Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Need Address of Director, Texas Service Center

I am preparing for a WOM and need an address of Director, Texas Service Center to serve him. On USCIS web site too many addresses are listed for Texas Service Center...basically they are all for different type of petitions you may file...

Any one has it handy who filed WOM in Texas ? could you please post it or head me the right direction ? Thanks !

I didn't file in Texas but lvla has filed in TX.

David Roark, Director,
USCIS Texas Service Center
4141 St. Augustine Rd.
Dallas, TX 75227

The current TSC director is David Roark.

Here are the addresses of most common defendants.

I am preparing for a WOM and need an address of Director, Texas Service Center to serve him. On USCIS web site too many addresses are listed for Texas Service Center...basically they are all for different type of petitions you may file...

Any one has it handy who filed WOM in Texas ? could you please post it or head me the right direction ? Thanks !
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A. The parties conferred on September 24, 2008. Because this action is brought under the APA, the case will be decided on the administrative record, and discovery is not appropriate. Accordingly, the parties are exempt from the initial disclosure requirement. Defendants will file a copy of the administrative record and provide a copy to Plaintiff when their Answer is filed with the Court.
Help with Joint Status Report

I have done a conference with the AUSA recently and she prepared the JSR for me to sign. Everything seems ok except for this one item that I am not sure of. Can someone comment on it? FYI, I use the Wiki sample which includes(Mandamus Act); (federal question jurisdiction) and (Administrative Procedure Act “APA”); and (Declaratory Judgment Act). 2. Thanks!

The parties conferred on September 24, 2008. Because this action is brought under the APA, the case will be decided on the administrative record, and discovery is not appropriate. Accordingly, the parties are exempt from the initial disclosure requirement. Defendants will file a copy of the administrative record and provide a copy to Plaintiff when their Answer is filed with the Court.

A sample that I found has the following.

a. The FRCP 26(f) conference took place on September 24, 2008 and the FRCP 26(1) initial disclosures were filed on October 3, 2008.

b. Discovery may include interrogatories, requests for production of documents, and depositions. The parties reserve their rights to conduct additional discovery within the scope and limits set forth in the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure, including, but not limited to, interrogatories, further requests for production, depositions not specifically identified herein,
and expert witness discovery.

c. At this time, the Plaintiff and Defendant do not see any changes that should be made to the limitations on discovery imposed under the Federal and Local Civil Rules.

d. At this time, the Parties are not aware of any steps that should be taken to minimize expense.

e. At this time the Parties are not aware of any orders that should be entered by the Court; Plaintiffs will be moving for an order to Show Cause.
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jefkorn / lazycis and all others,

I don't know if you remember, I asked for help a couple of months ago regarding my case. I wanted to update that I did file a write on the 25th of august.. and got my case approved on the 12th of sept.. I wanted to give you guys credit and show my appreciation for your guidance and help.

