Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Maybe those are limited review cases. Also they tend to give more favor to states with fewer LC cases. This is just my Guess.
There are some unexplained exceptions in the past but the present pattern at DOL Atlanta strongly suggests that they are processing the cases in case number order.

lcwaiting said:
check out the following #s, they all arrived at dol in april 2004, but have been certified. i am really confused. :confused:

Time frame

Hello All,
As listed in the status list, my app was received in ATL DOL on in early July 2003. I checked with my lawyer and based on the current processing, she estimated it will be atleast another 3 months before I hear back. I had friends last year who were expecting their LCA before the Dec holidays, and ended up actually getting it in Feb of the next year. Based on this, I am being realistic and not expecting LCA approval this year. Of course I would be thrilled if ATL DOL proves me wrong! :)
- Dru
Looks like the same thing happened with most cases in Sep 2003. Technically i would guess every six months few cases are pulled out randomnly and sent for back log reduction..Huh :( my bad karma is haunting me for sure..otherwise there is no reason to look like bunch of losers who cant even talk about immigration in a weekend potlug or party..ahh is the most frustating thing in the whole universe..sorry for whining.. :eek:
Hey Guys ,
Any suggestion on how to check on case numbers between 044029xx till 044088xx
which already been certified.
It will not be feasible to call AVM and punch in case # one at time.
Any better solution ?
I am trying to figure out how many cases (THE LUCKY ONES) have already been certified between those case numbers.
Download the database from flcdatacenter and run a report by filtering cases based on DOT CODE for software engineer/programmer analyst between the targeted case number range of 044029xx till 044088xx.

You may actually get few hundred cases in this range. Then as and when time permits, keep checking the AVM randomly in the beginning and streamline it later. You will be surprised at the results.

Atleast that is what I did for case number range of 044027xx and 044029xx.

LCSEPT2003 said:
Hey Guys ,
Any suggestion on how to check on case numbers between 044029xx till 044088xx
which already been certified.
It will not be feasible to call AVM and punch in case # one at time.
Any better solution ?
I am trying to figure out how many cases (THE LUCKY ONES) have already been certified between those case numbers.
gc_us_02 said:
I have been following the case numbers DOL has been processing off late and have a list of about 31 cases which are either software engineer or programmer/analyst taken from flcdatacenter database between 044027xx and 044029xx.

When I noticed that DOL has processed a lot of cases recently, I checked the status of these 31 cases in AVM and arrived at the results.
Thanks. gc_us_02
Do you think different occupations have different priority in processing? It seems to me that faculty members in Universities and cooks on foreign food are esspecially quick to get lc approved. What about others?
I don't think it is anything to do with priority. It is something to do with DOL's perception of job market. It is possible that DOL might have thought universities jobs or cooks on foreign food will have less impact on the US citizens than software engineer jobs and hence process them quickly where as they go slow on software job lc's.

I could not think of any other better explanation.

lcwaiting said:
Thanks. gc_us_02
Do you think different occupations have different priority in processing? It seems to me that faculty members in Universities and cooks on foreign food are esspecially quick to get lc approved. What about others?
gc_us_02 said:
I don't think it is anything to do with priority. It is something to do with DOL's perception of job market. It is possible that DOL might have thought universities jobs or cooks on foreign food will have less impact on the US citizens than software engineer jobs and hence process them quickly where as they go slow on software job lc's.

I could not think of any other better explanation.
I think that is a reasonable guess.
Sanan said:
Oh Common! you should have updated the most recently posted list. See you put in the last spot again :(

Sanan, I have updated most recently posted file from HotlantaGuy. pls check. :confused:

Dont worry about your last spot on THIS list!!! ;)
I dont believe your statement is true. I am marketing guy who file was forwarded to ATL in May 2003 and I am still sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for an approval. There is software guy in my company who had an ATL Recd date of Spet 2003 and LC has already been certified by Atlanta.

So I think the approvals from Atlanta are on a real random basis.

gc_us_02 said:
I don't think it is anything to do with priority. It is something to do with DOL's perception of job market. It is possible that DOL might have thought universities jobs or cooks on foreign food will have less impact on the US citizens than software engineer jobs and hence process them quickly where as they go slow on software job lc's.

I could not think of any other better explanation.
Today I didn't speak to my attorney. I'm thinking of calling her tomorrow. According to DOL response, Hopefully they should get it by now.

gc_us_02 said:
Hi chags,

Did your attorney/employer receive the remand notice and what is it for ?

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lcwaiting said:
check out the following #s, they all arrived at dol in april 2004, but have been certified. i am really confused. :confused:



They all arrived at DOL on Aug.23,2004, but have beed Certified!!!!??
Atlanta Region Processing Times

My LC Application has been transferred to regional DOL (Atlanta) in the fisrt

week of August 2004. How long Will I have to wait for the Decision on


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