Anyone with a name check pengind for 1.5 year?

I jumped into the same boat

My lawyer told me my I485 case is pending for FBI's security check also. I'll try to have my lawyer contact FBI.

Concurrently filing I140 and I485 on August 20, 2003.
AP and 140 were approved at the end of March 2004.
Finally approved on 11/24/2004

Got an e-mail that my and wife's cases are approved, but they sent RFE for a
12 years old son.
So, I got my fbi name check cleared 8 days after a congresswoman office contacted FBI (name check pending for 21 months) and approval came 10 days
after contacting Feinstein office.
Email recieved Thu, 25 Nov 2004 14:30:27 -0500 (EST).
LUD was 11/12/2004 (lawyer called on 11/11/2004) until today.
How to know if case is stuck in name check?

TensedAlways and Others

Please shed some light: How does one know their case is stuck in a name check.

My details: I-485 ND Dec 2002, EB2, FP2: Aug 2004, Last LUD change Nov10 2004.

beavis said:
TensedAlways and Others

Please shed some light: How does one know their case is stuck in a name check.

My details: I-485 ND Dec 2002, EB2, FP2: Aug 2004, Last LUD change Nov10 2004.

Call this number to find out,
For those of you on the thread, whose name check has been pending for 1.5 years, any movement on your case? Any good news here? I read too many posts about FBI can't expedite the process. Feel hopeless. Is it true that the worst case is 2 years waiting?
FOIPA with FBI , response was received in 1 week (of course indicated no records). Inquiry (Sep 27, 2004) regarding the name check - no response at all till today (3 + months). Send many emails afterwards, called their number left details and messages- so far absolutely no results !

These guys are so busy approving cases filed until march '04 that they do not have any time for cases filed in 01/02/03. That's a bogus and unprofessional reason. Why do we have receipts with dates then ?

Frankly, I do not know what stops them not to take 2-3-4 years on clearing it ! I am leaning towards mandamus action- do not see any other way.
FBI is even worse in customer service comapred to DOL or INS.
I sent three emails, two faxes for name check status in last 3 months reply.
faxed and sent postal mail for FOIPA request ( before one month) .. no reply.
Just called FOIPA and NNCP goes to voicemail, one says..system is down, call monday.
Called FBI NNCP main line..says..they are responding emails of Oct 13th. this is just the email response of your query, which is 10 weeks backlogged.​
FBI name check completed after 22 Months.

I contacted Local congressman to make an inquiry with FBI in last november. FBI replied to congressman's office and said "no expediated process can be made, and it is going to take as long as long as it take". I then gave up.
To my surprise, my FBI name check completed a week later in late November 04. Congressman's office didn't want to take the credit,
and believed it is simply a coincident, and my name chech case simply run through its own course after pending over 22 months (CSC made
the request in Jan 2003, not March 2003 as I originally thought).

During the course, I was told that FOIPA request check is different
to FBI name check. FOIPA check returning "no record" (which I did)
doesn't not necessarly mean FBI name check will be "no record".
What is the difference? I don't know. I don't want to know.

Enough is enough.
nowadays, 1.5-year-namecheck turns out to be a short period...

When I firstly saw the 1.5 years of period for name check, I thought, Gosh, how come it took so long to make it. Now, I'm praying and hoping if my name check could have been finished within 1.5 years. My name check was initiated in March 2003 and so far it has been more than 22 months. I tried every way I could imagined, sending email, fax, asking the help from Senator's office, and there is no reply so far. For the email inquiry, it has been 2 months and no feed back is coming. What could we do?!!!! :eek: I ever put a posting in this forum asking a follow-up for the cases with the name check experience. But so far, it seems that there are not so many people who are in the same boat. Maybe I am just among "a few" guys who are trapped in this long journey....
I think it depends which country you are coming from. After sept.11, they may be checking thoroughly for the cases from south asia.
Two of my colleagues from China, applied exactly same date as mine, got 485 approved 3 months back. and mine got into "detailed review" crap, maybe bcuz I am from India. (even though my name/religion shouldn't create any "suspicion").
nationality is not important

I am from china and i am stuck too in the 'check' process for more than 14 months now. we all on the same boat. from reading the forum, i found the process could take 18-24months. my lawyer says some of her other clients get cleared right away. so i guess they are randomly picking out people to do thorough checks. just wait it out.... be patient. :p
by the way, FBI replied my email inquiry saying it's pending. so it's not like they never reply like some of you assumed. they are very under-staffed. if they reply all emails then probably they won't have any time to process the name checks. :D
senator or congressman should be helpful. if you don't go ask for help, your case would be pushed to the bottom. because everybody else is asking for expedition. :rolleyes: JMHO
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I haven't seen that many approvals coming from CSC now-a-days. Is it bcuz, not many users are reporting their approvals here or everyone got stuck at FBI name check ?
Mine is also under detailed review

I am also on the same "Detailed Review" boat as some of you. I am really discouraged to see this status reply today. I am thinking it might be the name check. I don't know when they sent in the request most probably some time in Oct/Nov 2004. I have given up hope of seeing my GC in 2005 as well :confused: .
My Self
I140 RD:1/2003
Approved 10/2004( after 1 RFE).
I485 RD:2/2003,
FP: 4/03
Status enquiry on 1/2005 revealed detailed review.

I485 RD: 2/2003
FP1: 4/03
RFE: 10/04(replied same month)
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Finally got an email reply from name check program as follows:


I am responding to your email dated October 18, 2004, concerning the
name check status of you and your spouse, XXXXXXXX.

The FBI completed a name check for XXXXX(my wife) on September 15, 2004, and the results were forwarded to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS), Washington, DC. However, a review of the FBI's Name
Check Program database revealed that a request from the USCIS for you was
received on September 15, 2004, and it is currently in a pending status.
You may be assured that the immigration authorities will be notified at
the earliest possible date upon completion of your case.

I am sorry we are unable to be of more assistance to you at this time.

Sincerely yours,


As I have always believed - USCIS/INS was the source of problem (please read above). They did not send the request for my name check until Sep 15, 2004 (after receiving my wife's result they probably realized that they forgot to send data for me). I have been inquiring with them even before Sep 15, 2004 (their response was same old detailed review crap...) . I have no words for describing USCIS's unfairness, incompetence and negligence in this matter. Seems like this agency is either lawless or they are above the law.
It seems FBI concerns less for woman

My name check has also pending since September 2003 (16 months so far), it is still pending. However, my wife's case was completed in about 4 months. I will see a few other cases that stuck in husband's case while wife's case done.

Besides, I am also from China, I think FBI is very confusing about some names from asia contries.

Here is the reply I got from FBI some times back.

Dear xxx:

This is in reference to your facsimile received on June 6, 2004, concerning the immigration status of you and your wife, XXX. We received a request from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for you in September 2003, and it is still currently pending. I am sorry we are unable to be of more assistance at this time. However, the FBI completed a record check for XXX on January 28, 2004, and the results were forwarded to the USCIS.

Sincerely yours,
David M. Hardy