From AILF, following section deals with discovery to develop administrative record if it's not sufficiently developed for court to make a decision. In your case, looks like the AUSA is planning to submit what's currently available regarding your AOS with USCIS to the court when AUSA files the answer to your complaint, without going through discovery.
9. Discovery
• Can discovery be carried out against the government agency in an APA suit?
Yes, in certain cases. The general rule in an APA action is that judicial review is limited to the administrative record and thus no discovery is allowed. There are exceptions to this rule. Moreover, in any case in which there are additional claims besides the APA claim, the court may permit discovery outside of the administrative record with respect to those claims.
As a general rule, judicial review under the APA is limited to the administrative record that was before the agency when it made its decision. Citizens to Preserve Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe, 401 U.S. 402, 420 (1971); see also Camp v. Pitts, 411 U.S. 138, 142 (1973) (“[T]he focal point for judicial review [in an APA suit] should be the administrative record already in existence, not some new record made initially in the reviewing court”). This rule is particularly applicable in challenges to a decision or agency action in an individual case. Based upon this general rule, the government will frequently object to any discovery being carried out in any action brought under the APA.
There are exceptions to the general rule. The primary exception applies when there is no administrative record for the court to review, or the record may be insufficient with respect to the claims in the suit. Such an incomplete record “may frustrate judicial review,” Voyageurs National Park Assoc. v. Norton, 381 F.3d 759, 766 (8th Cir. 2004), and discovery may be necessary to supplement the agency record. See also Animal Defense Council v. Hodel, 840 F.2d 1432, 1436 (9th Cir. 1988) (court may inquire outside the record when necessary to explain the agency’s action or when the agency has relied on documents not in the record).
This often will be the case where the suit challenges a pattern or practice of agency decisions or action, rather than the decision in one individual case. In such pattern and practice cases, there is not a single agency record to be reviewed and the court may permit discovery.
Even in individual cases, however, discovery may be necessary to supplement the agency record. To remedy an incomplete or inadequate record, the district court may allow discovery, although the court may narrowly tailor the scope of discovery to respond to whatever is missing in the agency record. Voyageurs National Park Assoc., 381 F.3d at 766. In particular, the Supreme Court has said that inquiry into the mental processes of the agency decision-maker is to be avoided unless it is “the only way there can be effective judicial review.” Overton Park, 401 U.S. at 420.
For example, in an APA challenge to the denial of a marriage-based visa petition for alleged fraud, the plaintiffs sought to depose two agency employees engaged in the investigation of the visa petition. Sabhari v. Cangemi, No. 04-1104 ADM/JSM, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 3550 (D. Minn. 2005). The plaintiffs argued that these depositions were necessary because the record was incomplete in that there was no contemporaneous administrative record to explain why USCIS deviated from its normal practices and procedures when investigating the marriage petition. Id., 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 3550, *6. The district court agreed with this, but more narrowly tailored the discovery, ordering that the defendant USCIS was to submit the information that plaintiffs sought in affidavits rather than by deposition. Id.
A. The parties conferred on September 24, 2008. Because this action is brought under the APA, the case will be decided on the administrative record, and discovery is not appropriate. Accordingly, the parties are exempt from the initial disclosure requirement. Defendants will file a copy of the administrative record and provide a copy to Plaintiff when their Answer is filed with the Court.
You are welcome. Way to go Shakil, you did it.
jefkorn / lazycis and all others,

I don't know if you remember, I asked for help a couple of months ago regarding my case. I wanted to update that I did file a write on the 25th of august.. and got my case approved on the 12th of sept.. I wanted to give you guys credit and show my appreciation for your guidance and help.

The AUSA assigned to my case is supposed to file government response by 5pm tomorrow (Monday, Sept 29).

China/India EB2 FY08 visa quota were already consumed. USCIS has been assigning unused EB1 visas and ROW EB2 visas which can be spilled over to EB2. However, lately these visa numbers have been withheld from C/I EB2 applicants (DOS sent an internal memo about this in late August) due to increasing ROW EB-2 demands. However, only two working days are left for this fiscal year, and just as the usual practice of USCIS and DOS, some of these unused numbers will be wasted by the end of this month, rather than given to C/I EB2. I guess USCIS/DOS will use this "visa number unavailable for C/I EB2" excuse as the response to my case.

I am preparing a visa number argument for this as a pre-hearing brief which I intend to submit after the government response (if the response is about visa number unavailability as discussed above), hopefully before the judge makes the ruling. Does this sound like a good practice? Thanks!

And is this a good time to also file the Discovery request after government's answer? Thanks!
I praise all of you for your determination! Please help a new guy: it has been 1 year since my naturalization interview and still no answer from USCIS. I run a very busy schedule at work - if I hire a lawyer and sue under WOM - how much of personal involvement (going to courts, etc) should I expect? Also, did anybody experinced any type of retaliation from CIS if the lawsuite is filed against them? Thanks all.
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I praise all of you for your determination! Please help a new guy: it has been 1 year since my naturalization interview and still no answer from USCIS. I run a very busy schedule at work - if I hire a lawyer and sue under WOM - how much of personal involvement (going to courts, etc) should I expect? Also, did anybody experinced any type of retaliation from CIS if the lawsuite is filed against them? Thanks all.

