Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Thanks, shvili! I have a mixed feelings about my appeal as my AUSA is very nice and one of the two officials who actually showed some compassion regarding my situation (the other one is CIS Ombudsman). I'd rather see my AUSA catching crooks and criminals than defending bureaucracy.


I agree, this whole process is a horrible waste of taxpayers (including ours) money and unexcusable waste of human resources. It's a bad joke. But in terms of your AUSA, just like it's his/her job to defend the wrong side, you have a job do defend yourself, which also happens to be the right side, so please, don't feel bad, it totally not personal and your AUSA understands it!
I spoke to the AUSA on my case. The AUSA said "We asked for exedite of your case but I see that the FBI background check is still not back". Can AUSA ask for expedite ? I thought it was only USCIS that could ask for expedites. Any one with similar experience ?


I agree with Lazycis, since you included FBI as a defendant, AUSA can request the expedite directly (or ask CIS to do it) but I think it's part of his duty to try to save judicial time/$$$ and settle the case out of court. Maybe you can ask AUSA for more details, like a feedback from FBI on when they expect to get your results... Also, how about the discovery process, perhaps you can request evidence for a descovery stage?

I agree with Lazycis, since you included FBI as a defendant, AUSA can request the expedite directly (or ask CIS to do it) but I think it's part of his duty to try to save judicial time/$$$ and settle the case out of court. Maybe you can ask AUSA for more details, like a feedback from FBI on when they expect to get your results... Also, how about the discovery process, perhaps you can request evidence for a descovery stage?

The AUSA looks like does not want to litigate. He said "We have asked for an expedite and hopefully we will not have to litigate this matter too much". He just told me to wait and see what happens. I will know next week wether he plans to file a MTD or ask for extension.

I also misspeled the name not of the defendant, but of the interviewing CIS officer in my husband's complaint. I decided not to bother with it, but in your case, since he is the dfendant, and since you want to add other evidence, I think you can do it. Please read civil rules/handbook on when you are allowed to add/amend your complaint (amending is easier before they responded). But here's a format of exhibits from a member from 2 yrs ago who added number of exhibits after he filed, and all seemed to work.

The court clerk will accept everything you file, but it does not mean you can count on it. Court may not accept it as evidence or part of the pleadings. The more proper way would be to file motion to amend party to correct defendant's name, which should be no problem at all and to file motion for supplemental pleadings for the additional exhibits/evidence, which should be granted as well with no resistance. Just my 2 cents.
Hi guys,

In preparation for my opposition, I have drafted the following as the opening remark. Could you guys comment on the language. Is it appropriate to use words like "contend" rather than more assertive words? Any input is welcome.


Plaintiffs A and B in the above-captioned case, by and through Pro Se representation, submit their opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim.
On the issue of Subject Matter Jurisdiction challenged by Defendants, Plaintiffs will contend that this Honorable Court has original jurisdiction in this matter because Plaintiffs are seeking a Mandamus action to compel Defendants to perform a non-discretionary duty, which is to adjudicate and not approve Plaintiffs’ I-485 applications for permanent residency, which have been stalled due to excessive delays in the Name Checks conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Plaintiffs do not ask the court to instruct Defendants to exercise their discretion in a particular manner, but only ask the court to issue an order requiring the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to make a request with the FBI to expedite Plaintiffs’ name checks and requiring the FBI and USCIS to complete their investigations and adjudicate Plaintiffs’ I-485 applications within a reasonable amount of time. Defendants also argued in their motion that Plaintiffs failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Plaintiffs will show that the Immigration and Nationality Act establishes a clear right to relief for them, and Defendants, in unreasonably delaying action on Plaintiffs applications, are in violation of the law. Lastly, since Defendants do not dispute the facts and timeline stated in Plaintiffs’ original Complaint, which are consistent with Herring Decl. and Cannon Decl. submitted by Defendants along with their motion, Plaintiffs will contend that Defendants’ delays in processing their applications are indeed unjust. For these reasons, Plaintiffs request that this Honorable Court DENY Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss and GRANT the relief sought in their original Complaint.

Not bad. I would only replace "Immigration and Nationality Act" with Federal laws and Federal rules and regulations and mention that USCIS is required by regulations to notify applicants about the decision.

8 CRF 245. Section 245.2(5)(i) of the Code of Federal Regulations provides:

“The applicant shall be notified of the decision of the director and, if the application is denied, the reasons for the denial.”

