Anyone with Apr RD left

RD 04/03 still waiting

ND : 4/24
FP : 11/23
WAC : 01-165xxxxx
AVM still says same old message "your application receved on xxxx and it takes 975 days blah blah"
Still waiting for approval for RD: 04/16/01

I am still waiting for final approval of my GC.
My case details are:
RD: 04/16/2001
ND: 05/23/2001
FP: 11/23/2001 (done on scheduled date @SJ)
AVM updated: on Dec. 29, 2001 your FP results have been collected and your case has been resumed.......
Hope for the best.
All APRIL waiters on tracking lists, please post here...

It will help in understanding how many APRIL RD cases are really out there pending adjudication. It will help specially if all folks on PCee\'s and CIBA\'s list post their status here. Thanks.
RD: 04/05 still waiting

ND : 4/24
FP : 10/20
WAC : 01-165xxxxx
AVM still says same old message "your application receved on xxxx and it takes 975 days blah blah"
RD:4/10 ND:5/9 WAC-01-179 Waiting

I am on PCee\'s list under nameless. I did my FP on 12/28/01. So, I guess I still need to wait a few more days. I called the IIO 2 weeks ago and she said she did not receive my FP results yet.
Still waiting for approval

Can someone confirm this?

I talked to an officer and she said that although, on the 4Jan02 your FP results have been collected and your case has been resumed. INS still have to wait for the actual report from the FBI, the case will then have to sit on the shelf for another 3 to 4 months before the case can be allocated to an officer.

WAC 287
RD 08/16/01
ND 09/18/01
FP 11/08/01
FP collected 11/16/01
Case has resumed on 01/04/02
Ammu - Still Waiting WAC 01-204-XXXXX,RD 04/18, ND 06/07, FP done 10/26

I had added a second entry for my wife as we
had received our EAD approvals on different dates.
Since then our FP\'s came on the same date.

Had called the IIO a few days back and was told
that our cases have not yet been assigned to an officer.
He verified my address and said that they would send me
a mail if any additional info was required. He ended the call
with "God Bless You".

Hopefully we all get our approvals soon.
Need Information


When and How did you recieve the RFE message. Did INS mention to you about RFE, when you talked to a IIO over the phone.

I think I may have RFE...because today when I talked to IIO, she asked me to contact my lawyers for any information/status. She refused to give further info.

RD Feb 2001 and ND March 2001 pending...

My dependant\'s case is still pending while the rest of the family have got their approval three months back. Talked to an IIO but got no information from her. Pretty frustrating the whole wait.
Hi Dee Rod,

My AVM still say "On Dec29th...". But IIO office today said on my case i need to talk to my lawyers. She did not give any extra information. I hope it is not RFE. But I am worried it may be a RFE.
bwbala, I wouldn\'t start to get worried yet, just because ...

an IIO asked you to check the status with your lawyer. Others have reported getting the same response before. Its maybe just the style of one IIO who has that stock answer. But continue checking the AVM to see if you see a message change. If you are still losing sleep over it, call and talk to an IIO again. Chances are you will talk to someone different next time and it is very likely you will get a different answer :)
Still waiting....RD 4/26, ND 6/26, FP 10/20..

AVM message refers to the same "old" On Dec 29th blah blah..