Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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How often is AVM updated

To the guys who got certified, can you let us know how frequently they are updating the AVM.
No updates on my side yet... Last I was asked to wait for 5-6 weeks so I guess another 2 months wait for me. I think I should hear back somewhere in Sept..

gc_sc said:
aj2004 are there any updates on ur front ? Looks like DOL is clearing the RFE / NOF cases with a higher priority then the received cases.
My timeline for NOF was similar to MSHOOR.

Reason :
1>Missing 'copy' of advertisment
2>Addvert mentioned Bachelor + 5 yrs required, according to DOL Add should also have mentioned MAsters + experience accepted. Lawyer argued that the text in the add was sufficient.
I remember seeing the list of documents required for 140/485 filing in this forum. can someone point me to the thread please.
Thanks for the update mhsoor and singh244.

I think it will be better to track all these RFEs & NOFs as a document. I created one file for this. All NOF and RFE guys, Please update this attachment with related information. It will be helpful for us in the future.

Labor Status not showing complete..


I have my Employeer ID and Case #. I Checked my status at . The status just says,
11/19/2003= Case Ready to be Included in Batch
7/14/2003 Letter Acknowledging Receipt of Application.

While 5 others that submitted along/after with me, the status shows

12/16/2003 Case Transmitted to USDOL
12/10/2003 Letter Acknowledging Transmission
11/24/2003 Case Ready to be Included in Batch
7/16/2003 Letter Acknowledging Receipt of Application by Sandra Stafford

Which means they have been transmitted to USDOL.

I also did not get any letter of transfer of case to regional office. Can any one tell what could have happened?

Please reply me ASAP.

Thanks alot.
Your case is ready to be sent to USDOL or batch already sent.
Once ATL DOL receive the batch, they will acknowledge and your case will also say "case transmitted to USDOL". In a week or so... it will change. dont worry.

LabCheck75 said:

I have my Employeer ID and Case #. I Checked my status at . The status just says,
11/19/2003= Case Ready to be Included in Batch
7/14/2003 Letter Acknowledging Receipt of Application.

While 5 others that submitted along/after with me, the status shows

12/16/2003 Case Transmitted to USDOL
12/10/2003 Letter Acknowledging Transmission
11/24/2003 Case Ready to be Included in Batch
7/16/2003 Letter Acknowledging Receipt of Application by Sandra Stafford

Which means they have been transmitted to USDOL.

I also did not get any letter of transfer of case to regional office. Can any one tell what could have happened?

Please reply me ASAP.

Thanks alot.
Backlog reduction for Labor certification.. Finally!!

"07/20/2004: Labor Certification Backlog Reduction Regulation Release Imminent, 07/21/04

AILA has learned that the DOL will release this regulation probably on July 21, 2004. AILA has also obtained a copy of the regulation which will be released as the Interim Final Regulation. The regulation will be implemented in 30 days from the date of publication in the federal register. The regulation is very short and does not go into the details. The skeleton of the backlog reduction are as follows:
The Chief of Foreign Labor Certification, William Carlson, is designated as the "National Certifying Officer." This Officer has two authorities under the regulation:
Determination of which existing cases at the state offices and the regional certifying officers offices should be transferred to the national reduction processing centers, involving obviously the decision to transfer when, how, in what sequences, etc. The regulation provides that the details on this issue be stipulated and released in the form of "Directives."
National Certifying Officer will perform adjudication of certain cases which the processing centers deemed necessary because of the issues involved. These cases will be handled and decided by the National Certifying Officer.
The backlog reduction centers will perform the jobs of the current state offices and the regional certifying officers offices for the cases which are transferred to the backlog reduction center. In this regard, the backlog reduction center changes from the current two-tier (state-regional) system to one-tier system just like the upcoming PERM program operation.
The details have yet to be developed and announced by the DOL as to how this regulation will be actually implemented. It is, however, important to learn that the backlog reduction job will go into operation in a month or so from now. Good news, indeed. "

Hope this helps us Atlanta-afflicted people tooo !!!
On what basis a file considered to send to dallas and philly center

is it like if the case is one /two year older then they will be sent to backlog reduction will they determine.

like for example my case went to federal DOL in sep 2003, will my file go there , if so with in how many days it will be cleared and will there be a priority date for this again ..

any replys are much appreciated
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Regional DOL with 6 states LC for Federal itself takes about 1 yr and 6 months to get near the promised land.

GOOD LUCK with the national clearance center with 50 states.

I see a big question mark on the future of our LC's.
I have 1.5 years left on my H1b, based on the 6 year limit, I know we can extend year by year after that based on the pending labor. But this week I made a pact with myself not to let these uncertainties affect me in any way. If I can live in this country great but if not thats fine too maybe that's what is good for me. I can't believe how much we let these things govern our life.

jet_2004 said:
Regional DOL with 6 states LC for Federal itself takes about 1 yr and 6 months to get near the promised land.

GOOD LUCK with the national clearance center with 50 states.

I see a big question mark on the future of our LC's.
I agree with you as i am in the same boat. True we have let this lc process take over our lives and its not the way to live.
Lately I am trying to think like you........if we can live here, wonderful or else it was'nt meant to be. Atleast we tried.

As for the latest backlog reduction planned.........everything that dol is doing seems flawed. Someone mentioned about backlog of 50 states. I agree with you dude. It may just slow down the process even more.
Each regional Dol needs more persons to work on backlogs instead of implementing such plans.

aj2004 said:
I have 1.5 years left on my H1b, based on the 6 year limit, I know we can extend year by year after that based on the pending labor. But this week I made a pact with myself not to let these uncertainties affect me in any way. If I can live in this country great but if not thats fine too maybe that's what is good for me. I can't believe how much we let these things govern our life.
hope this perspective helps

There are a lot of people in their 7th year and a good number of people
are in their 8th year of H1 or are applying for 8th year already, while in LC phase.

Almost everybody waiting for their approval in one phase or other are, I think
setting new waiting "records" every day.

It seems there is a slowdown of things with every service center and DOL's
in the last couple months.

The good news I think, the job market is better than last year and I hope it will be a lot better next year. So lets wait and see what happens. We've waited avg., 2-3 years, should not hurt much to wait few more months.

Labor Substitution

What is involved in substituting a labor? When a labor is substituted, does it have to be substituted through the DOL or a lawyer can use that AS IS for another person.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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