Atlanta GA - N-400 Timeline

Name change in N400 - TSC/Atlanta - Timelines, please!

My wife and I have both requested name change in our N400 (TSC/Atlanta). I want to know if there are others in the same boat and what the timelines are.
My wife and I have both requested name change in our N400 (TSC/Atlanta). I want to know if there are others in the same boat and what the timelines are.

I am not trying to scare you and I am sure other's will chime in but if you search for my threads/posting, you will know about my experience (May not be same for others) For us, name change via judicial oath caused lot of problems. Interview was successfully over in Apr 2007 and oath was not scheduled until Feb 2008 (That too after I opened service request and had senator involved in the process) If we had not asked for name change, same day oath was possible. We did not know that it can take this long for judicial oath in Atlanta. A friend of mine who had interview in Jan 2007 had oath in Aug 2007. Seems they only schedule 150-170 people at a time and there are only 4/5 oaths a year. When you count how many they interview per day and how many have to opt for judicial oath, you can see why there can be delay.

Keep this in mind. You can change your name change option during interview if you wish.
I am not trying to scare you and I am sure other's will chime in but if you search for my threads/posting, you will know about my experience (May not be same for others) .......Seems they only schedule 150-170 people at a time and there are only 4/5 oaths a year. When you count how many they interview per day and how many have to opt for judicial oath, you can see why there can be delay.

Keep this in mind. You can change your name change option during interview if you wish.

Thanks, N400Atl, for the fair warning. I will keep this in mind, check with the IO during the interview, and change the option, if that'll help in speedier processing.
Hi Taureen / ALL

My interview time is at 1:05 - Any scope that i could get the same day oath.

Anyone who had it at late hours manage to get the same day. What kind of questions do they ask. IS it all from the book??

My interview date is 2/21

How did your interview go today ? Did you manage to get the oath too ?
This will help me understand if I also stand a chance of getting same day oath.

How did your interview go today ? Did you manage to get the oath too ?
This will help me understand if I also stand a chance of getting same day oath.
Hey USC ..
Not a good story but not so bad either.

BAD news - My story.
Here is what happened to me
MY time of interview was 1:05, bu i reached there at 12:15 and registered. Was called in 15 minutes to the interview table. The moment i sat there, the officer said - I cant make a decision on your case today as you have "another" file open in another office. - I HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT THIS AND HAVE NO IDEA OF WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT.
He says however that "this is not unusual" - Again no idea what he means.
Anyway, he proceeds with the interview and then says congratulations you have passed the test, but i can't make a decision. Gives me a N652 and i am out of there & WAITING for a "DECISION IN MAIL" - whatever that means and whenever that happens. - Uncertainity looms again.


NOW THE GOOD NEWS - My wife's case - Same time - 1:05.
Does not get called until 2:15, meantime the people are rounded up for the oath ceremony. She comes out all smiling and she has been "recommended for approval".
Regrading the oath, they came out 10 minutes later and handed a letter to her for the oath on 2/28 - Better than the 2 month wait that some folks had.

if your time is 12:15, i think you have a very good chance for the same day oath. If not then at the minimum they will give you a letter there and then, for a date within a week or two.

i see that you have fingerprint appointment today.. please share your experience and mine is on 02/28

question on N400 application


I have GC for 3 years.

with now around 18 months wait for N-400 in Atlanta area,

Is it good way to apply before hand, in spite of the 3 years
and get a Priority Date and wait in QUeue

or would my application be rejected right away


I have GC for 3 years.

with now around 18 months wait for N-400 in Atlanta area,

Is it good way to apply before hand, in spite of the 3 years
and get a Priority Date and wait in QUeue

or would my application be rejected right away


application be rejected right away

search in the forum and you will find lot of replies similar to your query.
The application requirements for Naturalization remain the same no matter how long the processing times may be. That means 3 years based on marriage or 5 years for regular applicants, regardless if processing is 6 months or 18 months.
Thanks ATL5515 for the info. Good luck with your case. Keep us posted.

Did your wife ask about the oath or any related question to get the oath letter ?
Fingerprinting experience

My wife and I were at the Collier Road, Atlanta ASC for fingerprinting today. It is 75 North, Howell Mill Exit, Right on Howell Mill, Left on Collier Road - to the destination on the right. The ASC is at the back of a very non-descript building.

At 9:45 am, parking was almost full, with some stray hard-to-get spots available. It was drizzling as well. We left everything in the car and went in with only our FP appointment letter and green card.

When we walked upto the door at 9:55 am, they let my wife in for her 10:00 am appointment. I was asked to come back at 10:45 am for the 11:00 am appointment.

At 10:45 am, there was a long line waiting to be cleared by the security guy at the gate - who ensured that only those for the 11:00 am appt. gained entry. He checked to make sure we had our letter + green card, that we did not have our cellphone with us (leave it in the car), and asked the women to leave their handbags in the car.

