Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Thanks to Suzy and Mohamed.

What I received is not the formal approval letter, it is just my 485 application form with a "APPROVAL" stamp. So I will wait until the formal approval letter arrives.

Enclosed please find a copy of the approval faxed to me today. I am writing to obtain your consent to terminate this case.
if you really have received a faxed copy of the approval letter, you can do the same too.
good luck everyone[/QUOTE]
pharmboy said:
Thanks to Suzy and Mohamed.

What I received is not the formal approval letter, it is just my 485 application form with a "APPROVAL" stamp. So I will wait until the formal approval letter arrives.

Enclosed please find a copy of the approval faxed to me today. I am writing to obtain your consent to terminate this case.
if you really have received a faxed copy of the approval letter, you can do the same too.
good luck everyone

I'd do the same. Wait for the official paperwork. Of course in my case, I also decided not to dimiss anything until I take the oath. Of course my oath was scheduled a couple of weeks after everything was settled. Back when I was going through the I-485 process, it took me around 6 months to get the actual plastic card. Not sure you wanna let your lawsuit linger THAT long....
rob waiter said:
can any gurus post an intent-to-sue template? I would want to
use this as a hopeless courtesey as well.



To be honest, I wouldn't waste your time with the intent to sue letter. Based on the experience of people on this forum, you'll either (a) get nothing back, (b) get a standard blah blah blah "name check is still pending" blah blah blah letter printed out by some pimple faced intern or (c) get some wacko letter about a denial if you sue.

In other words, just use the template for the lawsuit and file it!

Good luck!

Maine USDC filing fee

I noticed some of the litigants in this forum paid $350 and some didn't...So I decided to call up the Maine USDC and was told a $39 fee is charged for 1447b complaint since it falls under Miscellaneous filings! Aint that interesting :D
[Civil Summons (fill by myself in advance, one for each defendants and DA, so 6 copies),

If you are going to file in San Francisco, fill out only one summons. In the window where you have to write the name and the address of the defendant, write "See above-mentioned defendants." Then type up in Word the names of all the defendants and the US Attorney with their addresses, print it out, and attach to the summons. Give these two sheets of paper to the court clerk when you will file your petition.

Dear buggin,
Thank you very much for your answer. But I still do not understand about summon. I filed on May 17. The clerk stamped on two copies of my compliants and told me to kept one and assinged case number on it. That's all I get. I do not know I need fill the Summon so I am waiting the summon from the court and I have not yet to mail to defendants.

Would you please tell me what should I do now? Can I contact you through private message? Thank you very much for your help! I appreciate it!
Hi all, yesterday like every Boston Immigration Visit, I went with my wife for the EAD / Parole renewal. But before I went there whilst I was getting in the car a bird pooped on me, good omen or bad omen, I guess good omen because what I'm about to say will surprise the pant off everyone reading this. So I called the DA and asked if you heard anything about my case, he replied "No nothing yet". I then said, "Oh BTW, I am coming to the courts to file my memorandum, so he asked why ? I said because I want to give the courtsmy findings and evidence, and he replied oh okay, I said but I would like to show you this stuff before I file. And at that point he said okay fine, I'll see u once you finish with the Boston Immig. So now at the Boston Immig we met the Officer and he said that they do not do EAD/Parole here and it has to go to Vermont. I told him, when I got my Lawyer to ask Vermont about the renewals they said they don't do it as the case is in Mass. So now we had to wait from 9am all thru fucking 2 pm. At around 12pm I called the DA and said, it looks like I will have to join the 22 mill illegals as USCIS is making me from a legal into an illegal and that my EAD and Parole expire on Jul 7 06. At that point he asked, did you get my message ? I asked what message. He said Washington called him and said the case for me and my wife was approved. I said how can that be, when I checked with the Officer here he said but your 1st Name check is done and 2nd is still pending, I asked how can USCIS send 2 name checks, he did not have an answer. Anyways, i then asked the DA for sure, and he said yes your case has been approved. Morale of the story, don't ever do anything half assed, do it all the way. So when I went to the counter again at 2pm they said, we have bad news and good news, bad news we cannot give EAD and Parole renewals as we do not do it here but we can give u the Temporary I-551 stamp in the passport if you like, I asked is that a deportation stamp and she laughed till all her hair fell off, obviously I knew what that meant, and she took our EADs and Paroles and said, have a nice day. At that point I said, USCIS finally got something right and almost jumped over the counter to hugh her. But that is not it, I now called the DA and told him that the only time I'll cancel my case is when I see my Green Card (Actually white plastic) in my hand and he agreed.

So now my good friends. This is what u do, when the Anwer to the Complaint is filed, give these assholes 2 weeks and then during that time file your "M emorandum in Response to the Answer to the Complaint" and let the DA know about it and u see what wonders work for you. Don't ever fucking give up. Go all the way. Remember no one in this country is above the law, no one. Be strong, bold and patient. Now about me, I will continue to contribute for other poor folks who go thru this issues and will help in everyway. I must say the father of this thread really did something great by starting this thread(Publicious). All the DA's around the 50 states are getting inundated with these cases and that is good because now they know what these fucking assholes were doing last 3 to 4 years, eating fucking burgers and talking about their hair doo and nails and the guys officers too, don't mean to be gender bias.