One more thing - you will ask to grant the relief sought in your complaint. Does it mean you will combine opposition with motion for summary judgment? That's what I would do, even though it means more work for you, it will lead to quicker resolution.
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AOS - FBI checks completed

Hi All,

I'm so glad i came across this thread! But I'm wrestling with the question of to WOM or not to WOM...
My PD for my I485 is Sept 2001 (unlucky) and the PD will be current in June. Also my FBI check is complete. Should I wait some more or go for WOM?
Also should I sue only USCIS?

One strange thing about my case is, last week when I went to my APC she told me my case is in storage! (whatever that means!)

any ideas???
Thanks, Lazycis.

I have mailed out all the summons + complaints by using certificated mail+return receipt.

Best wishes,


No need to spend money for private servers. They charge from $75. You can serve summons with complaint by cerified mail + return receipt requested (small green card).
A small green card will come back to you and you will bring it to court as a proof of service. Check page 1 of this thread for more details. You do not need to fill back page of the summons if you serve by certified mail.
Well, defendants will never admit that they are just sitting on your case, doing nothing. But let's hope that they are REALLY doing now something to move your case. I definitely would not stop voluntarily the whole lawsuit till I would not see the proof of some definite action. You can make a counter offer to AUSA, suggesting that s/he should ask the court an extension of 30 days if USCIS and FBI is really moving now on your case and you will be gratefully not oppose this extension. You also can tell AUSA that you are willing to sign a joint stipulation to dismiss your case as soon as USCIS adjudicated your application.

Paz, your contribution and helpful advise is always appreciated , Thank you.

I will keep you all posted of any progress.
New Citizen

Hi all,

On friday I took the oath and became a citizen of the United States of America and today I got my new Passport ;) (long waits on both though)
I wouldn't have got here without the help of this forum. I am one of the few ones that were here when Publicus created this threat. My name check was pending for about 3 years and got resolved when I filed a lawsuit...

I want to thank everyone here for contributing, in particular Publicus (I don't know if he's still visiting this forum) and Paz who helped me with preparing my complaint.

As promised, I will post my time line and details on how I communicated with AUSA in the next few days. My AUSA was great very helpful and very cooperative, things wouldn't have gone better.

Now I can relax finally and use my new Passport for my trip to Spain in

Good luck everyone.
The parties are reminded of their obligations under Rule 26(f) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and all parties are directed to make the disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no later than five days before the above scheduled conference.

Failure to make the required disclosures may result in the imposition of sanctions pursuant to Rule 37(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.


Judge Name
United States Magistrate Judge
May 17, 2007

Paz , one more thing please ,

Since the judge orderd ( as per my understanding ) a discovery under FRCP 26, I have 2 questions ?

1. What disclosures should I ask from USCIS and FBI ?
2. What Disclosures should I produce to the Judge ?

Thank you for your help.
The parties are reminded of their obligations under Rule 26(f) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and all parties are directed to make the disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no later than five days before the above scheduled conference.

Failure to make the required disclosures may result in the imposition of sanctions pursuant to Rule 37(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.


Judge Name
United States Magistrate Judge
May 17, 2007

Paz , one more thing please ,

Since the judge orderd ( as per my understanding ) a discovery under FRCP 26,and if my case is not resolved by the court date , I have 2 questions ?

1. What disclosures should I ask from USCIS and FBI ?
2. What Disclosures should I produce to the Judge ?

Thank you for your help.
Time Line and experience

Filed first N400 June 2004
After Infopass inquiry, Finger Prints done June 2005
Interview August 1st 2005 - Name check
Contacted Congressman, FBI and Immigration many times between Augst 2005 and Feb 2007
changed addresses 4 times since June 04 with AR-11 and calling service center.
Filed a Foipa with clean result April 06
Knew thru Congressman that background check was initialized on July 13, 2004 and is still pending with FBI
Filed a second N400 April 26, 06
Fingerprint for second N400 May 19, 06
My Mom's Church sent a letter to George Bush Sept 20, 06 - the church got a letter back from the President saying they forwarded the request to the Department of defense.
Asked for withdrawing of second N400 on Dec 12, 06 - never heard back from them.

