Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Mr LA said:
Do u see when you are stress what can stress do to you, you don’t think !!!!! :eek:
It is good though. It makes us to cover all our bases and ensure that we don't miss anything. I think your case will be resolved very soon. Good luck!
backues said:
This is what AUSA wrote for me:

Now comes Plaintiff, XXX, and hereby voluntarily dismisses this cause of action, with prejudice, pursuant to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Plaintiff states that he has become a naturalized citizen of the United States and no longer wishes to pursue his claims as set forth in the compliant.

Thanks. I'm gonna use tomorrow AFTER my oath.

tsa3400 - Protect your privacy

Mr. tsa3400,
For the sake for not revealing your own identity and protecting your privacy, please remove your name from Green Card Laura Bush v2.doc . Your name seems to appear at the end of the document.

tsa3400 said:
Here are the two letters I sent 2 weeks ago. I think it really helped. Oh and guess what I just called USCIS about my case and they said that my Case is Pending Name Check Clearance, bunch of assholes. Don't know shit. Their systems are flawed and so much money is spent. Why don't they just hire monkeys to do their jobs and work with this crappy flawed system.
tsa3400 said:
Here is my Memorandum. So what you all are saying don't take this to court and just wait for the GreenCard ? But what if these assholes come back after I dismiss my case and say that was a mistake on our part, then I'm again in the same boat with a big fucking hole and will sink again. I'll tell the DA like you said RealSuperK. Thanks

I'm 99% certain you'll be alright. You got the approval letter, you got the stamp in the passport. From what I remember, when I got the stamp, I traveled on it outside of the country and it was all good. That's as good as having a plastic green card. Still though, ask if they can push your plastic. With that kind of travel schedule, you might need a new passport before plastic arrives!

FedoraCore said:
I forgot to put the name of the us attorney on the list of interested parties. is that ok??????? if I ammend it, will 60 day clock restart from zero again

US Attorney is not on the list of the Defendants, if that's the one you're referring to, s/he just represent them as their lawyer.

You're OK.
tsa3400 said:
But before I went there whilst I was getting in the car a bird pooped on me, good omen or bad omen, I guess good omen because what I'm about to say will surprise the pant off everyone reading this.

I guess the bird who pooped on you was just thanking you for saving its life...when you strangled your cat :D :D

The morale: Next time get a bird not a cat :p :D

rob waiter said:
can any gurus post an intent-to-sue template? I would want to
use this as a hopeless courtesey as well.


My friend, please listen to me: Do not waste your time, and put your case in jeopardy;

Sue them a.s.a.p.
tsa3400 said:
Hold on Everyone, I got a letter in the mail for me and my wife saying that the Permanent Residence has been granted. But at the bottom it says Note: Your Alien Registration Card will be mailed to you within 6 to 8 months. What the fuck is that. 6 to 8 months, it does not say weeks but months. Are they still fucking with me. I'm not going to dismiss my case till i have that piece of shit plastic in my hand. Sorry for abusing so much. I'm really pissed off again. What the fuck is up with these assholes. Screw them all, I'm going to file my Memorandum, this is it. I've had it with these assholes. I told them I want the fucking card not the letter. Assholes, messing with me. I'm taking them to court I don't care. Please everyone else don't follow my footsteps, but handle your case as you see right and fit. I have them by their gonads now and will start squeezing them till I hear a whisper in the form of a yelp.

Let get ready to RUMBLE. I will be USCIS, FBI and DHS nightmare that their mothers warned them about.

After all this they give me a fucking piece of paper and not the actual card. Who the hell do they think they are. Tomorrow they can just clean their backsides with this and it would mean nothing in a court of law. I'm now going to hunt those assholes down. I don't care, if it is the last thing I do. Again let me remind you all. I have nothing to loose. My wife and I don't give a damn about this Green Card and are ready at the drop of a hat to go back to India. Only thing is my cat will have to be quarentined for 6 months and love her to death. Actually I love her more. So for me to take them to court even after the approval is my call and I don't give a rat's ass anymore. So don't do as I do or as I say. You be the best judge for your case. That does not mean, you fear those assholes. A great person once said, "In the presence of a silent crowd even a pin drop can be heard" what that means is that in the crowd(USCIS, DHS and FBI and all those organizations) even a pin drop (you the deprived one) will be heard, if you know what I mean.

