Anyone with Apr RD left


Registered Users (C)
How many people with Apr RD still haven\'t got approval. Am I the only one left ?
I still have same "Dec 29 ...resumed" message.
I am not getting impatient, but just want to know how many are still left.

RD : 4/30
ND : 6/28

You are not alone, I am still waiting for the approval and only God knows when it\'s gonna happen !!!!!!!
My information is as follows:

RD 04/16/01
ND 06/04/01
EAD approved on 07/18/01 but not rec\'d
AP received
FP done 10/09/01 scheduled on 10/30/01
No Title

I think lot of people still there waiting for there application to get approved. My RD is 4/26.
WAC 01-204-XXXXX,RD 04/18, ND 06/07, FP done 10/26,Still Waiting

PCee\'s list shows that unfortunately there are still quite
a number of us April Mailers still waiting.
RD: May 5, still Dec 29th message

Not a Apr RD, but close. Hope they keep their pace from last
I think about 40% April RDs are still waiting.

I am just wondering if there are any March/Feb RDs left.

RD: 4/23
FP: 11/28
Jan 11th... resumed
WAC 01-224-5XXXX....waiting

RD = 04/30/01
ND = 06/29/01
FP DONE ON Schedule = 11/03/01

Same Dec 29th msg..processing has resumed !
Sorry to see you guys still waiting ...

Whenever a batch of approvals would come and I was
not part of, my wife would say, at least your getting

I think this is a good philosophy, the whole batch of
recent approvals is a good sign, it means the INS is
slowly reducing the piles of AOS with RD in April and
and yours should be up for adjudication soon.
Bongo:spoke to FBI..they said we already sent ur FP report to INS electronically..means what??

pl reply this time..share ur valuble exp
me too

RD 04/11
ND 05/15
FP 11/21 (done& schd)
waiting with famous Dec 29th msg ringing in my ears :)

That means FBI received you fingerprinting and sent it to INS

However that does not say anything about the quality of the fingerprints, dont worry I think this is the process, If you are anxious you can call the IIO at (949 831 8427 to check the quality, the IIO\'s sometimes give that information out and sometimes they dont..

what is ur RD?
missing april filers


The following names were found in pcee\'s spread sheet and
these users have not been posting any message since the date next to their id\'s

All others who have not been approved have posted a message after November 2001

blue_lotus not found
congobongo 8/21/2001
wireless 2k 10/10/2001
Bessiexin 10/19/2001
antriksh 10/30/2001
bhupenderakula not found
ammu not found

I hope we can consider the above as either approved or do not visit the website any longer.

If the above people visit please respond to this message