Filed an 1447(b) in NJ on Feb 26, 2007
Tow weeks later, called the USA office in NJ and asked for the name of AUSA assigned to my case
A month later (around March 26) called AUSA and left her a message. She called back. During the conversation she mentioned that I qualify for expedited Name check. I did not ask further about it but asked for her email.
The next day I sent her an email with my contact and asked her about what she mentioned. She said that she already asked immigration to request an expedited Name check.
two weeks later (mid April) sent an email to AUSA to check on status of Name check. Name check was not cleared.
10 days before deadline, AUSA said that she will file an MTD (which is the default action they do now) because she doesn't know when it will be cleared. I asked if we can extend the deadline.
We agreed on one month extension
May 7, I sent her an email to check on status, she said she will ask immigration and get back to me. She never did.
May 14, I sent her another email. she replied later during the day that they scheduled my oath for May 25.
May 25 got Naturalized in Newark, NJ
May 29 applied for Passport at NYC passport agency, got my passport on the 30th
Hi All,

I'm so glad i came across this thread! But I'm wrestling with the question of to WOM or not to WOM...
My PD for my I485 is Sept 2001 (unlucky) and the PD will be current in June. Also my FBI check is complete. Should I wait some more or go for WOM?
Also should I sue only USCIS?

One strange thing about my case is, last week when I went to my APC she told me my case is in storage! (whatever that means!)

any ideas???

No sense to file WoM if your PD is not current.
Wait a little bit until it becomes current and make inquiry with USCIS. You should get your GC within a month or so. Are your FP current? I understand you are tired of waiting but if FBI check is complete, the process should move quick for you. If you do not get your GC pretty soon, consider filing WoM, one of the forum members (anybody remember Bushmaster?) became a citizen only after he filed WoM, even though his name check was long complete. Sue USCIS, DHS and US AG.
I would not worry about "storage" thing, it's just another meaningless excuse from USCIS.
The court clerk will accept everything you file, but it does not mean you can count on it. Court may not accept it as evidence or part of the pleadings. The more proper way would be to file motion to amend party to correct defendant's name, which should be no problem at all and to file motion for supplemental pleadings for the additional exhibits/evidence, which should be granted as well with no resistance. Just my 2 cents.

Do you think that my misspelling of the interviewing officer last name is also a reason to amend teh complaint? I used his name 5+/- times when explaining his communication with my husband and our calls to him. I thought it is not a problem bacause I didn't even need to mention him by name, as the interview result form is an exhibit and he isn't a part of the suit. So I decided not to correct it. Do you think I should?

Also, whould you please comment on another issue: when we filed the complaint the court clerk said that she would not stamp summons for AUSA and kind of indicated we can just serve AUSA with a copy of defendants' summons. So I did just that but I forgot to request the AUSA clerk to sign for service. The AUSA secretary later said, our case was assigned to Olsen and it's a waiting time now. When I filed proof of service with the court last wk., I noticed on dockets that most filed complaints serve AUSA with their own summons/file proof of service for him/her. I wasn't able to do it as clerk refused to stamp summons for AUSA and it is logical as AUSA is not a defendant. So with the court I filed an affidavit and signed it that "I hand -delivered the copy of ...... to the US Attorney office on---(date) and served it to the clerk named --- (I got the name of the AUSA clerk) on ---date". This affidavit was filed with court in several attorney cases, so I just followed the example. There's nothing in handbook/rules on this topic, so would you (and anybody who can) please comment on it?
The judge today responded to our opposition to MTD favourably :) and noted a few examples. But felt that the court did not have the wherewithall to check on someones background so they remanded it back to the USCIS!!!:mad:
I filed my lawsuit in Nebraska where I have lived for over 18 years lawfully and always in compliance! :confused:


N400 Jan 2004
Interview May 2004
Filed 1447 Jan 2007
30 day extension by ausa then MTD
Filed opp to MTD April 2007
May 2007 - Judge ruled


this is the reason I decided to file not only 1447(b) but WOM in my husband's case. As you can see, he aslo had his interview in May/04, but reading on many cases where judges just remanded cases back to CIS without any meaningful instructions, I decided that we should avoid it at all costs and the only possible thing is to request judge to compel gov-t to complete nc and process within a certain time. Of course, without this you're back on the square one. We're still waiting to see what happens on this, but I feel better filing this way.

On the other hand, one of the members (Riz) had the same thing happen to him but his case got approved within a couple of months anyway (read posts from March/07) as CIS started to move when he filed his suit. So hopefully the same will happen to you.

Please don't give up unless you're approved!
Do you think that my misspelling of the interviewing officer last name is also a reason to amend teh complaint? I used his name 5+/- times when explaining his communication with my husband and our calls to him. I thought it is not a problem bacause I didn't even need to mention him by name, as the interview result form is an exhibit and he isn't a part of the suit. So I decided not to correct it. Do you think I should?