About the Class Action Lawsuit. I would say let's not loose hope on that thread we will still need to work on that, I will do my best. For those new comers we need to make them aware. If I can quote something here from my own poem " What is important in life is not the end result of ones action but the journey of actions one has taken to achive what they set out to achive that should be admired and be in total awe of, because the end result is just like a flag on a mountain, what is important is what you have to do to get that flag, the mountains one had to climb, the vallies one had to swim across"

All the best everyone and once again, fuck all those assholes that mess with you but take the Sicilian approach, keep your friends close(DA) and your enemies closer(USCIS, FBI, DHS)

Never loose sight and hope "Hope is all that one has got"(Shawshank Redemption)

God bless you all and screw them all that mess with you and you will prevail and come down on them with grave vengence and furious anger if they fuck with you.
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I have not told my boss this yet, he might want me to do 20 clients in 10 countries in 2 months like he made me do it last 2 months ago, dang bastard, so mums the word for now.
After reading buggin's and other people's filing process, I finally realize I made mistake that I did not fill the summon myself which I was thinking I need to received from court that's why I am just sitting here waiting. How dumn I am!
I just talked the court clerk he said I can go to there fill the summon so I will go there this afternoon.

I remember I saw someone posted the address for FBI, DHS and USCIS, can someone give me the link if you still remember where it is? Should I also mail to General Attoney?

Buggin and all, would you please help me with all the defendants's addresses?
I will mail to them today if I can finish it. Thank you all again for your infomation without your support I will never able to do it. Thanks guys!
tsa3400, Congrats! I am so happy to hear your good news and I have been worring and thinking about you becasue if you lose this suit it's bad for all of us. So I feel so relieved. We should celebrate for you! Cheers!
fightback said:
tsa3400, Congrats! I am so happy to hear your good news and I have been worring and thinking about you becasue if you lose this suit it's bad for all of us. So I feel so relieved. We should celebrate for you! Cheers!

Here it is. Also every morning, get up and say I will win, that is what I did, no matter how long it takes. It took me 5 months since I filed, other got it in 2 to 3 months. So never loose hope and never ever ever ever worry about it, if it is in your destiny you will get it, this is for everyone, not just you, because, the good Lord might have other plans for you elsewhere, this planet to too big and too vast for one to feel really small. I'm not saying all this because I won, I'm saying this because this is what I did every single day either here or abroad, wake up and say I will win and Quote Pulp Fiction and abuse the hell out of FBI, DHS, USCIS. And then go to work. And it is good to rant and vent your frustrations, this is called sanity check, otherwise if you build it all up then you have what is called the PE (Postal Effect) and no one wants that. Take care and be easy on yourself

2 - US Attorney General
Alberto R. Gonzales, United States Attorney General
US Department of Justice
950 Pensylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

3 - Secreteray of DHS
Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

4 - Director of USCIS
Emilio T. Gonzalez, Director of USCIS
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Washington, DC 20258

5 - Director of FBI
Robert S. Mueller, III, Director of FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pensylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20535-0001

6 - USCIS Newark/NJ District Office Director
Andrea J. Quarantillo,
Director, Newark District
USCIS, 970 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Fate of S.2611 becoming a law

Last week Senate has already passed bill S.2611
Nobody could understand why Congress is in such
a hurry to make illegals citizens. :mad:

Does anybody know about the time frame of the
Senate-House conference committee.

tsa3400 said:
what is up with your case boston case, how is it going ?

Also about everyone's Name Check stuff going on. I forgot to mention that, I asked the DA how come my approval has come when the Name check is still pending, he said the Washington system and Service Center systems are not in sync yet. Ah so that is a nice way of telling you that it is still pending when in reality it was all done and USCIS will not move till they have time on their hands to resolve the case. Its like this fucking black hole that your names, all of yous names land up in and like a bucket in the well you need to get your name out of the well using the bucket and the bucket is my friends your case that you file. Remember this
tsa3400 said:
At that point he asked, did you get my message ? I asked what message. He said Washington called him and said the case for me and my wife was approved.

A BIG hearty CONGRATS to you dude!

They finally got their $hit together. Well, at least with your case.


Thank you very much tsa3400 for your quick reply and all the addresses for the defendants. Thanks millions. I will say to myself I will win from today :D and I won't give it up no matter what it takes. It's a big victory for all of us you won the case. Congrats!!!!!!!! Let's party!!! hahaaaa :)
Thanks Guys

To All,
Thank you for your congratulations and support. You are right, I won't move til asked.
As for celebrating though, once bitten twice shy, I will wait til it is done done done.

I am attaching the "intent to sue letter" that I sent out; it is not very good, because I didn't take much time with it, however, I think the important thing about intent to sue letters is to send them with a draft complaint. It doesn't have to be perfect (the draft I mean), but it has to be solid, so that potential defendants know you are not messing around.

Thanks to all for being so brave when I couldn't. I confess that it took a couple of success stories before I could shake off echoes of my 'rents old world fears.
Hugs to all,
tsa3400 said:
Hi all, yesterday like every Boston Immigration Visit, I went God bless you all and screw them all that mess with you and you will prevail and come down on them with grave vengence and furious anger if they fuck with you.
good luck man, we all know what you have been through , more thanyone else.