As I walked in, we stood in line for another security guy who checked our appt. letter and green card, asked us to show our palms open, then gave us a simple form (name/address/phone number/A#/SSN/etc) to fill up.

Once the form was filled up (in less than 5 minutes), we stood in line for another guy to check the form, the appt. letter, green card and our palms (yes, all over again - third time now), then made some entries on the appt. letter, and gave me a token #. He also gave me a booklet (+ CD) with those 100 civics questions. Then I sat down and waited for my number to be called. By now it was 11:05 am.

My wife, who had gone in at 10:00 am, was still seated waiting for her number to be called. She was called for the fingerprinting at 11:30, and was done by 11:45 am.

It is a good idea to take a book to read. Thoroughly boring environment inside. People were all generally very tense - for nothing. No one smiled. Even those who gathered enough courage to communicate, talked in whispers - as though in a funeral. And the USCIS folks inside were matter-of-fact - not courteous, no 'please', and issuing commands like - 'Come here', 'Stand here', 'Show your palms', 'Open it, I said'... People just did as they were told with a silly grin on their faces. Some were dressed like they were at a job interview or Sunday church or a funeral; some others were dressed business casual and relaxed; some were dreadful. Even as I gazed around, people averted the eyes, and looked down, or sleep pretended to be in deep meditation. Among the several fingerprinting agents, I saw one Indian, one hispanic, one Chinese (or Taiwanese) who was always grinning, 2 African-Americans, and one of an indeterminate heritage. Very diverse workforce.

Like I said, take a book to read - otherwise you will be pretty bored'. I did not have a book - so I read that civics booklet inside out twice. I am now prepared for the 100 questions.

There is a clean restroom facility inside. Also a drinking water fountain. People tip-toed to and from the restroom - careful not to disturb anyone, least of all those USCIS agents.

My token number flashed at around 12:15 pm. I walked in, and was escorted by a hispanic-looking woman who, for some strange reason, showed a lot of cleavage. I did not mind it, but thought to myself that it was not quite professional to dress like that in a USCIS setting. She asked to take my jacket off, put the papers down, and prepare to be fingerprinted. She asked me to verify that my name was spelt correctly in the system, that the address and all other details were correct. The agent then sprayed some Windex on the FP surface of the machine, and kept wiping/drying my fingers periodically - as she twisted and turned my 10 fingers (5 on each hand, to be sure :)) and took the fingerprints that the machine dourly accepted. When she was done, she yelled "QA", and a large woman materialized suddenly to verify the name/other details and all the fingerprint impressions on the computer, and then with a flourish, OK-ed it all. I was given my FP appointment letter and green card back, asked to fill up a yellow survey form, and leave.

I looked around for Atlanta Brother's wife - her FP was scheduled around 12:00 noon - but could not spot her. I was also embarassed to go around asking the women, "Are you Atlanta brother's wife?". I hope her FP went off well.

I filled up the survey form about their service, dropped it in the box at the exit, and left.

As I left the building, it was still drizzling. It was 12:45 pm. I got into my car and drove off for luch at 'Curry in a hurry' at the Global Mall, Norcross, and then on to work.

One more step closer to citizenship!! And now the wait starts - for the interview letter.
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thank you so much for detail....

do you think should i take passport with me?

hope everything will be done soon.
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Any one else from July PD who has not received Interview letter

The application requirements for Naturalization remain the same no matter how long the processing times may be. That means 3 years based on marriage or 5 years for regular applicants, regardless if processing is 6 months or 18 months.

Anyone else beside Bobysmyth, with PD in July end and still waiting for Interview letter? Bobysmyth I hope you get Interview letter soon.


thank you so much for detail....

do you think should i take passport with me?

hope everything will be done soon.

dsmportal! You should take the following for your fingerprinting -
1. Original fingerprinting appointment letter
2. Green card
3. Passport
4. Your N400 file.

Take only 1 and 2 above when you go inside, and leave 3 and 4 in the car - accessible, just in case.

Leave your cellphones in the car too.

Men can take their purses in their backpocket; women and men are not allowed to carry any handbags or other bags inside. No cellphones and no bags.

Remember to take a book to keep yourself busy for an hour inside.

Good luck.
After a flurry of FP notices, it has been real quite on the eastern front - TSC & TSC/Atlanta. Any ILs, Oaths or other updates?
Hey USC ..


Search forum for "Dual A files" (Search button is on blue toolbar/ribbon) You will read about lot of experiences.
I had same problem. I was told about it after all the interview and all. IO told me my file is at NRC and till it reaches DO, they can not conduct oath. Took about 4 weeks for file to get to them and another week to schedule oath. Hopefully your case is also similar and your file will reach soon.