Applicants Who Filed/or About To File Form I-129f For A K-3 Visa, Please Share Your Story Here

K3 and I-130

I called up NVC last week and they told me that the NVC gets the petition handy. I will call up NVC tomorrow and find out. NVC told me that INS forwards them the K3 and then they wire the petition to Delhi Embassy.

Regarding I-130, oluyi, what information would you like to know?

US Embassy London

Does anyone know how long it takes for the US Embassy to process a K3 application from the approval date from the INS to Interview at the US Embassy in London?


Guccidkny ! ! !

Regarding I-130, what I will like to know is to find out if you received the I-864 yet from NVC and if so, did it contain the agent form and how long it took for you to receive these forms from them.

What is the I-864 form? I received the Affidavit of Support Bill on Nov. 12. It was prepared on Nov. 4, 2002 and mailed on Nov. 7th, 2002.

I sent that back the same day. I also received the agent of choice form with that (a copy of that). I had my wife send the choice of agent form signed. I filled out the one NVC sent and attached it with the one signed by my wife.

I hope this helps.



I have not received the I-864 form yet. They said I should get it soon. I found out that the I-864 form is the Affidavit of Support form.

They have already cashed my money order.

London Embassy

I have just emailed the London Embassy, they said that it usually takes 3 months for the US INS to send the approved file to them, I hope it doesn't take that long.

Also, re the Affadavit of Support, I wrote to the US Embassy several months ago asking if they had heard anything about my case, they hadn't but sent me the Packet of Forms to fill in anyway (including the Affadavit), they asked me to complete and return them so that they could open a file on me, this would decrease the amount of time between receiving approval and an interview date. I sent the forms back so hopefully my interview shouldn't take as long to come through.

Hope this helps slightly.


Response back to your I-130 IR visa. It's true even if your wife comes here on a K3 visa she can go back to the Philippines and get her green card over there at the US embassy from the consulate. Or she can go file an AOS once she arrives in the states. But an AOS here in the states can take up to 3 years to process depending on where you live. I know several people who wife is coming here to the US on a K3 visa and will apply for a green card oversea once the I-130 gets approved from INS. I believe the procedure is roughly the same as with the I-129f petetion. The only thing is she will have to fly back to PI and make an appointment with the US emabassy or they will schedule her an appointmnet. I'm doing more research on it and let you know more later. One thing for sure is that a green card oversea is 10 times faster than an AOS and it can be done even though your wife comes here on a K3 visa


I-130 petions from the Texas service center is the slowest and if you filed the I-130 at the SRC(texas servie center) this January it will take about 2 years before you get an approval. I don't know why that other guy told you texas is fast for US citizens peteion on I-130 you can check the processing times on this website and it will tell you at Texas service center on No.15, 2002 they are processing cases dated on June 8, 2001 for I-130 US citizens. Other service center are going a year faster. You should hear from MSC regarding your I-129f peteion and proceed with that once you get here you can file for an AOS or go back to whatever country you came from and get your green card thier once the I-130 peteion is approved from SCR.



Thanks for your information... but my husband lives in AL, Texas is the place we suppose to file too...we check online and yes it 's very slow. Till end of this month, we have been file for the I-130 for one year already..
Anyway, do you know how long will it take for sure for the I-129F? we file on July. and how long will it take for me to be able to go to the US after I-129F is approved?
It is kinda hard for me right now with my works, I really need to know the time when I will leave or how long I will still stay here so I can arrange my works to stay in this stage or to be a higher position.
Respond Guys !!!

I was going through Missouri Service Center aging report data on this web site and I realised that my receipt date is currently been processed. I will just like to know how close are these data relative to the time your case was actually approved. This is open to multiple responces as I know it all hinges on each persons case (I-129F).
Thanks Guys

Note: Guys, you need to update us with your processing at the consulate as I know most of you guys are now at this stage.
My I-130 is still with the NVC. That is why I am so anxious about getting my I-129F approved since it does not go through NVC.
Good Luck Guys !!!
approval rate

Recieved notification on June 13th, watched the website constantly and it kept saying, currently being processed by MSC, then got approval on Dec 2nd, so 6 months seems to be the case at the mo.



The K3 petition does go to NVC after MSC approves it. My wife's K3 went to NVC from MSC on Nov. 25, 2002. NVC reviewed it on Dec. 11, 2002 and scanned all the papers and emailed Delhi.

NVC sends you a letter right after they send the paperwork to delhi i.e. email them to delhi.

is this the same for the london embassy, will the nvc email the london embassy?
i emailed them and they told me that it takes up to 3 months after approval for the us to send the paperwork to the london embassy and then an interview date is scheduled when this is received........does ANYONE know how long it takes through the london embassy?

Please, if anyone has been through this embassy could you let me know?

Thanks and Merry Christmas

guccidkny !!!

I called INS 2 times and in both instances I was told I-129F/K3 application goes to consulate abroad from the CSC. Since you are processing your own currently, I will not be in the best position to contest your comment, see this INS site - But, you might want ot call INS yourself to confirm this. Thanks for your swift responce. Since you are processing your I-130 at the same time, don't you think NVC only has you I-130 and not the I-129F/K3 application.
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You can call INS all you want, but my wife K3 was approved by MSC and sent to NVC. I got a letter from NVC telling me that the case has been forwarded to Delhi embassy by them. They also created an NVC (NWDxxx) case number.

My I-130 is also at NVC right now. They forward the K3 to embassy if I-130 has not been forwarded. Once I-130 has been reviewed i.e. Affidavit of support and DS-230 Part 1, they will also forward that to the Embassy.


hi, does anyone know if it is better to go to a GP and ask if any further vaccinations are required and to have them before the Visa Interview?

guccidkny ! ! !

I am convinced now. How long did it take between the time I-129F was approved and the time it was mailed to consulate abroad?


My I-129F for Spouse for K3 was approved by MSC on November 25, 2002 and on the Notice of Approval it did say that the petition was sent to Consulate, but it doesn't infact goes to the National Visa Center first. NVC received the petition on 2nd December and my K3 for spouse petition was scanned into NVC system along with a new NVC case number was generated and the petition was emailed to Delhi Embassy on 11th.

I got a Notice of Approval from MSC on November 29th. NVC sent me a letter, that my K3 petition was sent to Delhi Embassy on 11th, on 16th December, 2002.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I am not sure what the process is for Fiance visa and if the I-129F for fiance goes to NVC or not.

I hope this helps.


Hello Oluyi:

In my reply above, i meant to say that "it does infact goes to the National Visa Center first".

sorry for the confusion.

Candy !!!

I checked the status of my case online. I was so dismayed to see that, INS says they sent me a letter telling me what else they want me to send to them. Let me know how far you have gone with your I-129F approval. Hope to read from you soon.