"If my faith burns bright, as I hope even if I stand alone, I shall be alive in the grave, and what is more, speaking from it"

Don't kill yourself over this.

1. The card will come much, much sooner...and since my new "business" here is the "Predictions" I say that you'll have your GC before the end of the month.

2. If you go to the USCIS DO, they can stamp your Passport which is the equivalent of the plastic GC and is valid for 1 year.

3. I'm relieved that you didn't strangle your cat...but the episode with the bird who pooped on is a mystery :confused: :D
Maybe the poor bird confused you with the place where she usually goes when duty calls :D :D
Mr LA said:
Hello guys,

Do we need to list the local US district attorney as a party of interest?

I did list:
Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States;
Michael Chertoff, Secretary of DHS;
Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS;
Jane Arellano, Los Angeles District Director of USCIS.

This is new to me, any suggestions ?

Local US Attorney is not a party in the litigation. S/he is the Counselor/Lawyer of the defendants.
You have to send him/her all the docs. attached to the case, but you don't sue him/her.
tsa3400 said:
Here is my Memorandum. So what you all are saying don't take this to court and just wait for the GreenCard ? But what if these assholes come back after I dismiss my case and say that was a mistake on our part, then I'm again in the same boat with a big fucking hole and will sink again. I'll tell the DA like you said RealSuperK. Thanks

Dismiss your case without prejudice.

And invite us to the party
tsa3400 said:
Here are the two letters I sent 2 weeks ago. I think it really helped. Oh and guess what I just called USCIS about my case and they said that my Case is Pending Name Check Clearance, bunch of assholes. Don't know shit. Their systems are flawed and so much money is spent. Why don't they just hire monkeys to do their jobs and work with this crappy flawed system.

what is the ombudsman adress where the letter should go?
backues This is what AUSA wrote for me: Now comes Plaintiff said:
RealSuperK said:
Thanks. I'm gonna use tomorrow AFTER my oath.


K, why do you want to work on a dismissal document? US atty. office wants that dimissal a lot more than you do. Let them create a document and fax (or email) it to you, read it, and if you agree, sign.

This would be a normal processing, it is always done this way... And I think it is not very likely that you would be willing to work on any documents (except possibly passport application) during some time after all finally done... completely over.
qim said:
K, why do you want to work on a dismissal document? US atty. office wants that dimissal a lot more than you do. Let them create a document and fax (or email) it to you, read it, and if you agree, sign.

This would be a normal processing, it is always done this way... And I think it is not very likely that you would be willing to work on any documents (except possibly passport application) during some time after all finally done... completely over.

Actually, they did fax me over some stuff. It's whopping two lines long. So, it's already all typed up and ready to be filed... right after I get my citizenship certificate. Oh, and the passport application is all typed up too. Gawd, I'm good! ... and very very modest! :D

Suzy977 said:
Local US Attorney is not a party in the litigation. S/he is the Counselor/Lawyer of the defendants.
You have to send him/her all the docs. attached to the case, but you don't sue him/her.

Thank you suzy,
I got that :)
Thank you very much for your reply. I did miss filling the summon because of misunderstanding of the process until I saw your posting. It makes me wondering what is going on with me. So I called clerk today and he told me I need to fill out and bring in and they stamp them. I can get the form either from internet or court. I went to the court and get 6 copies(going to send to 6 ppls). Thank you and tsa3400 for the addresses. I hope I can mail it out tomorrow because the clerk said I need wait for judge's decision. Anyway, I really appreciate your detailed information otherwise I do not know how long I will be waiting. :eek:
Thanks again!
The adderss for:
Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 90258

Zip code should be 20258 right?
If it's ok without the street info, because the address tsa3400 gave earlier do not have street info? Thanks.
buggin, sorry to bother you again. Why michael chertoff and Emilio Gonzales has same street but different zip code? Please check it out. Thanks a lot.

Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20528

Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 90258
Is US Attorney General Mr. Alberto R. Gonzales be one of the defendents? I am not so sure. I think he is the boss of all local US Attorneys. Can someone please clarify?
fightback said:
The adderss for:
Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Office of the General Counsel
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
20 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 4025, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 90258

Zip code should be 20258 right?
If it's ok without the street info, because the address tsa3400 gave earlier do not have street info? Thanks.

Yes, you are absolutely right. I should have corrected it before I posted it here. Thanks for pointing it out.