2003
Case Number:030.062-010

Still waiting like a dog.
I have a question too.

Two years ago my attorney started the labor process from Atlanta since that's where our headquarters are. My home office is in Boston, we could have applied from Boston. At the time, I checked processing times and asked my lawyer why we are not applying from Boston since it seems to be much faster. I was told not to believe everything that I read and not to teach them their jobs.

Now that I am stuck for years, also taking into account horribly slow Texas processing center, I asked my lawyer recently why have they done this and brought this misfortune upon me they said it was the best option at the time since Boston was rejecting a lot of labor certs. They said Boston is pretty picky and risky.

Is there any truth to that? Does anyone know?

avm .....................

I talked to a lady at DOL, she was very patient I gave her my case number she told me that it has not been assigned to any agent yet.
She did say some of the agents started working on MAY cases.

According to her this is how it works:

different month's cases are assigned to different agents, if a case is assigned to a lazy guy I guess its going to take a while...........

She said they have some problems on the AVM and working on it.

Some_GreenCard said:
If anybody planning to call ATL DOL, please remind them that AVM is not working still.... :rolleyes:
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Labor_Sucks said:
I talked to a lady at DOL, she was very patient I gave her my case number she told me that it has not been assigned to any agent yet.
She did say some of the agents started working on MAY cases.

According to her this is how it works:

different month's cases are assigned to different agents, if a case is assigned to a lazy guy I guess its going to take a while...........

She said they have some problems on the AVM and working on it.


Could you please post the phone number you called ...

The lady in the AVM told me that my case has been recently given to an analyst after i gave her the case number.
Does anybody know how long it would take to get approved from there , even if it goes to slowest person.
Do i have to wait a couple more months for it. This tension is really taking a toll on my life.
Any reply would be appreciated.
TO add insult to injury the person who applied two months after me from the same company was able to get labour cleared.
Thanks guys. I am glad that at least there is a place like this forum where we can tell our troubles , and get expert answers.
Wage survey for H1B 7th year extention

Hi Guys,

While my labor is pending with Chicago, my 6 year H1b is coming to a close in Feb, 05. Needless to say my labor (like most everybody else) has been pending for more than 20 months, between Michigan and Chicago.

My lawyer is getting ready to file for the H1B extention. It looks like that a wage determination survey has to be filed along with it. My problem is that the agency which did the wage survey, when the original H1B application was filed, is no longer doing any survey. My questions are

1. Do we need the wage determination survey for the 7th year extention?
2. What are the Michigan recognaized agencies who specialize in wage determination for the non IT sector?
3. Can we have the original survey that was used for the original H1B application(Feb, 02) ?

Thanks in advance for your help

OHenry, What is your priority date ?

OHenry said:
The lady in the AVM told me that my case has been recently given to an analyst after i gave her the case number.
Does anybody know how long it would take to get approved from there , even if it goes to slowest person.
Do i have to wait a couple more months for it. This tension is really taking a toll on my life.
Any reply would be appreciated.
TO add insult to injury the person who applied two months after me from the same company was able to get labour cleared.
Thanks guys. I am glad that at least there is a place like this forum where we can tell our troubles , and get expert answers.
hey buddy,
thanks for the number :) ..i had never spoken to live person in DOL till today. The gentle woman in the DOL said they dont update till 2:00 p.m.So keep your fingers crossed. :) cheer up!!!!
Just called DOL ALT 404-562-2115 and were told that cases forwarded to DOL ALT in June 2004 were not yet entered in the system.

Latest status after NOF

Hi everyone,

Someone has asked about what happened to my NOF.

I spoke to my lawyer and she said that they need some more info from HR to reply to the nof recieved by 7 of us. She has already started working on the cases. My lawyer said she was confident that it will be certified. Now I have to just wait till end of oct.
Once I hear something more.....I will let you all know.
I was checking some random case numbers close to my case number...i noticed few cases being certified with the same date as mine received by atlanta this normal?? does anybody know why??? if i call up atlanta office and ask them to pull up my case file, would they do it??? is there anything wrong/bad in doing so...ofcourse i will call in as HR....
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