Also, whould you please comment on another issue: when we filed the complaint the court clerk said that she would not stamp summons for AUSA and kind of indicated we can just serve AUSA with a copy of defendants' summons. So I did just that but I forgot to request the AUSA clerk to sign for service. The AUSA secretary later said, our case was assigned to Olsen and it's a waiting time now. When I filed proof of service with the court last wk., I noticed on dockets that most filed complaints serve AUSA with their own summons/file proof of service for him/her. I wasn't able to do it as clerk refused to stamp summons for AUSA and it is logical as AUSA is not a defendant. So with the court I filed an affidavit and signed it that "I hand -delivered the copy of ...... to the US Attorney office on---(date) and served it to the clerk named --- (I got the name of the AUSA clerk) on ---date". This affidavit was filed with court in several attorney cases, so I just followed the example. There's nothing in handbook/rules on this topic, so would you (and anybody who can) please comment on it?

I dont think there is any need to amend the complaint for spelling. As far as the AUSA serving goes just call the US attorneys office and ask the civil process clerk that you served them by hand on <date> an dthe name of the officer you served to and ask them if they can give you a receipt indicating the date they received it if you go to the office. Generally they should be able to do this. You can take this and file with court. As an additional proof of service
I dont think there is any need to amend the complaint for spelling. As far as the AUSA serving goes just call the US attorneys office and ask the civil process clerk that you served them by hand on <date> an dthe name of the officer you served to and ask them if they can give you a receipt indicating the date they received it if you go to the office. Generally they should be able to do this. You can take this and file with court. As an additional proof of service

I agree with lotechguy on both points.
Affidavit is good enough as a proof of service to AUSA but if you want an additional proof, you can do that. It makes some sense to do it just in case as 60 day count starts from the day of service to AUSA.
Technically, your clerk is right - it is not required by FRCP to issue summons for AUSA.
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Hi all,

On friday I took the oath and became a citizen of the United States of America and today I got my new Passport ;) (long waits on both though)
I wouldn't have got here without the help of this forum. I am one of the few ones that were here when Publicus created this threat. My name check was pending for about 3 years and got resolved when I filed a lawsuit...

I want to thank everyone here for contributing, in particular Publicus (I don't know if he's still visiting this forum) and Paz who helped me with preparing my complaint.

As promised, I will post my time line and details on how I communicated with AUSA in the next few days. My AUSA was great very helpful and very cooperative, things wouldn't have gone better.

Now I can relax finally and use my new Passport for my trip to Spain in

Good luck everyone.

akram88, enjoy your trip to Spain. It is a place where I always wanted to go, and I know that one day I will visit that country.
The parties are reminded of their obligations under Rule 26(f) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and all parties are directed to make the disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no later than five days before the above scheduled conference.

Failure to make the required disclosures may result in the imposition of sanctions pursuant to Rule 37(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.


Judge Name
United States Magistrate Judge
May 17, 2007

Paz , one more thing please ,

Since the judge orderd ( as per my understanding ) a discovery under FRCP 26,and if my case is not resolved by the court date , I have 2 questions ?

1. What disclosures should I ask from USCIS and FBI ?
2. What Disclosures should I produce to the Judge ?

Thank you for your help.

At this point you should confer with AUSA and agree in a discovery plan. It will most likely a disagreement because the government doesn't like discovery, usually they are reluctant to produce any documents. You still should ask the followings:
1. your full Alien file
2. detailed timeline what actions, when and who took to resolve your case
3. the reason why your name check got stuck and not cleared like 99% of the cases processed in less than a year after requesting the name check
4. a declaration from the FBI NNCP to explain why you are still stuck when they always claim that they process cases 'first in - first out' and what is the explanation that the currently adjudicated cases where filed in your district X months (years) after you filed your application.

You can mention that you are aware that certain parts of the requested documents may contain classified information but you still insist to produce that for the court so the judge can review them under seal during an "in camera" review (where you will be excluded).

I don't think that you have to produce anything, assuming that all the documents which support your case are already exhibits in your complaint.
I agree with lotechguy on both points.
Affidavit is good enough as a proof of service to AUSA but if you want an additional proof, you can do that. It makes some sense to do it just in case as 60 day count starts from the day of service to AUSA.
Technically, your clerk is right - it is not required by FRCP to issue summons for AUSA.

Lo and Lazycis,

thank you for your answers! I'll probably do that-print a simple receipt form and take it to the AUSA and request to sign it. Actually, at the time of service I had a yellow pad and the clerk signed on it, but somehow I managed to lose it:mad: So hopefully she won't mind to sign it again, more properly.

Good luck you to guys!!!