United 2007,
Hell, Yes, it works!!! And your own victory is a proof to that! Although the general "rule of Thumb" is to have a nice working relationship with AUSA asssigned to your case, I would stop trusting the guy/gal immediately once s/he says a miracle was involved in your adjudication.
He is lying because he tries to pass a message (with a hope you pass it to all others in your shoes)- that law suit filing does not work. When you clearly have a conflict of interests (AUSA wants number of law suits filed reduced and we hope and know it is usually the only way to press these lazy b-s), you should immediatley mistrust this him/her.
Now, it may be true that your AUSA was lazy enough or just plain lucky so s/he didn't move a finger and CIS just adjidicated your case. But still the only reason it happened is becuase YOU FILED YOUR LAW SUIT. Yes, CIS starts working on your case and sometimes even without an extra pressure from AUSA but the only reaon is your law suit. (I would believe that sometimes-not always-letters to the First Lady may speed up the nc, but to suggest that you miraculously just got adjudicated is the same as thinking that immaculate conception occured in the case of your neighbor's daughter

So please let's not be so naive.
But I really congratulate you on your victory and please congratulate yourself for doing all the hard work. No matter what AUSA tells you, you won it!