Anyone with a name check pengind for 1.5 year?


I am not in bay area, closer to LA. I have contacted 2 senators (Boxer and Feinstain), 2 congressmen (our local and another one where I had friend working in his office), CIS ombudsman. All of them sent requests to FBI and CSC. I also sent a letter to assistant director of FBI William Hooton.
What next step would you suggest?
dima66a said:

if you call there is some remote chance that you may get some useful information, but if you don't call it is 100% certain that they will not tell you anything
point taken :) Ok get off your ass and do something is what your saying :p
dima66a said:

I am not in bay area, closer to LA. I have contacted 2 senators (Boxer and Feinstain), 2 congressmen (our local and another one where I had friend working in his office), CIS ombudsman. All of them sent requests to FBI and CSC. I also sent a letter to assistant director of FBI William Hooton.
What next step would you suggest?

I think everyone is doing the same thing..contacting senators individually. I thought maybe if few persons can go together and make a valid point to them stating..FBI is screwing up the whole immigrant community. Not sure whether this would make a difference..but worth try! That's what Kashmir and other gurus used to do!!
I am in Bay area, name check pending since September 2003

though my wife's name check got cleared after 4 months.

It doesn't look that the whole immigrant community is screwed up by FBI. People who applied I485 in October 2004 are getting approvals. It is just several hundred of unlucky ones like us that are screwed. If we contact a senator we should do it in a way sertra2002 has suggested, emphasizing on security risks.
desi145 said:
I think everyone is doing the same thing..contacting senators individually. I thought maybe if few persons can go together and make a valid point to them stating..FBI is screwing up the whole immigrant community. Not sure whether this would make a difference..but worth try! That's what Kashmir and other gurus used to do!!
I agree with you desi145, count me in for a joint community effort.
Gurus, where can we start? any pointers will be appreciated. I have already contacted Senator for this.
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when you guys finished the finger print, did you call FBI a few days later about the status of your fp? I just did the fp yesterday, and called FBI today. The lady told me that results were returned to USCIS yesterday. Does it mean that the name check for me will not stuck at FBI?
Hi desi145/dima66a,

I agree with you on trying a joint effort to help us. I've been trying through a congressman for four months, but it doesn't seem to work. Can we start a new thread to bring more people in the bay area?

I am in the Bay Area. I support the idea of taking coordinate effort to push our cases through.

By the way, is there a FBI number we can call to check the status of name check?
Way to go guys. I am very far, otherwise would have gladly participated but what are oyu guys going to do. Just plan a meeting soem where or write a petition and fax it around to everyone for signatures. Good luck...
Hi Guys,

Just to confirm, received a mail from USCIS for an enquiry that I did sometime back, which says that "pending additional security checks.." Does it mean I am struck in name check. The reason why I am asking is that, usually people get message like " detailed review....", but in this case it is a bit different. So just want to make sure that it is name check not any other(CIA check!) check.

Please let me know
venkatram said:
Hi Guys,

Just to confirm, received a mail from USCIS for an enquiry that I did sometime back, which says that "pending additional security checks.." Does it mean I am struck in name check. The reason why I am asking is that, usually people get message like " detailed review....", but in this case it is a bit different. So just want to make sure that it is name check not any other(CIA check!) check.

Please let me know

essentially, is security check == detailed review == name check ....?????
Hi All,
I did inquiry with CSC emergency phone line on 19th and they mentioned regular status "pending name check".
The online message changed yesterday, saying.."they sent response to my query about the status."
Anyone has this kind of experience while calling customer service? I called few times before, but only saw LUD changes..never saw message change. Also received email, after the message changed.
venkatram said:
essentially, is security check == detailed review == name check ....?????
I think everything is same...I received response in email query..saying "pending detailed review". When I called their phone line..the rep said "pending name check"....everything is way of backlog in immigration.
I gave up. You guys can keep fighting. This name check is a baloni. I am not a believer of this name check. This is a loop hole. It is so random that one can utilise this randomization in research. This so sceintific that one do not the help of a statistician in randomization. Come on how can you close one file in the middle and move on to the next. Have fun guys...
Has anybody been following the news about possible Chinese terriost attack on Boston? FBI just got a Chinese in custody. It turns out that Chinese's gender was wrong in FBI's file. In addition, that Chinese has been in DHS' custody since Nov. last year. It's so ironic. Now the FBI thinks that lead may be a hoax as the Chinese woman does not have any connections with terrorists/

This name check game is the same. Don't count on anything.

Rockerontheroad :D
help, please!

My I485 was processed for 30 months. I was told that a detailed review on our cases is still undergoing. My father got a cancer recently. I anxiously want to visit my father by travelling aboard.

Can anyone tell me how to request an effective rush proceesing on our cases (I485)? by Fax, email or call? Any suggestions are appreciated.
slow485 said:
My I485 was processed for 30 months. I was told that a detailed review on our cases is still undergoing. My father got a cancer recently. I anxiously want to visit my father by travelling aboard.

Can anyone tell me how to request an effective rush proceesing on our cases (I485)? by Fax, email or call? Any suggestions are appreciated.
You can take an Infopass appt and go to your Local USCIS center and get an emergency Advancle Parole. This can be done for emergency purpose only, and you need proof for that.
I found 1 link of a person who had similar case as yours.