thanks again Lazycis,
what kind of documents do I need to bring with me to the ceremony conerning the ticket ?
If you decide to answer "yes", just bring the ticket with you, it should have a court date on it. I doubt it will hold up your oath.
thanks again Lazycis,
what kind of documents do I need to bring with me to the ceremony conerning the ticket ?
and today is 60 days and nothing . I need some help
Hi guys, I need your help. I've problem before with USCIS in regard of pending FBI name check, I filed a mandamus and finally got approved last year after pending for 4 years
Is there a way to get some times reduced so I can get my citizenship application earlier, it just doesn't make sense that I have to be punished because of their incompetence.
There's also another case. My mom is an asylee, she has applied for green card at the same time with my case. Her FBI background check and name check are cleared, however USCIS philly can't approve her case since her application is in Virginia. We have asked both USCIS Philly and Fairfax, VA, to get her application sent to Philly with no avail up to now. We're considering another mandamus. Since it's a bit different than mine (mine is because of FBI name check),
do you guys have any draft I can use?
Which law or cases should I cited for this mandamus?
You may want to take an infopass and talk to IO. They may be able to put your in the queue on the spot.
Thank you Lazycis .. I almost done that today but I chickened out .. I will see if there is anything available tomorrow and do it ..wish me luck
Good luck! Be strong and of good courage, it's nothing to be afraid of. The worst that can happen is that you'll continue waiting in the queue.
Your calculations are basically correct.
Two things:
- 10 day count start from the entry of judgment (which could be the next day after the entry of order, check your docket)
- if you received an order by mail, you get an additional 3 days.
Thanks, lazy! All stuff was entered on 03/30 so I have to start counting on the next day (03/31) - no additional days available. Also, can I still e-file or have to go to the court to file now?
Always appreciated...
That is true. I could not find any open times for tomorrow. I made an appointment for Thursday, would that give them enough time to add me to Friday's ceremony you think ?
Hi Lazycis,
I have question concerning the plaintiff name. Do I need to put my wife's name as plaintiff also? I am the primary applicant of the I-485 and my wife is the derivation beneficiary. Also do I need to put the FBI on the defandants list? I was told both me and my wife's name check were already cleared when I did infopass at local office.