It's an easy case as you have had an interview. Expect minimal involvment if you hire a lawyer. Lawyer will go to court, you only need to provide copies of documents (N-400 receipt, etc.). If you sue, you will get a decision within 1-2 months. Ask for your oath to be expedited if application is approved.
They certainly can, the real question is is anyone of those are accurate and will they satisfy you as the applicant who has to continue waiting. I agree with lvla, USCIS esp. the customer service folks can contrive any "reason" for the delay and it would be vague enough to keep you guessing. So I would say, go ahead and check with them but don't put too much stock into it.

I took an infopass today and they said my name check is cleared July 31st 2008. I told them my priority date is current now and the person didnt have an answer why its delayed. She said she will send an e-mail to TSC. Tomorrow is the last day.

My question is can they approve the case even if the visa numbers are not available ( coz after tomorrow no idea when it will become current )
lazycis, jefkorn and others

Here comes the government response, filed right before the deadline. The response is just as I expected, basically saying China EB2 visa is no longer available despite the current PD on VB bulletin.

The fact is there should still be unused EB1 and ROW EB2 numbers which will be wasted by tomorrow. These numbers have been used for C/I EB2s during the past months. In late August, DOS estimated there will be increasing ROW EB2 demands, and issued a memo to suspend assigning visa to C/I EB2. Oppenheim (see Appendix 2) is the person at DOS who is responsible for monthly visa bulletin.

I still plan to file a response overnight tonight...asking USCIS/DOS to state if there are still unused FY08 EB1 or ROW EB2 visa which should be assigned to my case and if not, such numbers will be wasted by USCIS. According to INA Section 202(a) and INA 203 (b) , EB1 and ROW EB2 can be spilled over to C/I EB2 and these numbers may be made available without regard to the annual “per-country” limit. And congressional intent is to utilize the visa numbers to the maximum extent.

This is the main argument I could think of. I would also add that USCIS have approved cases with priority dates later than mine since August. This statement will require discovery of materials, as well as if there are still unused EB1 or ROW EB2 numbers.

I have no time left. The judge probably already read their brief and made the determination. He probably won't set up a hearing. It most likely would not work but I still wanted to give it a try and submit something tonight. What do you think? Or should I talk with the AUSA?

Thanks.View attachment 17629
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Update on my appeal

Lazy and others,
So far I have updated you that Government filed to moot my appeal as my Green card was issued and I opposed the motion for mootness.
The court granted the government's motion to dismiss the case as moot. The district court's judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded for dismissal. I was hoping for more. But that is how far I could get. I do not think it would make any difference if I go for rehearing en banc. What do you think Lazy?
Lazy and others,
So far I have updated you that Government filed to moot my appeal as my Green card was issued and I opposed the motion for mootness.
The court granted the government's motion to dismiss the case as moot. The district court's judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded for dismissal. I was hoping for more. But that is how far I could get. I do not think it would make any difference if I go for rehearing en banc. What do you think Lazy?

That's not bad at all! Can you forward me the court decision? Keep in mind that court does not have to rehear it en banc. However, I was thinking about the whole issue and I believe we can make a strong case that this is a case which is capable of repetition, yet evading review. Permanent residency status is easy to lose so the situation may repeat itself in the future. The government may continue delays and adjudicate before court can reach a decision on the merits.
I took an infopass today and they said my name check is cleared July 31st 2008. I told them my priority date is current now and the person didnt have an answer why its delayed. She said she will send an e-mail to TSC. Tomorrow is the last day.

My question is can they approve the case even if the visa numbers are not available ( coz after tomorrow no idea when it will become current )

Lazy.Jefk and others, any feedback for tomorrow please